T5 being phased out intentionally to blind humanity with led

Sure, why not? This thread at it’s core was talking about the affects of LED on our eyes which in itself is a topic worth exploring with so many using LED to grow. While I don’t necessarily agree with the conspiracy theory or 5g stuff it is someone’s option.

Of course not. The choices become either ignore it as you feel it’s just a crazy topic or respectfully make your counter points to why you think it’s wrong. Nobody is saying you have to accept what you feel is wrong or even stay silent. It’s more about how one responds and that they keep things respectful even if you are in total disagreement.

This is just my opinion but this is the way I feel decent people should interact. Nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone or having your say as long as it’s done in a way respectful of others.


Yeah clearly my mindset is not the same because “disagreeing respectfully” with crazy talk seems wasteful and really just gives credence to the crazy talk.

But as said before this your forum and you make the rules. So crazy away.


Not my forum bud, I am just another user like the rest. So what would you suggest is a proper response to someone you feel is talking crazy if you don’t choose ignore or disagree respectfully? I personally don’t see how disagreeing gives credence to their position? I am not saying agree with them but why be disrespectful to them? Having good manners does not make a particular thing true or untrue. I can point out to someone that I feel everything they said about a topic is wrong while still being a decent person.


This thread has been a particularly bad one and is maybe not the best example. I can laugh it off with the best of them but above is a 5G big pharma rant along with the word sheep being used as a weapon.

Can’t respectfully disagree with someone calling me a sheep for not agreeing with them (even if it wasn’t directed at me). They are begging for it IMO


Yeah not like the Op has been “respectful” by calling people names etc.

I’ve been called worse lol

So what is the response to that? To lower your own moral standards? Being respectful is something I do because it’s the way I was brought up. I will not lower myself due to someone else doing it first. I find the whole 5g thing laughable and the sheeple thing disrespectful. That said I try not to let others dictate how I react. Just because they are being ignorant does not mean I have to be. Them using words like sheeple is just their way of putting words together to elicit a prescribed response, I have no interest in playing into that game. I try to be better than that.

I agree completely, I felt that was uncalled for and kind of ignorant. When someone does something like that they are normally looking for a specific reaction. I choose most times not to give it to them as I don’t wish to feed into such silliness. Does not mean I cannot respond and call out all they are saying as wrong.


Quite the opposite. To allow such rudeness to go unchallenged would be a lowering of my moral standards. It needs to be called out and excised.

This guy is an “everybody is stupid except for me” guy.

Perhaps if we could convince them to go back to 4chan.

A quote that has stuck with me: “a gentleman is only ever rude on purpose.”


Using cnn as a “source” totally discredits your whole ridiculous conspiracy.

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This isn’t a platform for conspiracy junk. This thread should have been closed when the LED/fluorescent discussion started becoming the 5G/LiFi discussion.

@Foreigner well said, I’m generally not too worried about being respectful to someone who isn’t being respectful in the first place.

So many wild threads lately lol


Not saying allow it to go unchallenged, it’s more the way some make that challenge that is important. Anyway we are dragging this way off topic so I will drop out of this conversation. Have a great day everyone.

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Uuh? No? Luckily most of us have free will, which allows us to either talk about things, lay on the ground kicking our feet and scream or just move along. Seems most choose the kicking and screaming…

Best option is to…


Can we keep this thread topical please. Beating on zombie horses doesn’t need to go on … forever. Post topical counter-arguments.

Rude name calling posts, etc please point it out or flag it. Thanks.


Florescent bulbs are just as bad for your eyes as leds, and they can cause migraines, and their flicker hz is much much lower.


Counter arguments to a person who thinks that 5g is telling my lights to blind me so big pharma can make money? My counter argument is that this thread is trash, it’s making this forum look thrash and why you mods seem happy to keep it going and civil is beyond me.

I’ll just stop posting here now and you just keep the crazy train running. Guess amongst all the great knowledge, grow journals and actual informative or even funny threads we have to have this junk


No, it doesn’t make this forum “look trash”. Threads like this are like a pimple on a beautiful woman. They may not be ideal, but they’re temporary, not uncommon, and will be gone before you know it. Yes, another pimple or 2 will continue to pop up every so often, but the woman is still beautiful.

Also, you can stop posting here if you wish - of course, but if threads like this really bother you so much that you’re willing to forgo Overgrow entirely, perhaps you should consider this option first…


I for one almost always wear blue light filter or sunglasses when under the lights.
I know the times i dont i feel it in my eyes for a bit afterward.

Do the same when staring at a computer for hours.


Topical. It’s not as though I’m reading everything you’re reading. If there is a problem going forward with a post, rude, inflammatory, off-topic … flag it. The moderation team will be notified. You should know this. That’s very helpful towards calling out issues.

Short term, meh. Longer term, a different matter. And, FWIW, feeding the flames begets larger flames.

Theorist: The sun is eating my brains, man.
Forum: < silence >
Theorist: < silence >


I’m most disappointed to have seen a valuable member of this forum insulted and now lost to this trash thread. RIP @vernal.


Please post relevant and useful information related to the thread title. E.g. T5 being phased out intentionally to blind humanity with led.

I have some charts and tables regarding the Blue spectrum for instance. Easily found on Google. I just don’t have the time to dig into it.

Posting a claim or conspiracy without reliable backing information is not useful and is open for debate. Respectful debate. No evidence, it’s an opinion. Some evidence, a theory. Ad hominems will throw any productive discussion into the trash. Meandering into a new topic and unrelated claim is off-topic.