T5 being phased out intentionally to blind humanity with led

You lost me here. What’s the connection between cellular frequency and lighting?


Called LiFi. Do some research as mentioned. Dont want to take the thread too far but who benefits from a blind person? Hospitals/pharma/insurance same filth different fuckjob. Think for yourself and do your own study. That is all.


Cheers. I’ll have a good read this evening.


And they tell you the sky is blue because of light scattering…it’s actually light passing through oxygen in the atmosphere.


I think it’s because they still contain mercury. It’s not just T5’s, it’s all fluorescents. The only reason places still carry the T8’s/12’s is because a lot of business still use them. Hardly anyone uses T5’s for overhead lights in a building. We also don’t have a good way to recycle the bulbs, so most end up in landfills. Hence why states and other countries are trying to slowly ban the bulbs. It only makes sense that LED’s would take over. There’s no harmful gas nor mercury to fill them with and they’re easier to recycle, possibly even profitable.

Most fluorescents also only maintain their spectrums for up to a year or so depending on manufacturer before they start shifting. Just look at reef forums. A good portion usually replace their bulbs every 6-8mo or so in order to maintain quality coral growth and inhibit algae. Quality LED’s usually last for ~50,0000 hours and maintain their spectrum for much longer. They may hurt your eyes, but as has been said before, so will HID’s, and so will T5’s.


I live in my Gunnar’s when I wear contacts as I’m surrounded by 20 or so fluorescent backlit monitors and overhead LED lighting at work. My actual glasses have some ‘Blu-Tek’ that does the same thing. Definitely makes a difference at the end of my work day, but unsure if they’d be of any benefit for grow lights indoors… I’d sooner think sunglasses :joy:


The minutia means nothing here AGAIN let me explain leds will make us blind. We can Make all the excuses to brush it off as progress or whatever the mainstream tells the sheeple. The study was being done early on and they knew full well leds are poison to the mind and eyes. Full speed ahead with the roll out. Any sane human being would have stopped the deployment there for fear of damaging the human race forever. Nothing stops the profits of doom.

Here is from many peoples living God CNN news just to show its out there like this.

LED lights damage eyes and disturb sleep, European health authority warns

Wake up to the truth.









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What if watching something particularly blue on my LED tv?

You know, like in a flashback or something.

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Dude, I’m surprised you aren’t already DEAD


I might be: “walk towards the blue lights”




I mean, they often put out some blue light and I don’t like sitting under cool fluorescents all day

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I read about this a while back.

I think the whole uproar about LED lights and eye damage is bunk.

That’s what I think the true culprit is.

"Thus far, there is no true, strong study to show either way that it is harmful or beneficial,” explains Dr. Singh. “We haven’t had a marker of structural damage to the retina from these lighting technologies. So right now, we can’t recommend that people stop using them.”


The OP thinks that 5G is communicating with our LED lights so as to blind us because big pharma wants to milk us for money. What part of this requires a “civil” discussion or is this the kind of crap that’s being OK’d on this site?

Are we just fine with crazy talk going unquestioned here?? Like we have to seriously engage with this?


Sure, question but not attack or derail. Be civil and you should be able to discuss most anything. Respectfully disagreeing with someone is never an issue.


Well…the zombie horses thing started as a joke about not being able to banter freely in the FSFC thread.

The Illuminati eating my brain with alien wireless technology perhaps requires a different approach.


So I can just start any complete batshit crazy thread and it wont get removed or modded? We all just have to have a civil and respectful conversation about any post?

I get having a conversation about the effects of LEDS on our eyes, very valid topic. Saying that its a plan by big evils corps to poison us via 5g is crazy talk.

Very tempted to just start some full on crazy topics to see how far this can go.


@Foreigner started a zombie horse thread that is still alive. I do not know how i missed that jewel.

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Thread still alive horse still dead.


Think you mean undead surely?