Strains Useful to Alzheimers/Dementia Patients

ok. figured someone would want my research data.

so. when i started this project, it began on an old laptop. had about 9 months of research in and decided “hey… it might be a good idea to start saving some of the links because i keep referring back to certain articles and papers.” so i started documenting. about 3 months later, laptop got fried in a lightning storm. everything lost. even tried to pull data off the drive. unsuccessful.
got new desktop. got angry with myself and started taking better notes, but put it in microsoft notes which sometimes makes for difficult sharing. so bear with me.

most of the really meaty papers i read were linked PDFs in obscure places, alot were in original spanish (until the canadians got involved) so i never found a lot of them again. but i did find some and did save them away. sadly though at that time, the focus of my research had shifted to other priorities as the disease progressed so i didn’t go back and try to fill in missing pieces or tidy much of it up. i also thought it was important to have some research saved in case my door got kicked in by the DEA. (in an illegal state) i AM doing a medical grow.

what i have saved is in no particular order. i’m trying to link you all/most/some the scientific/medical articles that explain the relationship of the THC with the removal of amyloid plaques that build up between neurons and create the (brain) cellular death. these articles ~should~ be good starting points to dig deeper if you wish.
all the older stuff papers and such from original studies were tucked away in some spanish or mexican university white papers. PDF files. book sized deals. they were translated when the canadians got involved. i don’t know how or where i found them, lots of late nights just clicking links.
i also had sent a LOT of articles to my wife in emai so she could read them and we could discuss after work. if you really want me to dig through my email for them i can, but it will take some time.

otherwise, these were some of the more modern versions of the papers and research i DID save compiled in easier to read/understand formats and should be a good starting point. once the american alzheimers society got involved, things got compiled quickly as money got involved. :
but helped with links to info. there are some studies cited on their website and the dementia site also.

thanks for the interest. hope these help.