Sunshine Daydream f1 open pollination

Looking good!


:point_up_2: :pray: :pray: :pray:


I really love those breeder threads here at OG.

Another beautiful bodhi reproduction taking place. It’s so nice to see people working together with a common goal.


@TeddyNuggets I was looking for something else on Breedbay and found this:

May 25, 2007
Reaction score
• Dec 29, 2010

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they need to go through the breedbay testing process first…

but they will be very simmilar to the purple kush x appalachias…

my new favorite is the bubbashine x appalachias…

like a buttered blueberry muffin with gas soaked rasberries… rolled in powdered sugar…

silver blue buds that stick to your baggie and your brain…

i think they will be called sunshine daydream…

ill see if i can post a pick, my wife took a few pics and put them on the computer for me…

sunshine daydream: proper hybrid, big, easy to grow, super sticky, uber fragrant, good for nerve pain… sour berries and butter funk…

Thought you might get a kick out of it :slight_smile:


Great find! Thanks for sharing. Definitely appreciate it!

That’s such a perfect description by bodhi.


Female #1 has me wondering if it is a bubbashine leaner.

Just the overall growth and structure of the plant.
Plus the early smells on it are kush + berries.

Time will tell, but I’m intrigued.


Flower day 20:

@HorseBadorites, here’s your cut: (I have my mom labelled as SSDD f1 horse cut. lol)
She’s looking good! I pulled her away from the other plants so you could see her size/shape better. I’m impressed how healthy she’s stayed in a 2 gallon pot.

Here’s the one I think might be a bubbashine leaner:

Then here are #2, 4, 10, 11 and 9 in that order. These are in smaller 2 gallon pots and have been harder to keep healthy, especially staying all organic (they are in taller, more narrow pots vs the 2 above + the ‘92 kush which are all in bigger/wider 2 gallon pots that look more like 3 gallon pots actually)

#11 looks like it wants to grow big colas:

And here’s the ‘92 kush:


Here are the males on day 15 of flower. No pollen dropping yet but it looks like we are starting to get close(r):


She is getting it on :heart_eyes: 2 gallons is as big as I can carry, so she’s used to that!

She can get some big colas, too.

Really looking good all around. She can be a bit of a K hog in flower in coco. I have to add a little KSO4 to her feeds or she’ll get a little crispy on her margins. You probably won’t have that in mud and organics… but just in case, :slight_smile:

Nice to see they’re all in such good hands!


Thanks man! And thanks for the tip!

I have some Organics Alive V-K powder if I need it
(It’s 0-2-10). I usually give them some mid/late flower anyway.

So far your cut and that #1 plant have been the least picky. #10 and #11 were both very easy going too until they got root bound.

#9 seems finicky.


Hell yeah :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::face_in_clouds:


One male started dropping a bit of pollen today. Not enough to start collecting it yet.

I am trying to figure out the best way to go about this still.

I liked the idea of cutting off a branch from each plant and taking it into the female room to shake on the plants. But I’d need all the males to be dropping pollen at the same time to do that. So in the mean time I feel like I should try to collect some pollen. Then I’ll have the option of mixing it all together and using a fan to pollinate the females (as others suggested).

Anyone have any good methods for collecting male pollen?

In the past I’ve used foil wrapped around the plan to catch pollen. I’ve also used big paper plates I’d slit open and tape to the plant to catch pollen. Both worked ok, but not great.

I’ve seen people lay male plants sideways and leave them that way to drop pollen onto a piece of paper they lay out. But I don’t think I have the room to do that.

I could also just grab a male and shake it over some paper, then collect the pollen.


I have a box of large white cardboard squares for like pictures or whatever. One side is waxed I use that side it works ok. I rather use a large glass frame from a wall and grab all the males and smack them down like a shaman. Then use a blade to scrape it all in a pile. After that I use a sifter and I remove all of the sacks and below leave wax paper below to catch the pollen then I cut it with baked flower 10:1


Plastic bag tied to the lower stalk and open up top. Like a dog collar if you will. Works well enough. @Budderton uses this method or did at one point. :fist::pray:


i recently lined some cardboard box flaps i cut off with tinfoil and put them under the plants, shook what i could into a glass pyrex dish to collect, and the tinfoil catches some of what drops when im not around. this was my first time collecting pollen and it worked okay, i could have had lots more of i kept the plants happier!


I have a question do you actually blow glass for fun ? :scream:


Blowing glass, mostly making pipes, was how I made a living for a handful of years post college. I couldn’t quite keep up with that and I’ve been bouncing around odd jobs and trying to get back to glass being my main income since. Dying to get back behind the torch! :grin::v:


Sick ! Do you have your previous work anywhere ? I’ve been lowkey wanting a pipe based off of a pipe I had back 20 years ago but I haven’t pulled the trigger on any vendors


Looks like all 6 males are starting to drop pollen now.
So this should work out pretty well.


Hey @Tykal i am starting to see why your buddy liked #9!

She’s really starting to intrigue me. She’s one of the frostiest plants so far and the smells are really interesting. I do get some berry, but right now it’s more of that buttery muffin smell I’ve been after. I hope it continues to develop!
