Supernal Gardens - OPG’s Journal

How’s your Sour d smelling?

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Yup, they’re looking settled and ready to get going. You’re doing well and looking forward to watching how it continues to go :pray::face_with_raised_eyebrow::+1::fire::eyes:


1 has a beautiful flower structure going on I’ll snap some better pics in the coming days and the one in the picture has a slight sweet an sour smell but they’re are all looking great I can’t wait thank you again MG.

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Oh yeah I was shocked at how fast these plants took hold. The plants been nothing but resilient so far which has been super enjoyable to see. Keeping them on a light feeding till they really blow up. The anticipation is real here :grin: :fire: :evergreen_tree: Wish me luck brother.


Good to hear. Can’t wait to see more pictures. I have two growing myself and they are all sour. Hope you enjoy the flavors, OPG!

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Hope everyone is having a good week so far overall
Just a small update today. :call_me_hand:t2: Veg room is going good found 2 Females THH x THH :partying_face: chopped 3 males one Skullfuk One Bubble Milk and one powie wowie. Luckily I have female of each except Bubble Milk. Up potted new females.

Flower Tent: Redliner is looking amazing structure wise. Sour D bx 4 5 in flower some farther than others and a few different phenos via @MG_Canna
Awoken Dragon last starting to stack :dragon:
Triple Spice Trim Jail :metal:t2: One beautiful plant.
DC x K is curing taking in a hospital glove smell with a hint of coffee.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my grows sometimes super appreciative :pray:t2: :slightly_smiling_face:
Never stop chasing your dreams OGers :100:



How’s everyone doing today hoping this find you all well. Just a nice chunky update hope some of you enjoy it. :call_me_hand:t2: Got lucky with one girl on the Blue Kush via @DougDawson just up potted her and gave her some good nutrients to get her going.Up potted a few others as well. A few finicky strains I had to tweak their feeding a bit.

Here’s some flower pics after they’re cured for at least 2 weeks. :fire:

Flower tent thankfully crushing right along
Just gave them all a good phd feeding with AN line.

Thank you for stopping by and at least looking at my grows. :100: :pray:t2: Hope everyone’s current and future grows and projects have nothing but success.
OG is Life :green_heart:


Well dam brother, you just displayed practically your own dispensary. That’s a hell of an assortment to dig through :star_struck::scream::yum: Job very well done. You’ll crush it doing CripXmas. Jamaican bag seed gets a rise out of me, also Spice is intriguing :thinking:


I appreciate the kind words Dank things are finally starting to click for me growing wise. Super excited to see how the buckets treat them. I haven’t had anything pine related in about 14 years so things should get real good real quick :partying_face: the Jamaica Bagseed is the purest Sativa I’ve had personally even the structure as it grew was very wild and untamed hoping to run another one to see if I get the same pheno. Triple Spice was @Foreigner ’s work it’s definitely some fancy great smelling flower. Hope everything is going well on your end with all the new things you have going on. :100: @OriginalDankmaster96



Hope all you wonderful OGers are doing great on all your grows and current projects. :100: :pray:t2:
Just an update on things in the grow lab.

Shiskacake via @duo

CripXMas A F4 via @OriginalDankmaster96

Fallen Soldier x GM via @Ris

From left to right we have Orange Barb x Skittlez clone via @Franklin next is Frankenstein via @JohnnyPotseed third is WMBK clone via @THCeed and 4th Is Blue Kush Via @DougDawson
Let the growing begin :metal:t2: :earth_americas: OG Life
Might plant another one or 2 maybe autos haven’t decided yet.Wish me luck :four_leaf_clover:

Sour D Bx4 via @MG_Canna

Triple Spice clone via @Foreigner She’s an over performing powerhouse great yielder.

Mango Nigerian and the one with longer pistils is Redliner

Awoken Dragon :eye: :dragon:

Have a great day/night everyone thank you all for being the difference. :call_me_hand:t2: :slightly_smiling_face: I appreciate all of you that stop by. :100:


Awesome selection of cool stuff bud you always have something goin on love it :sunglasses::seedling:


Thank You :pray:t2: I appreciate all the love. Just want to do my part in Overgrowing the world. :100:


Looks fantastic OPG!
That’s a wonderful assortment and the main reason I just grabbed a 2x4 for a veg room. Can’t wait for Wednesday :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Are you on any kind of schedule for going from veg to flower tents?


I veg up until I can sex them in cups preferably, then I up pot them gradually depending on how fast I want to go into flower.I usually go by plant size,
2-3 ft before I send them in flower. I’m aiming for 2-3 Oz per plant.Not easy going perpetual but sooo worth the harvests. You’re doing phenomenal as well my friend keep at it I’m sure you’ll be having more than your hands full real soon :crazy_face:
Best of luck with the new tent brother.
“Just keep growing” :100: :metal:t2: @LzBoy
Thanks for stopping by and the kind words.


Always a pleasure to see what you’ve got going on!

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Been a few days people hope all is well with everyone today on one of the best holidays of the year 4:20 :call_me_hand:t2: :partying_face:
Nice update kinda hefty hang tight please :joy:
Veg room got some extra lovin last night phd all the feedings and checked the ph on the res things are looking good hopefully they continue to get better.
Flower room is chugging along. Accidentally spilled some pollen and got it on 10 branches on this Sour D Bx4 in the last pic :sweat_smile:

Happy 4:20 OG :metal:t2:Take care and bee kind everyone :green_heart:



Hope all you fantastic OGers are having a good start of the week. Just a quick update 3 CripXMas are finally coming along @OriginalDankmaster96
Should be able to sex them real soon. :smiley: :pray:t2:

Powie Wowie girl via @BobbyBudz :metal:t2:

THH x THH via trade from @Hapi :call_me_hand:t2:

Mango Nigerian and Redliner Haze Moms

SkullFuk via @JohnnyPotseed :skull:

Fallen Soldier x GM via @Ris :medal_military:

Veg and Flower Tent
Things going great in the tent about midway into flower with most of them should be chopping my first full size Sour D bx4 any day now :partying_face: :fire:

Thank you all for stopping by and checking out my grows when you can. :green_heart: Be Kind OGers.
Have a good night/day :100:


1st one looks like A2 mom :fire::+1:

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Pulling up a chair
Hapi growing!


Things are about to get gooood :drooling_face: :evergreen_tree: :fire:
Can’t wait. :100: :call_me_hand:t2: