Sun Grown Bud Is Better

If you grow outdoors and don’t feed the plants the proper elements that they need the terp production is effected. Human intervention by adding the required feed etc is what creates good bud. Yes the sun/lights play a huge part by helping the plant uptake the required food but if the food isn’t available the sun isn’t gonna do it alone. :roll_eyes:

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I’m on the opposite end of the rainbow myself. Once I found how much better the product indoor can be, when compared to outdoor. Man I never wanted to go outdoors.
The outdoors has all those damned eyes out there! Human, animal, bugs. I do not like scoping buds to have eyes looking back at me, stuck in the trichome’s.
No Thanks. As far as more stonier, or a cleaner buzz, to me that is just bro science kicking in. I mean no disrespect at all, but after 50+ years of smoking cannabis, grown everywhere, I really think this idea is just personal preference. Buds will be much cheaper or should be, but potency being superior, nah, that is genetics.


When we had our first successful harvest of short season indica, sometime in the early to mid 80’s, the plants were not light purple but so dark the whole plant looked black by early October. It was a riveting high that was very intense. Your eyes would be so obviously bloodshot looking that everyone carried Visine eye drops or sunglasses. But, at first, you couldn’t give it away. People would say: homegrown? No thanks. It took a couple of years for people to realize that the homegrown, which was often from seeds gathered by folks who traveled the Silk Road, was way more powerful than the commercial brick weed that was still available at that time. I often wonder if all the pictures of incredible indoor herb means that they are all very potent? I had a light purple or magenta plant that looked amazing but was barely even worth smoking. I also had some African variety with no buds, just leaf, that was pretty good. To me, it’s the high that’s important. And there are big differences in the highs. Lately, I’m smoking a sativa dominant hybrid that energizes me so I can keep working all day and into the night. I’m finishing up replacing my laminate flooring with wide board pine. When I’m done working, I smoke a heavy indica that has the opposite affect and puts me to sleep in an hour. Very useful plants!


Using the eyes to judge the quality of cannabis is impossible. It all looks the same.
I have had plenty of pretty cannabis that wasn’t worth putting fire to.
Too many people think that if it’s pretty, it’s has to be good.
I show people all the time that looks have nothing to do with smoke quality.
A few weeks ago I gave a buddy 2 different buds. One was beautiful, hard, dense, with purple hues. The other was a fox tailed stringy mess, but covered in trichs. Of course I knew the stringy bud was better when I gave it to him.
But when he returned he said, “that other bud wasn’t as good as the funny looking one, I couldn’t believe it.” He said it was good, but you had to smoke a little more of it. I told him that’s a free lesson about buying weed based on looks and smell. I told him that you have to smoke it to know how good the smoke is.
IMO thc has its own smell that’s different from terps and the plant material. When I’m nosing bud, I’m trying to smell the thc. If I have to stick my nose in the bag to smell the bud, I don’t bother with it.
In fact, if I can’t smell it through the baggy, I don’t bother with it.
Good terps is an added bonus that I prefer, but without thc, it’s tossed or given away.
I don’t risk lung damage by smoke bud that doesn’t completely suit my needs. And it doesn’t matter how pretty it is.
I got plenty of pretty bud that’s left in jars because we don’t bother smoking it.
Let’s just put it like this. My boys calls me and tell me he needs some smoke. I know he has plenty already, but it’s all good. When I get to him he tells me, what he already has, but he also tells me how long he has been smoking with me. He tells me he has purchased every quality of bud in the dispensary that he frequents, but he hasn’t come across anything like my bud. He has the other bud doesn’t give him the high that he is used to. He tells me that it’s better than any of the bud that floating in the streets, but it’s nothing like the bud he gets from me.
I told him thank you. Then I told him I got buddies that go all over the country trying to find better bud. They all come back and ask me why they can’t find anything like mine. I then told him you see my brother right there. He live across the street from my boys house. I told him he goes to California every couple of weeks to get bud. But still people walk by him, because the smoke isn’t up to par. It’s pretty and looks and smell good, but it want get you blazed. So people walk by him.
I told him it’s all about what you want to smoke, if you smoking to be part of the crowd, that crap is everywhere.
But if you are smoking to fill a need, you have to go to the guy that has it. That’s the only way.


The only thing I can tell about weed is if it was in soil or full hydro. I don’t feel full hydro has the potency that soil grow has. While the yield is higher usually in hydro I feel have to smoke more of it to get where you want to be. Just my two cents.


I don’t buy herb so I don’t deal with those issues. I have visited the dispensaries but just because I was curious. I’m not interested in any of their products really. I prefer to smoke flower or hash. The only complaints I ever had with my weed was it was too strong, not the smoke, just the high. I would tell people to start with two hits on their bowl or joint but the young people often don’t listen to advice from old timers.


One more entry and I’m done on subject…lol
Just thought of all the visitors to our farm. Everyone, every single one said at some time or another before leaving, " This shit is Killer". Why, were they just being Ol school polite, pretending for social reasons? Nah, its ethereal and then it’s knock out weed.
Some guests are prolific growers in industry, my buddy is 25 years Mendo crowd. If it wasn’t what they expected, they let us know. We don’t get ribbed, his shit is on point, first 20 ft this year for me.


Agreed. Sungrown ganja has a more psychoactive effect.


This is what I think


I’m a 2 hit man as well. If it doesn’t do it in 2 hits i don’t foo with it.
With that said I need my potency because I don’t want to be lighting up all day long. A couple of hits once or maybe twice a day is enough for me. Sometime every few days.
The potency plays several roles. It ensures that the medical benefits last for longer than a few hours.
The potency reduces the need to smoke every couple of hours.
Of course the high is mind boggling. Thats the reason for only taking a couple of hits. There in no need to smoke myself into a coma.
A couple hits before heading to work and I’ll be satisfied all day at work. The only time I may have to lights up again is if i want some help going to sleep.
The potency also allows me to recreate on my days off if I feel the urge to.
I just take an extra hit or 2 and I’m good to watch the game, or watch tv. Or even go shopping with the ole lady.
Believe it or not, it also motivates me to do my chores around the house. I stop putting things off because I feel good. I feel like doing something instead of being constantly bombarded with stress and anxiety.
In my opinion a beautiful high is uplifting, euphoric and transcending. The high should work with your mind and body as it uplifts the souls. It should be well balance and should not feel like I have overdosed on amphetamines, nor should it feel like I have taken a handful of sleeping pills.
The high should let me decide what I want, instead of taking over my body and dictating it’s will over me torturing me.
So when guys tell me that all weed does them a certain way, I know that they haven’t smoked many different varieties. No 2 crosses will have the same high. Not many strains will produce the same high seed to seed. So be blessed I’d you have a consistently producing strain. Peace



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I’ve only ever grown indoors and while my first couple runs were certainly not the best it was still pretty good fuckin weed. Now it’s so good that the hood gave me a new nickname: Mr. good weed man.

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All these people talking about how amazing their outdoor is and pontificating on the virtues of the sun, but I’m not seeing any super dank OD finished flower pictures, either.

I have no problem with outdoor…it’s the attitude that “it grew outside in dirt so it must be better even if it plainly looks worse” that’s annoying.

Let’s see these supposedly killer outdoor flowers that match or exceed high quality indoor. Finished, trimmed. I don’t care if you grew a big plant, I wanna see finished product.


Michigan Deathstar 70indica/30 sativa 22% THC 3%CBD - Grown under Plastic Roof, windscreen sides. All Organic
Cured 4 months, No matter what I say, I can’t give you any, it’s gone as of Today.

Icky Sticky, OOey Gooey.
40 years ago I would have called this Red


I’m sure it smokes great, but man that ain’t got no kinda bag appeal. I’m vain and shallow though :sweat_smile: I know aesthetics don’t get ya high or give you an idea of taste/smell but they sure can affect the pocket.

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Oh I can’t sell it or Black Hash, But that’s ok with me, I’m here for me and the Mrs.
At the farm for last four years I’ve seen plenty get dehydrated and freeze dried and sent to Medical Co-Op, All Green and Mean, but the tar bubbles in the road havent formed yet thats the third month of cure tar effect.


I’m familiar with deathstar…not tryna be a dick but is that supposed to be better than indoor lol?

Just funny to me that people think they can judge bud by a picture… That said, no doubt, indoor will always look the best and if what you care about is the aesthetic of your weed then yup, go indoor. That said, I like weed for how it tastes and the effects of its smoke. Outdoor all the way there.

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You Must Be High, Oh wait thats good…

not tryna be a dick - No worries, only those who party with you would know that.
supposed to be better than indoor - No absolutely not for that was not the query you posted, you wanted to see something grown outdoors, I showed you. I can tell you there are hundreds of people who have gotten our black hash, They all lie and claim it’s the best shit they can get. I know there all just confused, but it makes me feel good, do you feel good @ your sales place @Vernal?

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