Strange spots on the leaves

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you for advice regarding some spots that have appeared on my baby’s leaves and what I believe to be green root mold. I’ll post some photos.
Do you know what it is? Is it serious and is there a way to fix it or should I throw the plant away?
I experimented for the first time with the Sog method with 6 plants in 500 ml containers (plastic water bottle cut in half and perforated at the bottom), a 400 watt hps lamp and the 12 hour seed light technique, inside a 120x120x200 growbox with a small fan to move the air and keeping the top part of the growbox entrance open by 20% to let the plants breathe and disperse the heat.
I progressively defoliated the leaves covering the buds and by the third week of flowering everything is going well. However, I noticed these spots on some leaves that I removed (those in the photos are the two apical leaves). The other 5 plants do not have these problems.
My questions are these:
Did I water too much? Did I add too much biobloom for blooming in the water? Are the plants too close to the light (23cm distance)? Does the green between the roots at the bottom mean that the plant has developed mold and I should throw it away?
I am infinitely grateful to anyone who can give me advice


Hopefully one of these pics can give you the help you need.


Looks rootbound a bit I’d repot first then add some cal mag after the medium has dried. Should be fine just don’t repot into something too big since it’s already in flower so it doesn’t stunt the flower cycle. Imo :call_me_hand:t2: don’t give up on em.


Thanks so much for the replies.
For the green moss around the roots I found information online… the bottles being plastic allow light to reach the roots which can develop moss which competes with the plant for nutrients.
I covered the exposed part at the bottom and now the roots no longer receive light, I hope it is enough to make it continue to flower as it should and that the moss in this way disappears or is reduced to a minimum as it has no light to nourish itself with.I think the spots on the leaves are related to this green moss becouse the other 5 plants are good and healty and dont have moss in the bottom

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The moss probably consumed the Ca that the plant wants. I’d give it some Ca and see how they like it.


Can I rebalance the elements that plants need, such as calcium, in a natural way? At my disposal I only have water and biobloom fertilizer.
Maybe i have to increase the distance from the light a little too

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Gypsum if you have it, or Cal-Mag would work. Some people also make a calcium solution with eggshells but I’ve never tried it. Or you could up pot it into a bigger pot with fresh soil.


Do you have draining holes? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

Edit: I see them now, I agree with Calcium deficiency… beer3|nullxnull


that green is algae get the rest taped algae is not your friend and it ate your calcium up as well if you have algae in the bottle then its to wet maybe

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Thanks for the replies. yes I made 10 holes in the bottom of the bottles to drain the water, and yes I must have wet it too much besides the fact that the roots at the bottom received light and for this reason they developed moss, at least it’s not mold like I thought. However, the plant continues to flower normally but every now and then these small brown spots appear on some leaves. I have covered the roots well now and I hope that the plant yields a few grams at the end of the harvest. I will find out more about how to create a natural mixture to administer calcium to her. If I see that it gets worse and causes other problems, at most I will throw it away and focus on the other 5.
I understood what the problem was, thank you very very much


Water soluble Gypsum should be easy to obtain

That or bone meal, but this should be appropriately sourced, some sources have heavy metals or other stuff you don’t want, depending on your needs

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I hate to shill. But, Herculean harvest may suit your needs.

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Is there a better pic showing holes ?