Help with tolerance

My wife has such a high tolerance to everything! She even takes month long t breaks from time to time. It takes 500 to 1000mg of edibles for her to feel it. Smoking bud doesn’t work for her, she has to pound a g of distillate/shatter/ dabs to get off., another weird thing is she doesn’t ever cough off anything she smokes, I want to enter her in a smoking and dabbing contest. But holy hell, she has to take epic amounts of everything to even feel it. I can take a 8th of cubes and feel it nice, then more after. But she grinds a zip and a half of them puts it on paper makes a funnel and downs it with apple juice…then hardly trips. same with liquid, I only need one or two drops. She takes like 5 to 7. Does she have messed up receptors…wth is going on here. It’s been like this the whole time I’ve known my wife. Any and all input highly appreciated.

Mics are usually around 500ug per drop…


She is broken. Get a new one


:laughing: don’t think so…


Lol jk.

Is she on any medications?


Seriously I’m still laughing though …

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Just some klonipin.

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That would explain diminished effects. The benzos dull psychedelics and cannabis typically.

Plus if shes eating a 1000 mg edible regularly, her tolerance would be that of a traveling funk band


She takes 2 MG. I take like 6 a day, before she was on it. This was the same deal though she just got on it a year ago. And it’s been this way for 11 years.

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She doesn’t eat them regularly. That’s just what it takes. She smoke a g of distillate a day, or shatter or wax…I’m lost here. She does have fibromyalgia


I think you’d be surprised at how much of the “effects” one would normally experience would be massively diminished with an auto-immune disorder like that. I equate it like this, personally - the effects I get from an edible (a nominal dose comparatively speaking to your superhero wife - props by the way), it makes me feel normal, but never high, you know? It could be that she’s in such pain that it’s just bringing her up to a tolerable level of being able to function normally and that’s the benefit she will get. Sometimes getting really baked just isn’t in the cards - but a more normal life - is :heart:


Thank you for that @nefrella , she has mentioned this before. She is in sever pain all the time. We are both medical patients. She has told me before, now that I remember, she doesn’t get stoned she just feels normal. Almost like she is in that much pain all the time. Makes me sad.


It’s tough for sure. I only know about it personally because my sister suffers from Lupus, and the chronic pain she’s in. My back pain pales in comparison to chronic pain issues from auto-immune. I gave up chasing the giddy, baked feeling years ago. Now, I’m blessed and grateful for the pain relief.


I mainly consume for terrible ptsd, amongst some intractable pain is what they call it… I use it as well for relief. Sometimes though I want to blast off. Then I’m actually able to. She cannot…


Yep, it sucks. It’s like being the DD at a party every time. She will (as I have had to) have to adjust expectations, and just enjoy the experimenting until it all clicks (and isn’t that half the fun). No quick way to get there unfortunately.


I’m glad you chimed in, thanks for the perspective. Also yes. It is like being dd all the time for her. Sometime well see what gets her :smiley:


No man… try flushing your sytems… the flushes they have to pass drug tests etc. Or concentrated cranberry pills are ok… but I noticed back when I was trying to pass drug tests… that these flushes seemed to lower my tolerance… may just be me… idk… but I figured it’s worth a mention… also… get the tolerance down… to where flower or oil works… try to avoid edibles as much because they skyrocket your tolerance to begin with…especially if you do say rso like we do. . 1000 mg at a time


We mainly dab and smoke herb. The edibles are here and there when we don’t have to drive and what not… we are taking infused coconut oil… we try not to take them more than once every week or two.

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Thanks though for the clean your system info, maybe that’ll work. Idk anymore.

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For sure … stop those… drink lots of water and cranberry juice… don’t do any weed for as long as you can take it… and you’ll you’ll surprised I think… those edibles truly are the death of your tolerance… even just once a week… it’s a huge direct amount right in your system… hence the buildup in your system then tolerance rise… trust me … those edibles are what it is


Alright, no more tincture for her for a while…hope it helps. Well see.