Suburban Brazilian Grower #ERVASAGRADA

Royal medical? Never heard of them :hushed:, going to follow this find out about Melow CBD. :relaxed: Love OG, always different things on here.

Keep up the awesome! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I wrote wrong, sorry.
the name is Royal Mellow CBD, its a croos made by my friend dedomellow
it have Royal Medic CBD (juanita la lacrimosa x critical) from royalqueenseeds and an old cut they have that I dont know so much. he described it a male that have sacs of pollen like buds and smells mango. So its all I know about the cut.

He send me about 15 seeds and a selected this female
very fast veg and ridiculous yield
A strong skunk smells on the flower, something like onion, armpit and stinky feet very very pungent.
sedative and calming effect, body and mind

let me show some pics



Wow. Very nice garden bro. Beautiful work. Really Outstanding =)

I’m excited to see what’s coming next

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Ahhh RQS. I don’t like them much. Very average strains often with poor strike rates for the cost. Mind I’d held some of the seed packs for 18 months before germination. So might have had an impact. Royal dwarf, royal gorilla, royal cookies, blueberry X NL by them, a bunch more. However everyone has different opinions and perhaps I just had a bad run.

What you got going on looks really, really good. Very impressed with how it’s all growing out. I hope you get good results from the Royal medic. :relaxed: Sure is nice flower you’ve got too. Dude props to be doing what your doing. :relaxed:

Celly og X face off by my mate Ski Mask seeds. Breeding is kind of our bag. Frosted genetics too. However I’m the OG and I’ve been at it long enough to retire from that game. Boyz have been keeping the work going without me.


Yup that’s the one. :relaxed:

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I dont try any rqs seeds, so I think the same as you based on what I read

that’s her last cycle, the plant have all I write but still cant called keeper

nice bud!! I love smoke on cup the mini “charas” in the fingers after trim
its like the reward afther the hardest work on home planting cannabis



I have grown there Critical when I lived in the Uk and it was excellent.

I know a few guys who swear by them…but things change. The Spanish seem to be taking the mantle from the Dutch these days.

Remember the Brazil boys don’t have access to seedbanks in Europe or the states for that matter. ( there postal service is even worse than the Panamanian PO) lol ….and lately they been getting helped out by a few guys on OG.

I just love there enthusiasm…as few of them here…they enjoy sharing there grows ….that’s my feeling and why OG is a excellent if not the best Cannabis site.

Happy growing



I’ll say it twice!! And always thankful!!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap:


That aligns with my impression of RQS as well…



Yeah man that’s why I’ve been gifting. I should send some to ervasgrada. :wink: Hint, hint. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Ice grape krush?

I had links to seed vendors but my main man got shut down a couple years ago. All his accounts got frozen. After that I had vendors hitting me up to the point I got annoyed. Ship 1 K femme seeds for a few K $. Barely worth the hastle imo.

So now I get a few lines from a few vendors. Just for new stuff to keep relevant. It’s not legal, just barely medical ATM and only can grow in one state in Australia. Our customs also suck. So I want to give help to anyone who wants or genes.



I’m sure he would appreciate that…It’s real hard for those Brazil boys to get seed stock…and they are helping each other out…so that’s nice.

The postage takes a while …but they are willing to wait.

I got relatives in Adelaide (para hills) and would love to visit. One day…Used to work with some Australian guys in London, when we were building we blew stadium…smashing guys…and boy they give us Scots a good run for our money swallowing beer Lol

Ye just Pm… and over them…they like to chat.

Take care


Colombian Sativas,

Interesting read


it will be on my fav list to read, for sure.

A long time ago, when I still didnt cultivate cannabis i bought a bud that the dealer called “colombian gold” and there i founded only 1 seed. I remember that effect was the bestest off all my bought buds.

When I start to grow cannabis, that seed was one of the first seed i popped and I harvested it around 5 or 6 times
it had an really really intense mango smells
today i’ve just these pictures and a good souvenir about that


Colombian Gold is one hell of a smoke…I visited Santa Marta, Barranquilla Taganga…etc… around six years ago and spent months on the caribe coast…finest weed I’ve ever smoked plus the atmosphere,music and the gente…fantastic time …not to mention the chicas,

Went back couple of years ago…and it was all Skunk and Crispi,or a mix with Colombian gold…Total contamination in three/ four years.

I respect any grower growing landrace etc.

In Valle del cauca …west of Cali…the big cos moved in ( mostly Canadian) and roared how they would change the medicine of the world…and fucked all the small holder farmers who grew organic local strains as a cash crop with the coca leaf…so big hurra there …going to get a chance with the new marijuana boom in Colombia…and could maybe afford to pay for schooling for there kids.

What they got was Fuck all
! False promises.

There is plenty on line about big company’s jumping the line to get into the Colombian market.

That place that was set up above Cali , to help local farmers…and pay a local wage of $1.30 cents a hour……ended up flying thousands of clones in instead of local weed.

Breaks my heart the genetics getting lost, Colombia is a beautiful country with beautiful people.

It’s all a fucking disgrace and I apologies if I offended anyone…

Bueno suerte para mi amigos en Latin America



Hello my brothers from OG
I’m new here and I’m coming here to show you a little of my homegrown, I’m taking three blazing bees cross plants from my friend @ervasagrada


Hi @MMAI, welcome to OG! Please go to the Introduce Yourself thread and do so. You’ll love it here!! Abraço! Enjoy!


Hi @Panamajock … tks very much for your support !

:grinning: :call_me_hand: :green_heart:


Es nada …I love sharing with you BR guys…spread the medicine…

Your plants are looking Ace


Re potted LHS,s Panama haze today