Sunshine Daydream & Purple Punch- 1st Growlog

Sunshine daydream, IT’S A GIRL!

Sunshine Daydream- looks like ive also got a male.

The Grow Big seems to be helping w what looked like N deficiency but theyre still light in color.

The clone is also looking N deficient but it started putting on growth a couple days ago.

Couldnt bring myself to scrap any dark sparks yet bc it wasnt their fault, it’s mine! We’ll see if they put on more weight but they are very deficient in N and probably P.


I’ll post some pics tonight- was gone a few days, but the SSDD have really turned around. They greened up and have put on a lot of growth in a week.

The new seeds are slow to go. Only 3 out of 12 have popped, worried it was overwatered while I was gone. Since it was a week I expected more to be popping. Constantly wet soil is preferred but only til leaf out, right? Or should I err on the drier side even before they emerge?

I bring new meaning to the word newb, but I’ve had my best luck with seeds planted in peat pucks and kept moist not soaked until they sprout :seedling:

SSDD female has really started to turn around.

A couple dark sparks that have popped


SSDD Female. Shes been droopy like that for a few days. She seems picky- doesn’t like when I bend her or tie her. Also maybe she’s a little light sensitive?

The male SSDD on the other hand, seems real easy going. Pretty smelly already, crazy tight and nice branching structure, vigorous.

They’ll both get cloned today. I also need to pot up the purple punch clones. Probably looking at flipping to flower a week for now. Looks like it’ll be SSDD & Purple Punch for this first round of regular photoperiod.

The 3 dark sparks I saved probably have 2 weeks left, so that may delay when I flip but i dont want to wait much longer bc the SSDD is already bigger than I wanted to flower her.

Got some basil, oregano, and lettuce growing in this room right now as well. Need to up pot all that stuff and move it into the veg area I still need to get set up.


Oh yeah, forgot to mention, did a foliar spray last night w Epsom salts. Looking like I have a Mg deficiency. Really need to figure out my water/ph/ppm situation. But I dont want to spend another couple hundred on expensive pens.

I know we have really hard water and I suspect that’s going to be an ongoing struggle.


Looking good @newb2.0 following along !

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Looking good!! I had a ssdd that was a lil light sensitive too. They were also a little “weak” when it came to my manhandling. :roll_eyes:

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Another shot of the SSDD before I cut her.

SSDD main top that I’m cloning. Hopefully after running this round I’ll want to keep her around!

I spent waaayyy too much at Build a soil. Gonna do my own peat based mix, along with one more dependent on their pre mixed soils. I figured even if my mix isnt real great this go around, if 1/2 is coming from a build a soil pre mix, I KNOW amending and reusing should be pretty straightforward. In this for the long haul!


Forgot to give a shoutout to @Papalag, I used his technique of cutting open the rooter cubes and securing them w a ziptie. Hoping for roots in 7 or 8 days!


Good luck I normally use wire ties ( ran out of wire zips were in the tool box ) just don’t let them dry out ,
Make sure you cut at a node and scrape the stem a little

Have fun my friend

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Hope you don’t mind here’s a few pics of my clone tent at a few stages


@newb2.0 one of the things I like to do is keep them in individual cups This insures proper drainage
I put about 2 inches of pro mix with a lot of perlite 50/50
Then sprinkle with a granular mycorrhizae and the plastic baggie and a rubber band makes a great dome


Do you like to have a node inside the rooter? Ive seen conflicting recommendations on this.

Take that pic for example, I wouldbt stick it as -is, I’d trim it down so the next node ends up in the rooter. What do you think?


Awesome! Thanks for including pics! I remember seeing this in another thread and like what I see!

Nice :+1: that’s just right
Some times the nodes are very close and these one or 2 in the rooter . Just scrape a little off the bark

They should do just fine
@ifish recommend thread :thread: to tie I like that idea it will dissolve I cut the wire off when rooted

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Dark sparks are close to finishing. Pretty Damn frosty. They did pretty good despite my best efforts to rob them of nutrients when they needed it most. Entirely my fault they didn’t yield more. Great DEEP purple color, grapey smells.

SSDD female on the right I gave a little spritz today. Was gone for a few days and gave her a foliar spray w Epsom. Looks like it left a residue on the leaves so I tried rinsing it off today. Things are looking pretty good to be able to flip to 12/12 very soon.


Bro that purple one is has amazing color

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How’s this for purple?

One of my firsts is coming to an end- 1st auto run. These dark sparks smell like grape limeade.

No amber trichs yet but I need the room so if they aren’t totally done by Sunday, theyre still coming down.


A few more of the dark sparks