Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

Beautiful Mom! @Ras-T
I will take these and Leave
Vvvv Icy Grape x Blackberry Skittlez f1 regs vvvV 10 plus


I’ll take these @Trial-N-Error and leave vVv 10 Lambsbread vVv


Oh yeah with pleasure my man!!!
After 40 posts of nothing but drama
I thought no one want this fresh seeds
Give me your addy Bro :pray::love_you_gesture:


Content of private conversations are private. Refrain from further posting of content taken from PMs into the public forum. Doing so is frowned upon and will likely lead to moderation action.

On the otherhand, when permission is given by each of those involved within the PM, then there is little to complain about. E.g.:

“Please feel free to post private conversations, which is against the rules here.”

Although, if it’s about creating drama and attacking each other, rethink that calculus … because that should be resolved among yourselves in PM in the first place.

Thank you.


Sorry you had damage to your seeds. I probably have sent out well over 500 packs across 3 forums over the last few years, this is the first time anyone claimed damage. A lot of folks know what my packages look like, in many countries.
So anyway the post you quoted me on, was me saying that I say something after 14 days and not receiving. Why that triggered you to quote me I don’t know. The 2 packages that you owe me were only 9 days old then. I never mentioned you in the post but you felt it necessary to quote me and state that the beans I sent you a month ago came half smashed…And that’s the first I’ve heard from you. You waited until 30 days later and when your feet are being put to the fire before complaining. This is the “recieved” notice I got from you…a complaint a month after the fact.
This all seems like some grand rationalization at this point by you. I see some very, very, credible people saying they got nothing from you.
And that leads me to this question…

Have you mailed the beans out to me that I gave you my info on 9 days ago?


I disagree. It’s better to lance the boil right here if there is an issue.


Still up is:


I’ll snag these and leave:

Dread Bread x Everything (F2s)


I will take those @Tykal

And leave

Vvv Big Sur holy weed vvV


I’ll take the Big Sur Holy Weed from @Uprangewilly and leave some Cherrygasm F2’s.

The only condition is when sending shipping details I’m uncomfortable clicking off-site links so whoever wants to take them must be comfortable sharing their shipping details here on the Overgrow website through PM. Many blessings and much love

vvvV Cherrygasm F2 (M/F photo regs) vvvV


I take those @Sbeanonnamellow and leave (AK-47 x G13) x Rosetta Stone


I’ll snag these @Ras-T and leave vVv 10 Blue Mountain vVv

I keep missing those Cherrygasm’s lol @Sbeanonnamellow


I have been around on this site for I can’t tell you how many yrs now but before it came back so maybe 20 yrs now osogreen was my other account
@DougDawson over they yrs has filled my vault an this awesome dude @Crafty_Flame hook me up most of his crosses
So I want to show y the same love I’ve received
Im sorry your med condition is so f up but I offer u
5 seeds of ea strain for nothing

White ryno
An zittles cross


Still up blue mountain

1 Like

First time I heard if a spliff was 1990 best friend was from Texas lol
Still up
Blue mountain


Your beans have been shipped… please dont make things personal, or escalate things further by assumptions… im just telling you what i got… what is left look like strong viable seeds, so maybe its a good thing… 500 packs and no complaints… thats what it looks like when you have respect…

I have shipped maybe 30, and only 5-6 have bothered to confirm shipment…no confirmation just leaves the door open for them to change the story later… i appreciate your seeds, and you offer great stuff, so didnt want to call you out directly, i regret doing so because Matos offers some great stuff too…

I think the smaller flip holes the better, and maybe staples add an other buffer layer of protection… same with letting the lip of the coin flip paper rest on top of the washer… im still adjusting based on feedback and learning by what i recieve also…

Sorry forgot…


@Ras-T sent out your letter today and hope it has safe travels around the world.
@Drsunshinestrains @sllimnave @Kami all of your seeds arrived today or yesterday. Many thanks to you all.

Still up from @ManyManySpliffs
Vvv Blue Mountain vvV


Everyone that’s supposed to get seeds from me should get them within the next two weeks. They went out yesterday afternoon due to all the bad weather we had Mon and Tues, couldn’t find a ride sooner. So be on the lookout, sent about 14 envelopes. 13 to the US and 1 to Canada @DougDawson . If you all wouldn’t mind please leaving a review for me in the feedback section or whatever it’s called about new traders.

Still up vVv Blue Mountain vVv


@ManyManySpliffs did you set up a feedback thread for yourself yet? It has to be set up for members to visit and leave feedback.


I personally think all new members should have a feedback thread set up for them automatically by OG when they sign up to become a member. The easiest way to not get negative feedback is to not set up a feedback thread.