Sugar leaves or popcorn buds, what do you do with yours?

You can get bubble hash with less plant matter from fresh trim and popcorn buds, higher quality, in some cases fully dab-able…but you get much better yields overall (even accounting for additional plant material) with dry product.

You can still make full melt bubble hash easily with $10 worth of ice, 2 x clean 5 gallon buckets, a piece of cardboard, a wooden spoon, and a set of $30 Amazon bags. Made about 30-35g last night myself. You only need a 3-4 bag set.


Hash in one form or another.


Sometimes I gently sift it through my trim bin for kif, and other times I make bubble hash, sometimes i do both. the secret to good bubble hash is to not overmix your weed and ice - you aren’t trying to make a slurry from it, just knocking the trichs off


It is great to see what everyone is doing, thanks for all the responses. About a decade ago I used to do a double boiler method for cannabis butter. No decarb and the butter seemed fine. Once I made a batch of butter with rosin chips (lots of them) and that batch was TOO strong for people, they tripped hard and bad. I slowly worked to prevent ODing people on edibles…

Today we will be making butter. This recipe makes 4 cups of oil. Here is what I used:

The process:

  1. Decarb sugar leaves in the oven at 240 degrees for 40 min, allow to completely cool covered

  1. Place sugar leaves that have been decarbed into Magical butter machine

  1. Pour coconut oil into Magical butter machine, we use a ratio of 1 oz leaves to 1 cup for stronger oil and 1 1/2 oz of leaves to 2 cups for a milder strength for this recipe we used 4 cups of oil (a little extra added oil to get a final 4 cups) and leaves

  1. Add 1 Tablespoon scoop of soy lecithin per cup of oil, here we use 4 Tablespoons

  1. Cover Magical butter machine and set temperature to 160 degrees and 2 hour cycle

  1. Prepare cheesecloth on strainer and pour oil into measuring cup, let sit

  1. After much of the oil has drained out, transfer oil to another container and then hand wring cheese cloth for remaining oil (this oil will have more plant material due to squeezing, this is why we separated oil)

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:


Nice. Well done write up. :smiley: :+1:


I tend to make a thick slurry for at least one pull. I typically start gentler with less ice and by the third pull I’m beating the hell out of it with a ton of ice. Stop when pulls significantly drop yield and/or show too much green. Typically, the 3rd-4th pull is where I’d stop.

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joints for the homeless


@TheShowMeHomie , I actually did that for years before I left Boulder. I would take all the popcorn and what little larf I did have, as well as anything I ran and didnt care for that I wouldn’t put my name on, and me and the ole lady would spend an evening rolling up hooters that a buddy and I would go around handing out to the hobos. I met alot of interesting people doing that, and I like to think I helped a few as well.



ive only ever had a couple say no



Thanks. :pray:. :+1:t4: bubble hash is fun


That is an awesome idea. Our homeless population is growing, I wonder if they are cannabis friendly.


Cool. Do you sift through sieve or bubble bag? Do you use dry ice?


Nice. How do you make your RSO?


Yup, multiple options. How do you make all three?


Right on. How are you sifting? What is your qwet method? I will be doing a tincture via qwet shortly.


I know that feeling, it is going to be fun. Enjoy the hashing.

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::+1:t4:












How do you all make your hash?


I remember doing the double boiler method years ago. I believe I did it for two hours, three hours would be great. The house smells less with the Magical butter machine. Thanks for sharing.


Hope I can pass on some knowledge. Share with us your experience. Enjoy.


Brown butter, ooh sounds good. How do you make yours? I have seen some desserts use this method.


I dry trim as well. Not a problem for hashmaking.


Next up we will be making tincture using the qwet method.

How do you make tincture?

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:


I am currently doing small batches of dry sift just using my stash box that has a built in kief screen. Put a handful of material in there and shake back and forth. Enough to make me happy, but not for big batches.
For qwet, I put everything in the freezer for at least a day before I mix. Then I pour the ethanol in the jar of shake/trim/stems and let it soak 2-5 mins in the freezer. Make give it a shake a few times in that time. Then I strain it into another jar through a fine mesh sieve. I then filter than solution, using two coffee filters layered together, all done in the freezer. Once it was filtered, I dry it completely to shatter. If your making tinctures you’ll prob want to decarb the trim first.

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It’s just standard bubble hash, any set of bubble bags and a youtube video will set you right.

I could show you how in 5 minutes if you were standing next to me, but a video says a million words.


I usually decarb my material. Then boil and strain the butter with cheese cloth. I found simple methods on Google. Although I do use a double boiler for my butter.


@Irie_islander we pay a processor in Maine to render our dried material, through ice water extraction. Once a year we devote an entire outdoor crop to fresh frozen, solvent-less live rosin extraction.


I just use 5 gallon bags (cheap ones) and a drill to mix.

I also press afterwards to turn it into this black gooey goodness:


Tincture and eddibles.


Right on. Very much like my technique, I learned from Skunk Pharm. I take my liquid to RSO consistency. I have heard and seen others make theirs to shatter. How do you make yours?

I had a patient place the alcohol in the freezer left open and allowed the alcohol to evaporate.

Do you smoke the shatter?

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Gotcha. Do you dry and sieve your dried hash or let it stay in clumps/chunks?

Oh, okay. I thought it was a method to brown the butter. Whoops.