Supernal Gardens - OPG’s Journal

Out of likes OPG but here’s some :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:. Plants are looking beautiful!



Here’s one since you can’t

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Thank you @Foreigner :green_heart:


I live to give.


Fantastic brother it’s a big hit over here. Extremely refreshing and the unique taste edges it over most strains. I’m definitely keeping her around. Thank you hopefully in the future I can run some more of your work.


Thank a million @Jpaul All I aim to do is to be better every grow. :pray:t2:


You’re welcome. Got a few likes back now :rofl:. Have a great Friday!

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Usual update things are coming along :call_me_hand:t2:

Awoken Dragon :arrow_down:

CripXMas A F4 :arrow_down: via @OriginalDankmaster96
Managed to get lucky and have 3 females, topped 2 left the middle bucket ou natural. :metal:t2: :evergreen_tree:

Strawberry Diesel x Spacedude

SkullFuk via :arrow_down: @JohnnyPotseed Dammit she won’t stop growing :laughing: probably going to flip her ina few days. :call_me_hand:t2:

Powie Wowie via @BobbyBudz Starting to stretch her legs a bit :pray:t2:

Flower Tent

SourD bx4 via @MG_Canna 4 separate plants all looking fantastic. :fire: :arrow_down:

Mango Nigerian :star_struck: :arrow_down:

Redliner :sparkles: :arrow_down:

Triple Spice via @Foreigner Always a pleasure to grow. :100: :arrow_down:

Awoken Dragon :dragon: :arrow_down:

As always thanks for stopping by my growlab and checking out my stuff occasionally I appreciate everything. OG is Life :green_heart:


Sweet garden you got there, man!


Hope all you OGers are having a great week. :pray:t2:
Small update for today :call_me_hand:t2:

3 CripXMas coming along great :fire: :evergreen_tree: :arrow_down:
Via @OriginalDankmaster96

Chocolights via @DEFSeeds :arrow_down:

SkullFuk via @JohnnyPotseed Got the flip :arrow_down: yesterday. :call_me_hand:t2:


Frankenstein via @JohnnyPotseed :arrow_down:

BlueKush via @DougDawson :arrow_down:

WMBK via @THCeed :arrow_down:

OrangeBarb x Zkittles via @Franklin :arrow_down:

Flower Tent
Awoken Dragon :dragon: :arrow_down:

Redliner :arrow_down:

Mango Nigerian :arrow_down:

Triple Spice via @Foreigner :arrow_down:

Sour D Bx4 via @MG_Canna :arrow_down:

Here’s some Killer Glue from my last run in the buckets. I definitely plan on running her again :sparkles:

Thank You for coming by to check out my grows when you do, I really appreciate everything. :100:
OG is Life :green_heart: :metal:t2:


She’s lookin really strong now :clap:t2::+1: I see a thicker stalk starting to develop, remember the thicker one gets starts to indicate the best plant :wink:


Dude, those buds are looking dank!


Thank you Bud :call_me_hand:t2: thankful OG taught me the way

Usual update OG hope everyone is having a great week and everyone’s grows are going according to plan. :bowing_man:t2:‍♂ :100:

3 CripXMas A F4 via @OriginalDankmaster96
Thinking about flipping in 2 weeks. :thinking: :evergreen_tree: :fire:

Shishkacake via @duo Hoping to sex them any day now :crossed_fingers:t2:

THHxTHH via @Hapi

Fallen Soldier x GM via @Ris turning out to be a really big girl :partying_face:

CatPiss via @hoss8455 Starting to spread her legs a bit. :fire:

Chocolights via @DEFSeeds Can’t wait to see what she brings to the table. :sparkles:

Sour D bx4 My Moms :fire: via @MG_Canna

Flower Tent


Mango Nigerian

Sour D Bx4 via @MG_Canna

Triple Spice via @Foreigner Always Showing Off
:star_struck: :metal:t2:

SkullFuk and Another Redliner clone got put into flower a few days ago.

Tough times don’t make it. Tough people do…
Be strong be happy be at peace… :peace_symbol: :green_heart:
OG is Life :heart:


Looking good.

I grew the Maui mango haze too and got some pretty significant pheno variation. Both very nice plants but one stretched like crazy and the other didn’t stretch at all.


Yea that’s what I noticed too. She yielded great but was short and stocky. I’m attempting to veg this clone of her out for a few more weeks to see if I can get it any bigger. Hope the projects you were working on are coming along as well :nerd_face:
Triple Spice has been outstanding 3-4 yields in one year she just wants to grow and extremely drought tolerant. :man_shrugging:t2:


Yeah man things are chugging along here with any luck I’ll have some nice old school + new school crosses in a month or so.

Glad you like the Triple Spice. I’m a fan too.

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That’s great, sounds really exciting. :grin:
Keep doing what you do, it suits you well. :bowing_man:t2:‍♂ :100:

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That catpiss is crazy tight ain’t she? She had more flavor passover later on in the cure.

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Yes I think they’ll be ready, have you topped it ? Important to get about 4-6 mains for good yeild. She’s not really a center cola plant. Better to have more lead branches :wink:

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