Need help identifying an issue pls

Noticed some spots and discoloration in my Stoned Mensch, I’ve referenced a few books I have but to no avail. Any of you lovely growers have any insight? Any and all is always appreciated :v:


Are you in flower already? Looks like it’s rusting :thinking: which would be calcium deficiency.
That 2nd to last pic of the pinholes makes me think potassium though.

What’s the setup exactly?


What are you feeding them and how much?

Oh, and pH.


These might help you out…

Edit: But it does look like calcium deficiency.


Agree with those rust spots but that intervenial chlorosis makes me think about Magnesium instead … hum|nullxnull


I think as usual 2 problems f***ing in one, I actually have 4 leafs rusted in one plant, no pot available and she started rootbounding, that leads to nutrient deficiency, how big are your pots?

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@HolyAngel @Foreigner @darkillusion @George @TastyCrop Thank you all for the insight! So the plant is currently in a 1 gallon fabric pot which is what my initial thought was when I noticed the leaves yesterday evening, that perhaps she needs to graduate to something bigger. She isn’t in flower but about 5-6 weeks in veg. Took some clones from the plant as well so idk if that changes anything diagnostically. She’s being fed advanced nutrients currently ill try and attach the scheduling picture for better reference. Will start looking into some calcium amendments now as well! :v:


I would uppot and continue what you’re doing. 1 gal isn’t much and the smaller the pot the lower the tolerance to issues.

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Update she has been relocated to a 3 gallon fabric pot I had on stand by thankfully


Hi bud.
Amazing information.
If i watched this years ago i ll would probabily hasnt faliure


If I might ask, what made you decide to go with such a complicated nute system that has so many bottles?


Don’t feel bad I too learned the same way. I did learn a good lesson though and ended up with an 8” fat bud at the end that was a little less than a half ounce.


@DougDawson came across a package deal for it through growgreenMI and figured it was worth a shot considering price and seemingly solid reputation. So I suppose proper marketing is truly to blame :rofl: plants have been happy with it thus far. What do you usually go with? I’m always looking for new avenues to research! Also the pack came with some nifty mini baster looking things for dispensing the nutes and a nice loupe and im a sucker for cool knick knacks :sweat_smile:


@DougDawson Also upon further inspection it appears I sent the wrong chart, darn Lemon Sundae got me again lol, hers a picture of the actual chart. Lesser complex with all the same knick knacks :grin:

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Ok, I was just curious. I have one of their kits that they sent to me but to be honest never got around to trying it as it’s just too many bottles. I use GH Trio with some Epsom salt. Makes mixing so much easier and gives the plants all that they need. When I first started out I got the whole GH pro mix which was like 13 bottles and mixing nutes was like a science experiment, lol. Quickly realized that it was just marketing. By making 1 bottle of nutes into 3 bottles they get to gouge growers out of their hard earned money. Now don’t get me wrong, the kit does have what the plants need so it will get the job done. I simply don’t feel it’s worth all the work of mixing so many bottles when 2 or 3 do the same job. Just personal preference really but I no longer need this.

chemistry experiment resize


Sometimes it is very hard to resist those colorful bottles and the promise of jack’s bean stalk, but there is no unicorn sweat, pixie dust or voodoo juice not even when mixed right and stirred with a bibidbobide boo wand in a leprechauns crock to grow the monster plant we all desire. Only time, knowledge, wisdom and patience. we have all been down that yellow brick road.