There has to be a way to

There must have to be a way to send current, voltage, ohms, Hz, whatever through the pot/medium to destroy mites, gnats etc. without harming the plant

Where are the science boffs on this site? Tell me it can be done


If you told me in 1969 I could beat some weed with a stick in a bucket with ice to make hash I would have told you to go jump and yet the same cavemen are here still getting their plants killed by bugs and mold


maybe the shroom cadets can get involved in how to kill a fungus


Maybe if the plant were grounded first!:laughing::thinking::sunglasses:


fly-zappas work right?


Fukn right!

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even zaps and rogers work apparently


No. Even with a complete sentence.

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so i can zap a fly in the air but not zap a whole tribe on a colony like pearl harbour?

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Might not be as crazy as it sounds.

“The researchers from CAAS found that electricity boosted the yield of vegetable crops by 20 – 30% and this results are based on 20% reduction in fertiliser used and 70 – 100% reduction in pesticide consumption.”

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well if a certain volt/amps/current kills a human being, I mean how do we tweak that to kill a spidermite and his family

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even dyson came along and redefined the hoover, shame he doesn’t give a fook about your growroom filtration

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If you google the quote you can find the Chinese are hanging bare copper wire pushing 50kV 3m above ground level.

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i hear you and i am listening, but i am not a sparky and it does not compute

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I guess you would need a lab microscope, and a really sensitive voltage meter, and start zapping various pests that attack cannabis. Then gather that info, and find the ideal zapping requirement. Take that sum, and start zapping rootzones. Possibly using 2 rods, cathode and an anode. Record your progress.

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v = i / r something like that

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you the man/woman or trans or lbgt

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I’m not actually going to do shit, if the goops measuring thc and think they so clever to sell seeds with so much cbd can’t do this, then something is amiss

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my old man, god rest his soul, was telling his teachers in the 1960’s about selling cars powered by h2o, now tell me where that thinking has gone today, and yes his teachers chastised him, 1 for having ideas, and 2 for being brown


Years ago, I had a “Little Giant” sump pump fail in one of my reservoirs. I didn’t know it failed until I saw an oil slick on top of the water. Neither the outlet breaker nor the circuit breaker were tripped, so I thought nothing about reaching into the water to grab the pump. That’s when I discovered that the pump had also shorted out, but the current was still flowing. :electric_plug: :zap: :grimacing: If there were any gnats or any other insects in the water, they didn’t stand a chance of surviving.The plants, however, were fine.

I think the biggest issue with using electricity to zap pests in your medium is the efficient and even flow of current. If you grow in a hydro environment, it’s easy to achieve - even if you aren’t trying!