Sun Grown Bud Is Better

And api312, Now green is good, when we only had Red, Gold or dirt.
We wanted chlorophyll gone, they want it bright green. Sad
Rosin, Diamonds, Hash, etc… all great, but cured flower is the higher power. Shhh they don’t want to hear about it.


I grew some 100% organic outdoor this year in 20 gal fabric pots. I am very happy how they turned out and the potency and taste. It is definitely a different beast than indoor growing, with its own set of challenges but so happy with what mother nature can provide.


Earth vs. Chemicals, chemicals are winning and that makes sense to some, not so much to others!


couldn’t have said it better myself!


I’m doing Foop two years now on farm, love it. But it makes me think of pilgrim story, fish in hole, plant do good. I’m not saying anything other than it works good for me in place of all the shit people use. I really use shit. no chemicals.


Good indoor is superior quality

It’s objective. Plants grown in a controlled and ideal environment produce a better high and superior quality product. Any seasoned grower will tell you it’s all about the environment.

ITT people that have never had anything better than mids talking out of their ass :joy:

Living in BC I’ve had my fair share of organic OD and if I compare the flavour, aroma, and potency to indoor organics it’s the same and that’s from clones I’ve been lucky enough to try.

Outdoor plants are way bigger in size and yield but based on personal experience it’s all the same. You might be able to sense if it was grown inside vs outside but I don’t believe you’re getting a different high.

That’s my experience anyway. Not sure on the science of it all


I take it you haven’t actually read this thread then. Plenty of scientific studies linked above speaking to the morphological differences between using sun and lights to grow plants. No light’s going to give you what the sun can sadly.

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Hilarious, absolutely Hilarious.


However, how dumb of me, if you grow in dirt indoors and use living soil and do your best to provide sun indoors, well you are doing the best you can to duplicate what we do every year… Good Luck


Why can’t you even give outdoor away now if it’s better?

What? Where did you come up with that logic? Outdoor is extremely popular and I’d say it’s fair to assume if people are turning down free outdoor it was grown by someone who probably didn’t know what they were doing.

I prefer indoor myself but unless it was low quality I’ve never been disappointed with outdoor. Maybe your region is bad for outdoor?? Idk…


It really does depend on where you live. Outdoor in Florida, California, and Arizona is totally different than outdoor in New England or Canada. I started outdoor 50 plus years ago on Long Island. You couldn’t grow sativa because they would never finish. But when the short season indica arrived, they did really well when weather permitted. But it all depended on the season. Some years outdoor weed sucked. I grew under banks of fluorescent lights inside and even some of that was very good. It seems to me that it’s mostly the genetics that makes the weed good in the short term. But no one can argue that the sun isn’t a superior light source. It is the source of all life on earth but the weather is another story. And then there’s the fungal diseases and pests that can be a big issue, especially when weather stresses the plants. In the long term, some pest pressure can actually have a positive effect on trees but in the short term, like with annuals, pests can be devastating. Still, there’s no greater feeling than sharing a warm sunny day next to your flowering ladies. This year, I was visited by the powdery mildew curse and a little bit of brown death, botrytis. It rained buckets all through September. I hadn’t grown outdoors much in the last few years and I did nothing about prevention. So it was almost a complete waste of my time and effort. I had 7 Mandala#1, two Eight Miles High and some Zskittles, Sour diesel and chocolope. Most of it was trash to me. I did freeze a lot of fresh buds for bubble, we’ll see how that goes. My lungs are too compromised to smoke mold even when it’s not visible everywhere and just real bad on a few.


@Astrodude I gotta try and get you to smoke some of my best indoor Michigan smoke… Genuinely curious what someone with your outlook on indoor vs outdoor would think of my indoor weed


You get out of the plant what you put into it. I’m sure if I grow indoors organically and outdoors hydroponically the indoors stuff is gonna taste, look and smell a whole lot better. I’m not knocking sun grown weed. I just don’t have the pleasure of being able to grow outdoors here in the UK unless it’s an autoflower. If our seasons were better I’d grow 100% outdoors 100% of the time but more so for the grow cost savings I’d achieve. :v:


Light is one of the top limiting factors for plant growth so if you don’t have a good light (good leds usually cost quite a bite of money) then you’re already setting yourself up for failure indoors. If you don’t have any way to control the environment indoors then you might end up with boof too. If you don’t have a way to measure pH etc… you get the point. Outdoor at it’s most basic is just soil, and water only. A lot easier to get into (much less expensive equipment to buy) and from what I’ve seen more forgiving. With a proper soil or soil mix all one really has to do is occasionally water the plant and can get good results. With indoor soiless/hydro it doesn’t really work that way. If you don’t know what you’re doing to a point, you’ll likely end up with schwag or be chasing your tail dealing with issues the entire grow (which all affect plant quality)

From what I’ve seen in my short 15 years of smoking is that outdoor is easier for inexperienced growers to get decent/good results where indoor I’ve seen most of my friends grow nothing but schwag indoors…

Reason the sun yields so well is because when you go from 12 inches to 24 inches with leds your light intensity drops to 1/4. To have that same effect on outdoor plants you’d have to travel like 74 million km farther from the sun. (edit: I wrote closer by accident)

Where I’m from outdoor grown commands a MUCH lower price than even mids indoor. The demand is almost non existent too. I’ve had some good outdoor over the years but the vast majority of the best weed I’ve smoked over the past 15 years has been indoor. If I only had what my friends grew indoors I’d probably think indoor grown weed was shitty and tasteless too.

Well grown weed is well grown weed. Where I’m from that’s MUCH more likely to be indoor. Might not be the same more south but that’s not the reality everywhere. I don’t see anyone in Norway thinking outdoor is the best there is :stuck_out_tongue:


I love all weed, just as long as it’s close to organic in soil.
But I’ve probably smoked nuclear waste in my years.


as long as it hits right i dont care. Imo the grower is the catalyst. Nothing has more influence over a crop.


During the winter of 2019 I grew out 8 Liberty Haze fems from Barney’s Farm under a 600 watt HPS with an LED added for study. They were fine plants with a quality high (most important to me). I planted cuttings from those plants outdoors from Mid June until the end of September. I was surprised they were ready to harvest by October 1. They were also very fine plants. Quality of the high seemed the same but the smells and tastes were a little different. They were both good though, comparable. I choose to use organic store bought soil (Happy Frog, Ocean Forest, plus Pro-mix indoors) and some of the same added to my garden soil which has other organic inputs. I also add some liquid organic nutrients during flowering. They taste similar but the outdoor may be a little smoother. But I’ve also had it the other way where the outdoor was harsher than the indoor (different strain). I attributed that to soil differences at that time.


Absolutely, I wouldn’t turn down either.

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OK, what does that study actually talk about? HL, high light intensity effect on roses? When we talk about high light intensity, are we talking about LED, HPS or MH? It would seem logical to think that the intensity of the sunlight on the equator, at mid day, blows away all of those human created lamps? Even in NY, the intensity of the sun on a sunny day in July is amazing and intense. And roses are not cannabis. Plants on the equator can surely tolerate more intense sunlight. In New England, when the temperatures go above 90, most plants either shut down or grow very slowly. I find it hard to believe that indoor grow lights are too intense unless they’re too close to the canopy, where it’s too hot! But then I’m used to HPS and CMH and my room size is large compared to a grow tent. If growing in a small grow tent, I could see how you could have too much lighting for such a small space. In that case you would probably need to add CO2 for the plants to be able to use that much light in a small space. As far as indoor being better than outdoor, it depends on what you’re looking for. If you want picture perfect buds, indoor is best. I think potency, on the other hand, depends on the genetics. Even if grown in a perfect environment, the weed is only good if the genetics are good. It feels awful good to harvest sun grown herb but it also feels good to harvest indoor crops. We all don’t have the luxury of a decent outdoor environment every year so having both is really the answer.