Strange ringed necrosis on leaves

hello guys , thanks in advance for your attention.
Some lower new growth are showing a discoloratiin in the form of a concentric ring on the leaves . I am growing full hydro, have 600w in leds , strain auto fresh candy and anubis from pyramid seeds. Moisture is low , using foxfarm tigerbloom at 50 % , cal mag at 10 %. temp around 75
Here are some pics ! Thanks for your help.20200810_185114|375x500


Hi there

How are you checking pH?
What pH range are you allowing? Adding back fresh water to replenish res?

My eye at a glance says pH issues.

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Thanks for your support Blowingupjake, I have a digital ph meter and my ph is 6.07, I already refilled the reservoir with clean water and left them a day on pure ph balanced water. Now I added tiger bloom , my res is 100 liter, I added tiger bloom according to instructions on the bottle just for half the reservoir, so around 50 % of the recommended dosage .
Thanks again !


Have you checked the roots? :sunglasses:


I’m with @George on checking your roots.

I’ve seen some interesting root issues show up in weird ways in leaves.

One time, I had a root go seeking moisture outside the res, probably looking for a leak. It didn’t find much water, and half of a few leaves started to fade and dry out.

I’ve never seen anything like that, not in all the books I’ve read or charts I’ve seen on cannabis leaf diagnosis, not that I’m claiming to be extensively well read. A quick online search also yielded nothing interesting.

Whenever I’ve encountered something that seems new in my DWC systems, I look at the roots of the plants first.


I am using hydroton and fabric pots , some roots grew through the fabric .but they eventually died probably because of air circulation close to the bottom of the pots.
Dug a little bit from the top and roots seem fine, only the ones that grew through the pots suffered.
I just added black plastic to cover the pots and protect them from light and air , see how it goes.
I already administered some enzimes cannazym and Also will probably administer some fungicide directly to the roots. Here is the pic of the black plastic . Thank you so much15972553333798972385602521307295|666x500

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I have not seen anything like quite like that before.
To my eye that suggests potentially a genetic issue. How limited is it?


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Hello Gpaw! It is only happening on the newer leaves 3th or 4th node , the plant has 5 or 6 nodes . Here is a pic of what kind of leaves they are . It is mostly happening on one plant but are seeing the same issue on another plant with different genetics but not as much .


Now that I’ve seen this:

my suspicions go to some kind of fungus (bothrytis, mildiu, oidio?). Can you clean with your fingers that sort of white powder?

Fabric pots are used so the roots have more oxygen and roots are pruned when they reach the limit, it is strange they cross the fabric. Covering with a plastic doesn’t seem a good solution for that reason. I would cut all the outside roots after what Pufferfishfriend spoke about his roots.

What irrigating system are you using? It is not clear on the pic:

As the problem is uniformely distributed (in ring as you said) I thought it was coming from inside the plant (bad irrigation?), that’s why I thought about the roots … :sunglasses:


Hello george1961 , effectively there is white dust on most leaves , I am not sure if it is dust or some type of mycelium from a fungus , I will spray with benomyl, see if that helps.
My irrigation is three open ended microtubes with 3 x 8 lph auto compensating drippers or flag dripper. Trying to simulate a hydroflow rainring .
Here is the pic of my irrigation setup and of the leaves with dust or mycelium on them.
Thanks for the support , I think you might have nailed it . I will post results soon .
Hope you are doing great


Hello george , although it seems like a fungus it does not look like any of the common fungi on cannabis , this might be an uncommon fungus or a problem with the roots that dried up, plants are spray now hope it works