Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

my neighborhood is slow for deliveries.

wanted to say thanks for this work / gift.

Still up from @Ras-T

Vvv sam’sbakedbeanz Macf2 x surprise? vvVV


Bump… bump…[quote=“”]
Still up from @Ras-T
Vvv sam’sbakedbeanz Macf2 x surprise? vvV

“Like I said, I dont want any trades from you?”

You told me this, or were you hoping I could read your mind?

Why did you continue to sabotage my cred around here if you didnt want them… I could of easily sent them to someone who would appreciate them, esp people overseas that have no access to BGS…

At least he admit he got them… What did it take?

I lost out on the best seed trade in a longshot here when @BudWhisperer denied those BBHP x Temple mountain… all because you felt it was better to stay quiet, than making me look good and saying you got my seeds when paws was here all big mad, as if someone was lying to him about not getting my seeds… Thanks


[quote=“Kon, post:3818, topic:132405”]
Speak up or im just gonna post our entire DM
[/quote] here here spoke up,. Your a liar. You never sent replacement seeds. You take most of all that is on this thread and send cut in half washers.

Like i said you didnt send ne. Just the first letter of dust. Dont go around here saying we have a clan out for you, we were just trying to take some beans and leave some. Not get dust. Btw your name speaks many words about you. Con


Still up are these.

Thats right dust. And you didnt replace.

This is disappointing. Yall mentioned DMs but still got me smelling your unmentionables. Please cut it out.


There’s a solution to this problem. I ignored them for a specified amount of time. I don’t do drama. I tend to think I am a grown up. If they are not grown up by the time the ignore expires, I will just make a new one with “Forever”.


I’ve sent out many envelopes from Oz and it looks like 3weeks to anywhere in the world.
Sometimes things from America to me took way longer…I guess due to trouble with the post-office there.
Still up from @Ras-T
Vvv sam’sbakedbeanz Macf2 x surprise? vvVV


Still up from @Ras-T
Vvv sam’sbakedbeanz Macf2 x surprise? vvVV


Actually, I’m disabled and can’t even leave my bed 90% of the time. I have no friends, by choice and ability. I talked to a couple people on this site before, with not one of them giving me advice on what to do, just them sharing similar experiences.

I posted about what I received from this person and what I decided to do about it on my public trading thread all on my own.

Assumptions made towards me are not facts. The proof is in forum.

This should be a wake-up call to everyone on this thread, to do your research before trading with someone – especially a newly made account.

I’m taking a break from OG for a while. My health is more important than this crap.


Sorry @LemonadeJoe, you have a great forum, but my condition flares up with drama. I can’t be here right now with the hate flowing around.


The last offer came from @ras-t…not me

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ya, local post office can mess up stuff. i asked sort of wondering if he was local to the US or not. apparently I stirred up some stuff. not sure i under stood his ‘i sent it twice and won’t send a third time’ nonsense. he didn’t send it the first time…that was his doing and not the post’s fault. I wasn’t even asking for anything…just trying to figure out if there was a problem.

still up
Vvv sam’sbakedbeanz Macf2 x surprise? vvVV


Good evening everyone, hope ya’ll are doing well. I hope you get everything straightened out and resolved to the satisfaction of everyone. Consider perhaps a group DM which might make this thread easier to follow? Just something to consider.

still up
Vvv sam’sbakedbeanz Macf2 x surprise? vvVV


All that was meant for you was “What was it again?”

Then i went in a long rant in trading in general… not you…

But i guess the monkey’s out of the bottle…

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I didn’t offer the last strain…

Still available.

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