Sunshine Daydream f1 open pollination

My bad, I thought you were saying one of the pictured females was #7. My mistake! lol

Glad to hear your stress testing went well!

I have yet to see any intersex traits in any of the 13 SSDD plants I have, and I had a couple light leaks (into the flower room) and everything so that has me hopeful.


What made you decide to get rid of your bubbashine cut? Looks like such a nice plant haha i still have some f2’s you made with that mom so i may pop the rest but i honestly wasn’t a huge fan of the effects… might just need to find a better pheno.

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I think I held it for 3 or 4 years. After a while, I stopped reaching for the jar because I have highly active dogs and the pheno just didn’t mesh with the lifestyle required to meet their needs. It was some of the best meds for sleep that I’ve grown, but that really isn’t what I’m after. I like the SSDD crosses that Bodhi made with the SSDD male more than the SSDD F1s that I’ve personally gone through (only about 1 1/4 packs).

I held it because I wanted to preserve it for my own uses should I ever want to explore it again, or seek out some more extreme bubbashine phenos. Being a discontinued line and a rare pheno it felt worth the effort, even if it wasn’t my favorite.

I was considering S1ing it, dusting it with the pollen of some F2s made from my favorite SSDD, or crossing it to one of Bodhi’s SSDD crosses. SHOE ended up having an auction and I picked up another pack of SSDD & Triple Sunshine (TK x SSDD). I popped a few TS & SSDD seeds to make F2s with the bubbashine pheno so I could just retire it, but I was pretty disappointed in the SSDD that I saw so I didn’t have a lot of confidence in those F2s. TS on the other hand was extremely promising.

I decided to hold on to the mom for a bit longer until I could make TS F2s and I hit the SSDD mom with pollen to make a kind of an SSDD in-cross… SSDD x (TK x SSDD). I have made with it : SSDD x Goji OG , SSDD x SSDD, and SSDD x Triple Sunshine - that should be enough to satisfy any curiosities I have in the future…


Sounds like my type of weed for sure… haha maybe I just need to smoke more in a session for the effects. I’ll have to pop the rest of those and try again


No worries, I see why it was confusing.

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Collected a bunch of pollen tonight. You can’t really see it all in the pic because of all the male flower clusters still in the bucket. But there’s quite a bit. Should be more than enough to finish pollinating the room a second time.

I should still be able to keep collecting more for at least another week+ too. I’m going to collect as much as I can. Might as well…

I just bent clusters of branches into the bucket and shook them. Seemed to work pretty well. I had paper down below the plants too so I was able to collect a decent amount of the pollen that didn’t make it into the bucket.

Boy… the #3 male (I think… need to double check the tag) is a real stinky f’er! By far the stinkiest. It has a strong skunky smell when I handled it. I was wearing a good sealed mask to avoid breathing in clouds of pollen and I could smell it strongly through the mask. I may try to collect some pollen from just that one male separately.


Hope you pulled those flowers out asap. Even so tiny they hold a ton of moisture and will corrupt the pollen very quickly if left in there with them.


Yeah I got them out of there right after I took that photo. But thanks for the heads up!

Most of those flowers were already pretty dried out anyway. They were mostly the flowers that had fallen off the plants and landed on the paper I had down on the floor (and had been there for days)


I used a piece of 90 micron silk screen I attached to a picture frame to separate out all the male flowers from the pollen. I have it sitting on some jars above a piece of glass. I usually use this to make kief from trim but it also works great for pollen.

Man, I’m lucky I don’t have bad allergies. I have breathed in a crazy amount of pollen the last week or so! My sinuses feel a bit irritated but otherwise not too bad. I need to remember to wear a damn mask. lol


Lots of pregnant ladies! :joy:

Most of the room looks like it was successfully pollinated. The plants along the outside edges got hit the hardest (because they were closest to the fans) but even the back corner looks like it got pollinated.

Some plants look like they could use a bit more pollen so I’m still going to pollinate again. But it’s already looking like I should have a bunch of seeds!


really nicely done, this has been really nice to see everything


The whole room is definitely looking pollinated today and I can already see some tiny seed pods forming on some of the buds!

Almost all of the bud sites on all the plants look like they got hit with pollen. Even the lower branches in the back corner.

I was hoping the whole room got hit. I released a couple huge clouds of pollen in front of the fans after shaking male branches above the plants. You could see the pollen envelop the room, multiple times.

I’m still going to do it once more for good measure but I don’t know if it’s really even necessary.


Your plants look really nice! :+1:


You can see some of the seed pods just starting to form in that first pic.

Unfortunately, the branches I tried to keep sensi also look like they got hit with a bit of pollen. I covered them with bags and left the bags on for like 2 hours after I pollinated. But I didn’t spray any water in the room (like I normally would after selective pollination) because I didn’t want to kill any pollen. They don’t look nearly as pollinated as the rest of the room though. Not really a big deal anyway.

Oh, and here’s that #2 female. Still looks like the worst of the bunch to me.



Thanks! They’re definitely not as healthy overall as I’d like but they’re doing decent enough, all things considered.


Still look nice to me! And you are going to get many seeds. :grin:


There lots of babies in those buds. Nice work, you got a heap of pollen.

Are you keeping any pollen to make crosses in the future?

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Yes I plan to store some pollen away in the freezer.

I also still have clones from all the male plants in my veg room.


You can have an ongoing pollen party!

Have you got any crosses in mind that get you excited SSDD X…???

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I have a thug pug peanut butter breath f3 in the flower room with the sunshine daydream. I also have a Bodhi field trip (GSC x sunshine daydream) and a ‘92 kush. I’m excited about all 3!

I’ll probably make some seeds with a bunch of different strains moving forward. I usually just pollinate a handful of bottom branches and not the entire plant. So I’m sure I’ll do that, more just for fun until I find a good SSDD male to work with.

Mainly, I plan to do more selective breeding with the better sunshine daydream females (and eventually males) that I find. I still have 12 seeds of the original sunshine daydream to sprout too. I actually wanted to have them going by now but it just hasn’t worked out yet. I’m hoping soon (maybe when the males come down). So I plan to do some breeding with that pack too. And also one more even bigger open pollination in the future (I’m thinking next summer. I need my flower room for sensi in the winter months when heat+humidity aren’t an issue I constantly battle).

If I can eventually make it easier to find better sunshine daydream phenos when growing the seeds, I’d be thrilled. But I also want to preserve it with the open pollinations for anyone who wants to hunt a wider gene pool.

I am also really hoping to find something similar to the old keeper pheno I had of sunshine daydream years ago and breed with it.