Sunshine Daydream f1 open pollination

I do actually plan on doing selective breeding with this strain in the future.

I am going to do this first open pollination. Then run a sensi run with the 7 females I have now + how many ever females I get from the 12 seeds. Then do another, bigger open pollination with all 25 f1 SSDD’s (or maybe more, if I collaborate with anyone else. lol)

Then after that I’ll start selective breeding with any special females and standout males.

My ultimate goal is to find my old beloved “butter pheno” and reproduce it in seed form (so I never lose it again, and so others can have it too). That’s obviously assuming I find what I’m after in the f1 generation. If not, I’ll be looking for it in f2’s.


@Ricker421 @ShartTank3
Co-op runs are open to all members with a trust level 2 or higher.
I’d start getting involved with reading and contributing to get your trust level up so you may signup.
There is a thread that explains how the co-op runs work I’d recommend reading
Welcome to og


Oh hell yea. I’m here and I’m staying until the end. SSDD is up there for me like so many others here. Goodluck and I hope everything works out absolutely perfect for you!! @TeddyNuggets


Correct, some of the pollen fell into the tray, but they seem to produce more every day. I was not too careful with them, didn’t care too much, but experimenting to learn more. I am too lazy to collect it and save it and get myself all nervous about spreading pollen everywhere. I had already realized they were males to cull them, so they were very ready to drop pollen by the time they rooted. Even after a week of them dropping a bit pollen in the tray with the dome on it, I removed them from the tray and put them inside a plastic zip baggy, brought them over to the next room, and tried to carefully get the tops of the plants I wanted pollinated into the ziplock bag, and agitated them and shook them all about, and then moved onto the next top, and ties colorful zip-ties on them. It worked very well, to contained the pollen in so the rest of the whole room did not get pollinated. Maybe a few of the nearby plants had a few seeds, but not seeds everywhere.
In fact, they are the seeds I got going in this “help me germinate in rockwool” thread I made, and they look awesome! I hope to show you too, and not mess this up, haha :slight_smile:

If I were you, I would do the same as what you are thinking, and cull that one obvious loser, but let the other few males do their thing in there. Or perhaps maybe like you were thinking to let the later blooming males start opening up too in another room, and then put them all in there at the same time, so the late bloomers get a chance too. Once the deed is done, though, after all the males have had a chance to open up, I would cull them. If you had a very many males to choose from, then I would select, but not for 5 males. I wouldn’t be able to tell much of a difference in them. I think you got a good number of males for variation in the genepool, and I’d let them all live unless there is an obvious loser runt. I had selected the best ~5 males out of 80 regulars. Thanks for doing what you are doing, it’s super cool, and we all know you could have been running sensi in that space with that electricity and time, but you chose to do it like this. So much love!
:green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


Me too, that way every one gets an equal mix at the same time… and it’s a lot easier :slight_smile:


I got all the males moved into another room and flipped the females to flower, so 12/12 starts tonight for the females.

I will count the first day of flower as tomorrow (I always do this - count the next day as the start of 12/12).

So it officially begins!


Since I now have some extra space under the light in the flower room I may throw a couple of my old bonsai mother plants in there too.

I have a Bodhi Field Trip (GSC x sunshine daydream), thug pug peanut butter breath f3 and Delicious seeds cheese candy (I’ve had this keeper for like 9 years now) that I should be able to move in there.

I figured it would be fun to make some crosses with the SSDD pollen since I have some extra room. Why not, right? lol

Here’s some pics of the field trip and PBB in flower + at harvest, for those curious what they look like.

Field trip:

PBB f3:

The PBB and cheese candy need to be repotted before I put them in flower. The field trip I just need to get some clones off first.


That field trip pheno looks great this is mine I have going right now got 2 weeks left till harvest



What’s the smell like so far? I’ll be curious to read your smoke report on it. My field trip keeper is one of my current favorite smokes. It definitely has that mellow, peaceful element to the high, similar to my sunshine daydream keeper (from years ago).

That one looks like maybe it leans more toward GSC?


wow congratulations guy very nice culture the PBB looks on fire​:fire::+1: like Sunshine cross country.
Crossing of course you can still find fire🔥.


one of my favourite strains a bit leggy for my drobes but makes a great scrog method candidate,theres one particular pheno that smells like fresh baked muffins and tastes like melted butter and had very high thc level and was the best relaxing muscles oil from her,good luck i shall follow,peace


That sounds a lot like the keeper pheno I had years back, and the one I am hunting for again now.

I once read it shows up less than 15% of the time. Not sure if that’s true.


i kept a mother going for nearly 8 yrs but lost it due to faulty watering system when on holiday,was gutted.i hope you find it again


Bummer! You had a butter pheno mom too?

I think I had mine for about 5 years. Believe it or not, that was the very first sunshine daydream seed I sprouted!
I bought SSDD right when Bodhi first released it. I only initially sprouted 3 seeds. Got 2 females. One had kind of a bit of a gassy smell and I didn’t really like that one.
The other was my beloved buttery kush muffin pheno that I held onto.

I ran 2 (or 3) packs of SSDD back then iirc, and that first female was the best one I found, by far.

I lost mine when I had a buddy babysit my mothers while I was away. I told him she was a light drinker and to only water every few days. He watered it to death. lol
I was bummed! But I couldn’t get mad at him because he did me a big favor. And all my other moms survived. Of course he killed my favorite though… lol

If I find it I plan to try and make it in seed form, so I will definitely share!

I’d also be willing to send you cuts of it if I find it (and if you’re in the US)


Got in there this morning and smelled her a bit have had a kinda fucked up sinuses for the past few weeks but getting a mix of citrus a rubbery latex like smell I’ve seen with ssdd stuff I’ve tried with a clean almost laundry detergent backend not crazy loud kinda mild curious on how it will cure our hoping it’s decent smoke normally don’t do cookies stuff

Think this phenotype is more gsc influenced based off structure and smells but only grown a few things with cookies in there genetics


I’m running through a pack as we speak.


Sooo… I just got my first good smoke of Dream Axis. Such a nice high, it is face and head tingly stuff. But it’s different from what I’m used to with this effect. You can feel it in certain parts of your head but it’s strongest closer to the neck and shoulders, not forehead or headband feeling as much as other strains. It feels like the best damn muscle relaxing plants I’ve smoked, but more examination required. It’s such a great high!

It smells like sweet creamy butter on a cornbread muffin with some perfumed notes I’m struggling to describe. She’s sweet, sour, and creamy all in one. There’s a fruitiness there, but it’s not the most discernible fruit. Pear and stews apple is what I’m getting so far. In light of this, I’d really like to get it to you and a few others that know SSDD to check out and compare to the SSDD butter pheno. Some pics and more info here


Nice! It’s a great strain. It makes me happy to see more people growing it. I have only talked to one other person who ran it before you two.

I still have almost a full pack to run through myself. I thought about doing a preservation with it but GSC stuff is so prevalent. It was the SSDD that was the interesting part of the cross for me. But now that I have all these pure SSDD plants to run I probably won’t bother anymore.

I want to get to the pack of Bodhi Black Triangle I have next anyway (well, after the SSDD pack I’ll be sprouting soon).


Pulling up a chair!

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I plan to try to s1 the good phenos i get. Sorry to stray from the topic at hand!