Sunshine Daydream & Purple Punch- 1st Growlog

Also got some roots on the SSDD female

SSDD female tends to be droopy like this a lot. The male and other plants are not. Havent been able to figure it out yet. Put her into 7gal pot last night getting ready for the flip. Any diagnoses?


Damn bro that’s some pretty plants

And the clone rooted nicely great job

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Hows this for male pre-flowers? None of my male clones rooted, need to cut some more later this week bc I’m ready to flip to flower. Need a rooted clone tho for future breeding. Check out the structure too, hes stacked!

Anyone want some SSDD male unrooted cuttings before I scrap him?


Cut and hung the dark sparks. The purple finished almost black. Not a whole lot of change from the previous pics I posted. Will show dried photos when they are ready. I’m getting ready for the flip, probably today even tho ive been saying that for a few weeks!

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Just a little update since its been awhile. My flower room, now. Started flowering on 2/17, thats also when i potted the 2 purple punch into 7gal from 3 gals. The one at my feet, almost out of frame is the SSDD male. Took a bunch of cuts since the 1st batch off of him didnt take. Just waiting til I have roots then hes a goner

The front right, the largest plant is the sunshine daydream female. The other 2 are purple punch, and have a couple of lettuce plants in there too.

A couple notes, more for myself than anything. After I watered w silica and Epsom, things started turning south quickly, especially w the plants I had in solo cups. Ive since started feeding heavier w FF grow big and checking and adjusting ph. That silica shoots the ph well above 8.5 (using the drops and the color test for now. Dont trust the $20 oh meter I bought, and am not ready to spend $200 on a good one). And also started watering a little less, the droopy issues I had been seeing have since gone away w the SSDD female. She likes the bigger pot with the extra room and the bit more fertilizer and adjusted oh water ive been giving her. She got a top dress of EWC before I flipped to 12/12.

The purple punch have really hard stems, each of those plants I’ve had to tape the top back together, I snapped them each at different times when trying to train them.

Fungus gnats are getting worse, not better. I’m thinking the clipping of the cover crop and using it as a green mulch is contributing to the problem. Theyre much worse in the veg cab w the solo cups, and thats more concerning bc they are seedlings and much more susecptible to issues bc of the small root mass. Gonna need to fix that pretty quickly.

Probably gonna drop my light a little closer also to see how they all respond. Hoping to get that SSDD to spread a little more.


Last night I went into my flowering room to look for light leaks, looking good from that standpoint. However, I realized the AC infinity controller and the sonoff have lights on them. Both are mounted up high, so the room is dark enough for me to not be able to make out the plants when I’m standing, looking down. But the blue lights coming off the electronics are bright enough to throw shadows, all higher than the light. So i put a piece of tape over the AC infinity light. Not worried about it, it’s not any brighter than moonlight. Just wanting to make sure I’m good.

I’m at a week of flowering, purple punches are showing a bit of stretch, SSDD still just growing wide & bushy- trying to fill in as much space w her as possible. Looking at other threads I realized i need to elevate my picture taking! I think I still have a decent camera around rather than use my phone for pics all the time.


Cinnamon will get rid of fungus gnats had a bunch last grow sprinkled some around the top soil I did that 2 or 3 times it was a quick cheap natural fix


Plants are looking good love the dark sparks pics so frosty :sunglasses: that’s definitely going on my seed wishlist love the color purple and w a grapey smell it sounds like a win win 2 me


@newb2.0, if you go to the device settings in the eWeLink app, you can turn off the indicator lights on the sonoff. :+1::seedling:

@Budafly, that never worked for me, I did try it though. Glad it worked for you. :+1::seedling:


Had to post these closeups to show how bushy the SSDD is

Starting to get some stretch on all of them


My SSDD male in the flowering room, almost 2 weeks into 12/12. Ive got cuttings of this guy but the first round didn’t root, and I dont have roots yet 8 or so days since I took this last round of cuts. Want to get some pollen off of him, when should I start worrying about him dropping pollen? I’m just planning to finish a few branches in a bin under a light and ditching most of this potted guy.


Only once you start seeing formed pollen sacs should you be concerned about pollen,


That last pic was terrible. Id say the sacs are forming quickly at this point.


Those first node sacs could be 3 maybe 4 days but possibly less, they are close, you may notice a color change and or they will just start to open up and once they do then its usually 12-24hrs, but the rest your still a good week out at least, they do build quick though.


Those dark sparks look amazing… would be great to isolate… Amazing colour… nice and frosty too. :grin::wink:


So I had to go out of town for work til Friday. I had pulled him out of the flower room a few days ago, he was just getting low light from my open veg cab. The sacs looked like they kept developing, so last night I cut a few branches, stuck them in water and sealed it up in a bucket to see if I can catch any if they open while I’m gone. Just to be safe, I jammed the rest of the whole plant into a tote. If I need to stick him back under a light for a day or 2 when I return I can if he hasnt started to drop yet.

My cuttings rooted, so I dont need to feel pressured to get pollen from this big bastard right now.

Crazy smells coming off him from my pruning. Kinda a fresh rubber smell, like new tennis balls out of the can. 2 weeks ago I wore a sweater while workong in the garden, hung it back up in the closet and hadnt worn it since. From rubbing against the plants, that jacket stinks now! Was wearing it in the airport stinking the place up! Now I need to keep it concealed when I get to the office in awhile :sunglasses:


Some flower shots at 2.5 weeks:
Sunshine Daydream

Purple Punch


Some update pics to start the week, I’ll be gone a few days so hoping they look even better when I get back! SSDD really spreading, purple punch shooting up & stacking fat stems to hopefully griw fat colas!

Gave them a barley tea last night, first time doing any teas indoors. Gonna try to not use a bottle thru flower.


About 3.5 weeks in now. Starting to show some trichs.


Next time Give them Micorrhyzae, this will kill any bad fungus and will help with root growth.
Looking all good, just pull out the males before is tooa late.
Salud compadre!

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