Sunshine Daydream f1 open pollination

End of week 4 of flower:

Starting to see some pollinated pistils now. Hopefully I’ll see more in the next couple days.

I am definitely going to pollinate again, probably Monday.


That one you suspected to be bubbashine leaning looks almost exactly like my f2 female from syzys bubbashine leaning f2s made. That’s cool maybe? Haha looking really good in here, man. Well done :metal:t2:


Flowering and stress testing three girls, 4 plants in the same container. They’re all showing almost the exact same progression in flower.

#4 isn’t the standout I was hoping, but seems comparable to the other two so far. I haven’t tried comparing noses yet.

My larger plant of #7 isn’t showing any intersex, it’s been stress tested further, but not in the extreme manner the other clone was. Still Leary, but it’s tentatively back in the mix.


#7 is a male. I think you still have the numbers confused on that one. lol

Which 3 females are you currently flowering? #4 and which others?

I’d suggest getting #9 into flower asap if it isn’t there yet.


Same here. I’ve been saying #1 looks like a possible bubbashine (or bubba) pheno since veg! Glad someone else sees it too.

I grew some of his f2’s and this one looks an awful lot like one of the females from that batch (the one I labelled #2. I could probably dig up some pics of it).

@syzygy what do you think? (some of these pics are from a week or two ago in flower)

This one smells different so far though. More kush and berry with some butter. Buds are looking a little bit different so far too. But the leaf growth and overall structure of the plant/branches look very much bubba (or bubbashine?) to me.

Lots of buttery muffin smells so far from these girls.
I’m hoping at least one retains that smell as it gets later into flower! lol


Can’t believe I don’t have a top shot similar to yours. I was sure I did. But this is the one I’ve got. More sour/kushy smells over here too.

Edit :

Took that top shot.


Nope, another clone of it showed stigmas in previous stress testing. #7 isn’t with the ladies in flower.

I have to look, too many plants happening lol. I think they’re both double digit. Will report back later.

On another noted, I stress tested most of them further. All were basically neglected with over and under watering in an uncontrolled environment and brought to near death. Now I’m seeing how they respond on the comeback. I killed #12, which is how I know I went far enough with stress testing… Someone had to die! :joy: I don’t think it says as much bad about number 12 as it does good about the lot


Would love to buy some of these seeds when ready. Love this strain but have never grown it yet


id suggest you get aquainted with the tos and rules around


You literally joined this site 12 minutes ago.
Welcome to OG - please introduce and stick around!!! When you start reading threads, you will learn to way we do things around here.


My sincerest apologies. I did a google search for sunshine daydream seeds and this thread popped up so I made an account. I’ll read more into the guidelines and do better in the future. Thank you for allowing me to join


I always tell everyone who asks me that “let’s see the stems” because that was the biggest tell for me. I know we’re not smoking stems and it doesn’t mean anything - but that’s really what stood out the most about the bubbashine pheno that I found. It wasn’t all that unique visually - had a kushy / OG look to it. Mine stretched quite a bit and had narrow leaves. The blueberry muffin / coffee / kush smell did not come in until late flower.

My Triple Sunshine C pheno looked pretty similar to the bubbashine pheno of ssdd visually, minus the stem frost. Triple Sunshine C was much stronger too. Triple Sunshine A on the other hand I could pick out in a whole room full of flowers - that one is pretty unique looking.

Here’s an assortment of pictures of the pheno.

Veg / Start of flower - first picture has an SSDD male in the center of the 4 SSDD bubbashine clones.

This one is a mix of SSDD & Space Monkey. Mostly SSDD…

Around Day 24 flower

Later in flower

Dry Flower shots

Triple Sunshine C - looks pretty close… No stem frost though.

Bodhi comments



Hope that helps and that your mousewheel still works…


Your best bet is to interact as much as possible to raise your trust level. May I suggest reading about co-op rules, wiki etiquette


Nice background there :wink:


Gorgeous! :fire::fire:

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Yeah good call there on looking at the stems and whatnot.

My cut also doesn’t develop the blueberry muffin/kush smell/flavor until after 8 weeks into flower. Before then it’s almost all sour butter.


Well and the smoke test for the dreamy effects. For me it had the effects that reminded me of when I was younger and had a high fever - that sort of “dreamy”.

Bubbashine smells of hot buttered blueberry muffins and kush, grows like a big OG covered in crystals, and has an amazing potent warm snuggly euphoric pain relieving effect, especially good for nerve pain.

I don’t think I identified my old cut as one of the 10% bubbashine phenos until my 2nd sensi run with her. Should be noted that the bubbashine smell should be the most common smell if we’re going to believe Bodhi. I’ve seen others claim to have found it but have never seen a picture that fits the description on any of the Bodhi threads across the forums.

I think it’s going to be very difficult to pick out and identify phenos in a seeded run. There is no way around actually testing the plants out sensi. This discussion has taken place a few other places so I won’t drag it out here again, but it is the truth…

That said, it wasn’t even my favorite pheno in the SSDD line. I liked my first SSDD more which had a rubber coffee butterscotch smelling pheno and small-semi leafy buds. Rare doesn’t always equate to better, same with frost levels.

SSDD #1 from 2015 or 2016…

KNOWN PHENOS: 70% hybrid pheno, bubbashine smell with bigger buds, nervous system harmonizer… 20% appalachia pheno, tangy chemy buds with dulingl warm blanket high… 10% bubba/blue moonshine pheno tighter kushy nuggy dreamy pheno


It’s all good!

Part of the reason I joined this site was for sunshine daydream too! I belonged to the original overgrow back in the day, so that was also part of the reason. But what inspired me to make a new account was my search for sunshine daydream, so I totally get it man.

As others said, hang around here. You’ll end up with more free seeds than you know what to do with! lol

And I’m sure you’ll get some (free) sunshine daydream seeds from me if you hang around.

That’s pretty cool a google search for SSDD led you to this thread!


Thanks for the detailed posts homie! Much appreciated.

I am not seeing the stem frost on that #1 pheno like in your pics. The shape of the buds looks different so far too. So I don’t think it’s the exact same pheno as yours but time will tell. It definitely looks similar to that SSDD f2 (plant #2) that I grew from your seeds though.

Also, I agree on needing to run them sensi. That’s coming up next! Getting clones ready now.


Happy to report that I am seeing lots of pollinated buds today!

(the last pic is the ‘92 kush, not SSDD just fyi)

It doesn’t show as well in the pics, but lots of buds have tons of pollinated pistils.

There are still quite a few branches that don’t look pollinated though. I’ll know for sure soon. Either way I’ll be pollinating again anyway.

I may try to directly pollinate the branches that weren’t hit. It’s mainly the plants in the back corner.

@HorseBadorites your cut got hit really nicely by pollen! Most of the main bud sites are looking very pollinated.

I did end up covering one branch on each plant to try and keep them pollen free. So hopefully I’ll have one branch of each that is sensi. If not, NBD.