Collective Grower Brazil

Gardeners of the Growers Brazil Collective (CGBR)

I ask permission from the OG members as I open this topic in a community spirit among the members of a collective we have here in Brazil.

This collective emerged from the initial idea of a gardener who is no longer part of it, as unfortunately, I and other members lost contact with him after some unfortunate events. Anyway, based on this gardener friend’s idea, we created this collective.

Building on this initial idea from an already existing group, I came across this forum called Overgrow, and upon starting to read the topics and see the love and dedication that most people here demonstrate for cannabis, I decided to join with some friends, and we began a gathering focused on preservation, exchanges, and donations among the members, with the goal of eventually distributing to as many people as possible.

There is no leadership in this collective, only consensus and common sense, hehehe, and of course, a lot of love for cannabis. Unfortunately, our country is moving slowly towards legalization, but that doesn’t stop the plant from growing.

So, as a way to express our gratitude and perhaps even expand the exchanges and donations, one of the members of the collective, @creatorknbsland suggested that we create this collective diary here as a way to also thank Overgrow for the inspiration in preserving the genetics of this beloved plant.

In this first post, I’ll tag some of the members so they can update the diary with their plants as well:
@ervasagrada @Haxixandoamente @weedcvlt @kroma @mospri @paoleschi @punk77 @tiocranius @Txana_kuin

Jardineiros do Coletivo Growers Brasil (CGBR)

Peço licença aos membros do OG estou abrindo esse tópico em um sentido comunitário entre os membros de um coletivo que temos aqui no Brasil.

Esse coletivo surgiu da ideia inicial de um jardineiro que nem faz parte do mesmo, pois infelizmente eu e outros membros perdemos o contato com ele depois de uns ocorrido chatos, enfim, em cima da ideia desse amigo jardineiro criamos esse coletivo.

Somando essa ideia inicial de um grupo já existente, me deparei com esse fórum chamado Overgrow e ao começar a ler principalmente os tópicos e ver o amor e dedicação que a grande maioria aqui demonstra pela cannabis, fez com que eu me juntasse a alguns amigos e começamos uma reunião no sentido de preservação, trocas e doações a princípio entre os membros e futuramente distribuir para o máximo de pessoas possíveis.

Não existe liderança nesse coletivo apenas consenso e bom senso hehehehe, e claro muito, mas muito amor pela cannabis, infelizmente nosso país anda a passos lentos rumo a uma legalização, mas isso não impede a planta de crescer.

Então como uma forma de agradecer e de repente até mesmo expandir as trocas e doações, um dos membros do coletivo o @creatorknabsland deu a ideia de criarmos esse diário do coletivo aqui como uma forma também de agradecer ao Overgrow pela inspiração em preservar as genéticas dessa nossa amada planta.

Jalisco by Overgrow


Very cool. I will be following along.


That’s it, brother…
I hope to be back soon cultivating our beloved plant!!!
I will certainly share here what we have kindly received from this wonderful forum!!!



Great idea. Will the collective focus on preserving landraces in and around Brazil or growing in general? :v:


Hi @Tejas how are you, brother? Welcome!

Unfortunately, in Brazil, what we had of acclimatized landraces were lost because of drug trafficking here.

We have future projects to open seeds, of Paraguayan and Colombian sativa that are common here and who knows, maybe we can find seeds in indigenous and quilombola villages that can bring us back to our past, such as Manga Rosa, Cabrobo Golden, among others.

But the collective focuses on preservation, crossing new genetics and distributing seeds and cuttings of any genetics in the world.

Unfortunately, we do not have a widespread Original Grower culture here, and as a result, the genetics were lost.

Thank you for your visit.


Good luck with your collective endeavor, I will be following along!


Great idea!!!

Following and I hope I can contribute to this post in the future!!


@FPunk . May the Universe bless your collective and your garden.


I was excited for this thread! Hope to contribute soon! :fire: :fire: :fire:


@Pajarito @true @Budgus @dingys @tomatefumegante @Rmlorganica @Drink @fazendeiro420 @Ilex.paraguariensis @niido42 @Cannalivre @bighead se juntem ao bonde hahah!



Thank you for your words,

I appreciate it. I hope that we here at CGBR can repay everything that this OG community has done and does here for us Brazilians.

In this collective we share the love for cannabis just as you demonstrate here, so today there are a lot of us at OG.

All positivity to you.


All the best to the collective’s endeavours :slightly_smiling_face:


I’d really like to see Paraguayan, Colombian sativa (especially sativa) and the other phenos u mentioned, namely the Manga Rosa, Cabrobo Golden distributed here in N. America. I wonder if growers would then take those and hybridize them in much the same way that our old, heirloom landraces here have been hybridized. :frowning:

I’m not a grower, i buy dispo. :frowning: Also i don’t ranch cattle, or have an orchard or grain field, but i’m interested in those items too. So i’m just as interested in cannabis production as i am in chicken farming because i like eggs and wings.

Would it be fair to ask if there are any countries you or anybody knows of that do have what you call “…a widespread Original Grower culture…” where “…the genetics were (NOT) lost”?


Thank you @FPunk for creating this space dedicated to Brazilian growers, I’m sure it will help everyone with a lot of information both for us and for the overgrow community, let’s spread the Brazilian grower culture
Hey Brazilian friends, we’re arriving at our home here at OG
@Mr.pothead @Abbbian @VisionGrower @Ganjapeee @niido42 @Vertebrata


That’s a great idea! It’s great to see Brazilians joining forces!


@gambiarra.bil chega


Hell yeah!!



“Would it be fair to ask if there’s any country that you or anyone else knows of that has what you call ‘…an Original Grower culture…’ where ‘…the genetics were not lost’?”

Yeah, brother, I often ask myself that question, and from what I’ve gathered in my research, true native plants are difficult to find. Whoever has them is probably isolated and prefers to keep it that way.

In Brazil, strains like Manga Rosa, Cabrobo Golden, and Bahia Black (also known as “borrachinha”) have been lost. If anyone still has them, they’re likely isolated communities that are very hard to reach. I hope to start making some contacts soon to see if I can find seeds of something ancient here in South America. I know there are groups like Landrace Team, Khalifa Genetics, and Indian Landrace Exchange that aim to preserve native species, but whether these strains remain pure and haven’t been affected by current hybrids and polyhybrids is something I can’t say for sure.

Finding a country that hasn’t been touched by the hands of marketing is tough.

One thing I often discuss with my fellow growers is how hybrid genetics have taken over the world and how much we can really say that a particular strain is pure, even in countries like Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Congo, and Malawi.

I was rewatching a chat with Truecannabliss recently, and he was talking about how hybrids have taken over Morocco. It gives you an idea of how hard it’s going to be to find plants that haven’t undergone some form of human selection.

As for the Paraguayan and Colombian seeds I have, they’re bag seeds that came from border trafficking. Last year, I asked a close friend to save these seeds for me, and I hope to start selecting them gradually next year. Let’s see what comes out… hehehe.

Thanks for stopping by.


Brother, it’s great to hear you’re getting back into growing.

You’re the best, the top humus in Brazil.

I’m eagerly waiting for updates, my friend.

Big hug.


Congratulations on the initiative, I’m happy to be part of this team