Sunshine Daydream f1 open pollination

I dont even say sorry. I make an effort to remain cold as ice!


Yeah I hate to murder them but they have no self -control. It’s spooey everywhere. :rofl:


:top: Damn bastards spunk on everything without a care in the world :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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So I think I’m going to keep the #7 male alive for now. I don’t know if I’ll use it but I have time to decide.

Earlier today I was checking on the cuttings I took recently and that #7 male’s already rooting vigorously. They are the only clones in the tray with roots so far. I can’t remember exactly when I took clones but it hasn’t been that long. I was impressed how quickly they rooted and how many roots they had already.

I’ll watch it closely once I flip the males to 12/12 and if I see any intersex traits I won’t use it. But I went to at least see what it looks like when it flowers.

I think I will flip the males to 12/12 this weekend. Saturday would be 7 days since I flipped the females. I figure a weak head start for the females is good enough with the males being in a separate space. Plus that’ll afford some wiggle room for any late® blooming males.


Ended up flipping the males to 12/12 last night. I started getting nervous that I’d have some males take longer to start dropping pollen. I probably should have just started them both flowering at the same time once I moved the males to that separate room.


I did this too on my current grow where I wanted to pollinate one of the females. Two were imposter’s and had to flip to find out their true colors


FYI, my friend says #1 cured to a lavender pheno. :slight_smile:


Day 9 of flower:

Horsebadorites, your cut is the second picture (from the top). She’s been a pleasure to grow so far!

And here is BobGrows ‘92 kush:

I also did end up throwing my Field Trip bonsai mom into the flower room Friday. I’m going to get the peanut butter breath in there tomorrow.

I was thinking on the ‘92 kush, field trip and peanut butter breath that Instead of using all the males I may just use the best couple/few. We’ll see. I still have time to decide.


Just a gd jungle! Amazing!


Such a solid cut been smoking her for a couple months now one of my favorites


Looks like you are treating her right. She looks like this when she’s cranky.

I’m glad to know I’m not totally crazy :rofl:


@TeddyNuggets Your plants are looking awesome! :grinning:


Sure looking good.


Not crazy at all seems to be my go too smokefor this last run it’s been amazing I have a connective tissue disorder called ehlers danlos syndrome that causes me to dislocate often my left shoulder especially and it really relaxes my muscles and helps it out functional slightly narcotic a bit heavy in larger doses hits right behind the eyes and has a warm wave wash a few bowls gets me where I wanna be has nice potency my second run I’m getting more berry notes then my first run has a skunky rubber hint of pine and a smell I can’t quite pinpoint but have smelled it in other ssdd work and phenos her and the sc blue dream are my current keepers thank you again for sharing her with me :grin:


Yeah I’m really liking the way she grows so far. She responded really well to being topped. Probably the healthiest of all the SSDD’s too. Can’t wait to see her flower! Too bad she will be fully seeded my first time growing her out. lol

She’ll be in my next sensi run though!


And thanks everyone! They are definitely getting healthier again after being overgrown and neglected. lol


Does it help you with muscle pains? Doesn’t do much for mine, but really melts my sciatica. Definitely a relaxer, though :slight_smile:

Mine always lose any berryishness at about 8 weeks. May be the salts and coco? I think I think of the skunky rubber hint of pine as some sort of incense I’ve smelled. Neat to hear you break it down. I lead a very cannabis sheltered life :rofl:

Except for the first SSDD I grew, all have been topped multiple multiple times. That first one was a bean pole that hit the crawl ceiling. Anyway, this cut is used to being whacked :rofl:

Makes me feel good reading your reports :grinning:


It for sure helps with pain relief I think more is a relaxant then helping with muscle pain my pain is mainly nerve pain from bone on bone friction when dislocated for sure helps with that but have woken up plenty of times over the past few months in pain go and smoke a few ssdd bowls and able to get back to sleep for a bit for sure get a bit of incensey smells given off especially when ground up

As for the berry I do organic so soil might be bringing out more of those notes compared to the salts my second round had her a bit happier and dialed in for sure get some nice berry notes when chopping her at day 69 yesterday last run the berry faded earlier and wasn’t present when chopped


That’s what I was thinking, but man, I hate mud :rofl:


Day 14 of flower for the females:

HorseBadorite’s cut:

More SSDD f1’s:

Here’s the ‘92 kush:

And here’s some of the males. On day 9 of flower iirc. They still don’t look super healthy. I’ve stayed organic but I think I’m going to finally switch over to salts for the males. It’s too much of a PITA trying to keep them healthy in these 1 gallon plastic pots.

Here’s the #7 male. I am not seeing any intersex traits yet. He’s one of the stinkier males so far.

BTW, while I do like the new site update I hate that we can only upload 1 picture at a time now. This is going to take a lot longer to keep updated! lol
I hope that’s not a permanent change…