Ideas for outside strains this spring

Looking for some ideas for outside strains this spring.
What’s worth growing in fem photos planning on @Alaskagrown blueberry autos but also want some photo plants outside .
Something that will finish by the end of sept preferably. Thanks


C99 can finish in under 60 days indoors. Im not sure how that translates to outdoors


UEL (Ultra Early Love) should do the job, 42~49 days flower.



Is that a photo fem ?

Sorry, UEL is photo.


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Photo plants are fine just prefer feminized to avoid un expected males

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Here are my outdoor strains for this year…

Strains I’ll be growing for CV-19 Omicron 2022 Season

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You have a high tunnel or hoop house your putting them in or outside in the unpredictable Canadian weather?

Definitely need a short flowering strain so you finish early in the season…I know here in AK by October temps can be well below freezing as they were this year!



Daughter in-law plans on a hoop tunnel ,I’ll brave the great outdoors .


I think BOG’s gear has pretty short flowering times listed. I have not grown any yet but there seem to be various F2 runs going on.

Ah missed the fems part, I think they are all regs?


Consider Mandala Seeds Mandala #1, if you like “sativa” type highs.

They are only photo regs, but should finish within your desired time frame.

Good luck.


What about starting indoors… And then transplant outside at 4-6 weeks. Could sex a clone or just wait for the plants to show.

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I have a few MTF from 74’ ACC that I am waiting to sex (5th node now almost ready for first topping, I’ll be taking cuts for outdoors in Michigan if I get a female.
Also have a few plants I fried and drought stressed that I was able to bring back that should make for some huge bushes, I’ve been bending and mashing the top down.

so far I have bushes of
Blue Lights - NL5 x original Blueberry
Kona Gold - Island repro (member)
Master Kush - MrB
Brutal PAW selection

And a number of fem seeds I have collected…

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Damn why couldn’t I have a father-in-law like you? I might still be married!

I am planning on some UEL for sure, won that in trivia for the express purpose of outside 2022. Also gonna play with some Stuck In Plan Sight autos. I also have an Alaskan Purple Photo from Seedsman that I’m gonna take some clones from. She seems to trigger with even reduced levels of light, so hoping that translates to an early chop. She was a Fem/Photo. Also gonna play with a bunch of black cream auto seeds in the veggie garden for an early harvest and trying out some outdoor germination / sprout ideas I have. Likely toss out a few blueberry photo cuttings as well.

I have a hard time parting with seeds for outdoors though, still not legal here, so outside has to be low key. I don’t baby anything thats outside, just kinda let it do its thing. Never had any luck sprouting from seed outdoors, but I’m gonna try some autos in the ground.

Took my pup for a walk last week to scout out potential outdoor sites, and boy have my woods changed. I grew up spending days in the woods behind the house, know every square inch of that 100 acres like the back of my hand. 90% is unsuitable for a garden either being too heavily covered with trees, WAY too wet (marshy / swampy sections), too close to houses / sports fields, or too close to human traffic (hikers / atv’s). When I grew back there in college, there were 3 x 1 acre fields, perfect 200x200 squares separated by a tree line between each. Mostly chest high grass, but not having been farmed or cut in 20+ years, there was scrub brush and small bushes / trees also growing, and tons of brambles / pricker bushes. PLENTY of open sunlight, and the brambles were a great deterrent to people and animals. Fast forward to today. They are now young forest, loaded with trees with 6-10 inch trunks, and sunlight is here or there, but nothing worth growing in unless you clear some canopy and make your grow obvious. The small 1 acre swamp w/ surrounding 10 acres of wetlands, is now a 10 acre lake, with 25 acres of wetlands, as some fricken beavers have moved in, dammed up the stream and took over another huge portion of GREAT growing area (awesome soil, moist, even in the dry months of summer, the swamp kept it wet, good sun). Sigh… I’ve heard of people growing in trees, but F THAT. Just doesn’t seem possible, plausible, viable or even worth thinking about. TALL trees here (80ft plus), so you’d need to get way high to get any sun, or be cutting out tops making it obvious. Plus there’s the whole “bunch of pots hanging in a tree” thing. I have maybe 10% of the area I used to have available to try and toss up a guerilla garden. sigh… Most of the good sun exposure areas are also high traffic and close to the trails. Pretty crazy how much things grow back. That entire forest was a farm / fields 100 years ago. You’d never know it today, and I watched it literally take back those last 3 acres in the past 20 years. Even the ATV / motorcycle trails we had as kids. Only the two main trails remain, everything else has shifted 20ft from where it was, or just plain disappeared if it wasnt used enough. Trails can be absorbed in like 2-3 years, so its pretty neat to see nature reclaim things.

But them beavers? They gotta go… Impressive engineers, I’ll give em that much, but damn they screwed up those woods hardcore by expanding the swamp into their own personal lake.

Damn, I’m baked… Lucky Charms for breakfast, and not the cereal kind! LOL


I would suggest a strain that is relatively mold resistant for your area. There are a good selection of strains made just for this purpose such as Frisian Dew:


Another strain made for outdoor is Hollands Hope:


These are just examples as there are many more. The two above pictured are bred to be mold resistant and large yielders. Most Sativa dominant fast flowering strains will work outdoor pretty well.
As suggested above I would start your plants indoor for at least a month and than put them OD.
Good luck in your endeavor and if you need any advice or strains I will be happy to help!


On my window sill letting mother nature sex them then will I will revegg them…these will be for outdoor grows…

DK13 & Sour O’wreck…my homemade strains.


Talk made me go pull out the seed lineup. Gonna make hoop house and start and harden indoor first in 5 gallon.


I’d suggest Richard Williams’ Deep Warp:


Thanks everyone keep the suggestions coming , a few mentioned strains I’ve got in the vault , alot I don’t but interesting to see what is being planned for this spring .

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I got some Tropicana Poison fems from a member that are supposed to be fast. I think @BigMike55 recently grew some out.
Did you happen to get some?