Sunshine Daydream & Purple Punch- 1st Growlog

Took a bunch of different pics, trying to show the structure of the SSDD when I pruned some leaves off. Also trying to take some better close up bud shots.

Before a trim:

After trim:

Evidence of some of my training:

Fat stalk, super bushy SSDD female

Purple punch- started running a heater to get temps up to 80+, the purple punch responds almost immediately. Planning to finally wire an outlet to run a heater off my sonoff to keep temps up when lights are on

Close ups of both the SSDD & Purple Punch. I guess I didn’t mention anything about finally using mulch- you can see in earlier pics I added barley straw. Also top dressed w rice hulls. Fungus gnats still really bad. I doubled up on the mosquito bits this weekend as well, and cleaned the tray the plants sit on.


Thanks man, I know all about myco, we’re talking 2 different things tho. I have a fungus gnat problem I’m dealing with, not a fungal disease issue.

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No more likes left @newb2.0

But great work and beautiful plants !! :maple_leaf::maple_leaf::maple_leaf:


I’m at a couple days past 4 weeks since the 12/12 flip. SSDD in the foreground, purple punch in the back

Ive now got a heater set up, keeping the temp at 81 during lights on now. I watered the last 2 times by pouring a gallon or 2 of water in the tray and letting it wick in. I think I’m gonna keep doing that when just using straight water.

The SSDD has a very slight light green tint to it like it may need a little more N, but otherwise things seem to be clicking along and pretty healthy. Also starting to get a decent amount of frost on them both. The PP has more of a smell from the SSDD. Kinda surprised from what ive heard of Bodhi strains being loud. The PP has a nice earthy, almost coffee hint to it but also a sweet smell. Hard to put my finger on the SSDD smells right now.

SSDD close ups

Purple Punch close ups


Nothing new to report other than bud shots. Does it look to you all that my SSDD is starting to look light green? I hit it w a little extra N this week, planning to hit her a few times w Mg this week…


I changed the name on the thread, there are some things I started with in the grow that are no longer valid. Wanted it to be more apparent what it was about in the title as well!

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Are all those photos SSDD? Seems to have a dark color…

Last 3 are purple punch the first 4 are SSDD. They look a bit lighter than the purples

Correction- the one photo zoomed out has the SSDD in the front PP the 2 plants in the back


What kind of terps are you getting from the SSDD? Everyone seems to love the buttered blueberry muffin phenotype.

Hard to say currently. They’re a bit more subdued than I expected, but getting stronger everyday. The purple punch also kind of overpowers the smell in the room in general. I think in 10 days or less I’ll get a lot better handle on what this female is working with.

Best I could pinpoint it right now is a sweet and hashy smell that I’m getting from the SSDD. I know, thats not very descriptive!

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So still no real improvement with the downward trend in the SSDD becoming more light green. The SSDD is in front, PP in back for comparison on colors. Ive been feeding Epsom salts w each of the last few waterings & they got recharge last night.

I think the problem is I had the SSDD in that pot finishing veg then flipped to flower. The PPs were up potted to 7 gals about a week into flower, so I’m guessing a lot more nutrients in the SSDD soil were used up before flippping. The SSDD seems to like a lot of nitrogen. Soooo…trying to figure out if I can at least stop the yellowing for another 2 weeks or slow it down bad without over feeding and causing foxtailing and such. I’ll also post this over on the sick plants thread. But otherwise theyre really starting to swell up. The purple punch is gonna have some pretty chunky buds when its all done.


Purple punch- starting to swell frost up pretty nicely:

Room shot- SSDD still turning light in color but not as quickly. I think the stuff I did w ferts, teas, and top dressing has helped. Now time to LITFA!

SSDD bud shots:


The girls are looking amazing !!
I think I’ll hang out down the back And watch the show , if ya don’t mind

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Thanks, much appreciated! Come on in and join the fun.


The colours on SSDD and purple punch !! Man o man lol

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Beautiful done my friend

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They look nice and happy, you are well on your way.

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Just had to post this close up of the purple punch


Really beautiful plants! I think the SSDD just has a naturally lighter tone to it, they look perfectly fed to me.


thanks for the heads up on the lighting, for a minute there, thought I might be high!



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