Subcool TGA Chernobyl Preservation Run(CarterCreek imposter SCAM)

Oh I see what’s up

Those off site links are great hidey holes for a virus too. Seems just a couple days back there was a pic of a bunch of elite ways to throw your $ away. Someone here called them out right away


Impersonating Subs son? Come on…. :man_facepalming:t2:
This stuff is getting out of hand


I don’t have the inside story or anything, but I do recall that not too long before he died Sub said that his lung function was down to something like 20%. I believe that means he was sadly near the end. He did not look well in those last few videos.


Sub definitely had a large seed stock at the end, just not sure what the seeds were.
As the fire was approaching his property, sub and Jill had a huge public fight and TLDR Sub said he’s not leaving his seed vault behind to be lost again.

Jill posted pics and a chat between Sub and his underage daughter in law, it was not a good look for him. Kind of goes along the predatory shit i heard about him and kushman regarding grooming and human trafficking.

Its common knowledge Sub had a decades long meth and adderall addiction, Jill said thats why he needed viagra for sex.
Im not on Jills side either. She also likes her amphetamines.

We’re all human, Subcool was no saint by any means and I don’t know every detail of what happened during the divorce and around the time of the fire

but I certainly saw countless good things he put out into the world, from a genuine passion for this plant, to putting himself out there showing people his garden and a lot of techniques to play with that could give average folks with less experience nice results.

I’m an addict in recovery so I can’t put anyone down for those things.

I’ve seen plenty of people say things about Subcool in an incredibly negative light after his death and TGA came crashing down, but to each his own, I’m not in the position to judge anyone.

If he was such a pedophile pervert and it was documented by Mz Jill and her daughter via text or whatever it was then why didn’t they pursue legal action against him instead of trying to put it on the internet?

Not everything needs to be judged by the court of public opinions and lead to misunderstanding things by assuming facts while being outside the situation that’s between two people who were bitter towards each other as folks usually are in divorce scenarios.


I wholeheartedly agree