Strawberry Cough

I was running 1k mh for veg. I’m curious how she’ll do with the led.


Good question.

In my experience (one shitty run) the plants love the led as long as you stay on top of the feed.

If you don’t. Well. You’ve seen the pics


She takes a minute to bounce back from stuff that pisses her off and she seems to be less resistant to bugs than a lot of plants. As in she reacts harshly, curling leaves and looking like she’s being attacked by a swarm when there’s just a few mites on a leaf.

I last grew her alongside OreoZ max yields, Slurricane 7, A&B, White Runtz, Pink Runtz, Runtz, “ECSD” and AJ… The last three and Strawberry Cough were culled. I think that was part of the second round of clone only I got to start determining what I wanted to hold as a breeder. I like her high, her smoke is solid, but it really does make me cough, and I live in a quiet neighborhood :joy:

I’d like to try her again now that it’s been a while since I last grew her, and because I was so focused on stress testing her and finding easy plants with resilience and vigor. The kind of plants that aren’t annoying to keep long term. She just struck me as that, and like so many diesel and chem. Nice to smoke, nice breeding tool, but do you want to maintain a mom for years? Nah…

that goes for a lot of clone only plants I once grew, and I can’t say she’s better than some of those more modern hybrids I ran with her. In her defense, I don’t think she ever got a good clean run, but then neither did any of the others, and some of those plants were impressive anyway.


I’d say the end result is worth the effort, finicky as she may be. Posts 15 through ~45 in my grow diary document my experience with Strawberry Cough.

I didn’t have any problems with bugs. But I overfed her (probably) to the point where a lot of leaf edges got burned. Nonetheless, she turned out some mighty fine smoke, and contributed to an EXCELLENT batch of tincture too. It’s a strong, uplifting high that lasts a good, long time.

My grow room is tiny, and I’ve got plenty of other beans I’d like to plant and harvest. But Strawberry Cough is one I would definitely grow again, given the space and the time.


Yeah can’t say I’m surprised there :sweat_smile:
I’d bet on most that grow her out to end up tossing her. Idk anyone personally that had her and didn’t toss her. I’m unsure how she’s even still around after all this time, other than all the (imo, misplaced) hype around her. It’s okay i guess, better than brick and different than cookies… but I’d rather have almost anything else instead. There’s no real strawberry, and it definitely makes you cough. I’d rather smoke Blue Dream for the rest of my life before I’d bother with Strawberry Cough again.


Is Strawberry Cough the one with the story from Kook Kushman about it growing in or next to a strawberry field/patch for years, so it took on the strawberry flavor and all of that?


Guess i’ll cross SC off my list lol


The story I remember Kushman himself stating on some video interviews in the past was, he was given clones in a box and took them home. When he got home he smelled the cuts in the box and it smelled like strawberries. When he flowered them out it made you cough, so he called it Strawberry Cough.

I do see this, to me newer, story about some Vermont grower growing ‘Strawberry Fields’ in a strawberry patch in vermont and him giving seeds to kushman, kushman growing those and crossing it to The Cough to make it, but… I can’t ever remember that coming out of kushman’s own mouth.

AFAIK, kyle kushman never bred anything.


bout 17 minutes in, Kyle says dude already had Strawberry Cough growing, named, and harvested, gave him his first bud of it and a clone

19 minutes in saying he got the bag home, not a box my bad there, and it smelled like strawberries. But it was already called Strawberry Cough when he got it. He just promoted it.


Greetings @HolyAngel

Just seeing Kushman speak of Strawberry Cough, makes me want to share this Straw Cough cross, info with You.

For years one of my favourite strains has been and still is, a strain with a Messed-up name.

Mostly because my nickname for a time was Bilbo… I went out on a Limb and bought this Txerri (cherry) Bilbo Haze from. Genehtik Seeds.

It features STRAWBERRY COUGH & SUPER SILVER HAZE; its frickin dangerous good.

Not sure if you or anybody reading has heard of it, or worked it before, but I’ve came Across a Small bag from 2022, and its knocked my head off and still has a Twangy funky taste; and 4 seeds!

Thought I’d share that strawberry cough Reminder of how quietly that strain is sitting there, in Europe!!!

Well worth checking-out

Big Ontario storm came in off the Lake and trashed a Lot of things… we just pieced the 10’ footer back Together for the last 3 weeks


No doubt that Super Silver Haze kicked it up a notch :wink:


Just an fyi, & I’ve Not-tasted Strawberry Cough, yet!
Thanks @HolyAngel ps that cobbs in the freezer by the way.