Sunshine Daydream f1 open pollination

I’m out of love at the moment, but your plants look awesome! :grinning:


I have an extra love for you. Here you go mutant lover! :heart:

Congrats on the pollination @TeddyNuggets!
Those girls are all beautiful in my eyes.


i would say you will have some seed very cool for getting this one going. just makes my mouth water for sure


yeah I’d hope so! lol

shucking the seeds from all these plants is not going to be fun, though. I wish I had some local overgrow buddies to help… :joy:

But at least I won’t really have to trim it, so I guess it kind of evens out.
I’ll probably just remove the fan leaves and leave the rest since the (crumbled) bud will just be used to make bubble hash and/or edibles.


I pollinated the room again today. I released 2 more big clouds of pollen in front of the fans again, then dumped some on top of the couple plants that looked less pollinated than the others.

I also pollinated the peanut butter breath and field trip today for the first time. They weren’t quite ready yet last time. Even today was still a bit earlier than I’d normally do it but I don’t care I just wanted to get it done.

So now the wait begins…. lol.

I plan to let them flower for another 5+ weeks (maybe 6, we will see).

I still have half the flower room open (only running one of the two lights). So roughly 5x5 space. That will allow me to get some sensi plants going as soon as they’re ready for flower, while I wait for the seeded crop to finish up.