Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I will take these @emeraldbullfrog before they are buried.

VVV iss x chem d. And also NL#4 x chem d VVV

Island sweet skunk. Chem d bx1 from jaws genetics. 3 males open pollination. ALL UNTESTED.


Ill take these and leave

VVVVV Starfighter x Band aid haze VVVVV


Sweet, nice nab there @Amendment3 :+1:

Just to be clear these are not offered by me. They are from @RickNo1

Please message @RickNo1 with details on how he can send those Forbidden Runtz to you, I was just the messenger

But wait a minute :clock1: it looks like Rick got skipped a few posts back in the mixup. He offered up the Forbidden Runtz because he thought he was getting the Blue Mtn , but that had already been claimed. I think he’s being a good sport about it all since he still wants to offer up seeds.

@RickNo1 Send me a DM with your info and I will make sure you get something special.

Still up for grabs from @Nugslinger


Thank you for taking care of @RickNo1. @emeraldbullfrog! I was trying to help out and my blood sugar bottomed out. :+1:

Still up @Nugslinger Vvv Starfighrer x Bandaid hazeVvv


I am expecting a LOT of new things coming in this week and I will gladly accept the “souvenir birdseed” from @Nugslinger again :rofl:

I will leave all THREE for ONE person…
Humboldt CSI 3x feminized each

Vvv Sour O’s, Obama Care, Pure OG Kush Fallen Soldiers vvV


Been wanting some Obama Care with that Bubba Kush in there.

I’ll take those from @JonPott and leave some Kali Mist x BOG Lifesaver.

The only condition is when sending shipping details I’m uncomfortable clicking off-site links so whoever wants to take them must be comfortable sharing their shipping details here on the Overgrow website through PM. Many blessings and much love

vvvV Kali Mist x BOG Lifesaver vvvV


I’ll glady take the kali mist x bog lifesaver

and leave 10 reg photoperiod

VVV Persian girl (Copa) x Skunk #1 (LVGS) VVV


@JonPott always dropping fire in this thread :call_me_hand:


@Kon’s envelope did in fact arrive. It was for 2 separate items and both in flips with a piece of the breeder pack. Nicely prepped.


I just want to make a few comments about all of this unfortunate drama. I was one of the first to trade with him, and what I received was dust. I wasn’t that disappointed at first – it’s the risk of the game. I felt it was my responsibility to explain to him how to ship properly for future trades, as they were confused about mail rollers and what their purpose was. I became frustrated when many more people received dust, and I requested my seeds back, even though I never knew it’d happen. I asked if he could send it in a padded envelope instead of letter mail if he could not listen to my and others’ advice. Again, I wasn’t expecting it to happen, but at this point, a lot of people were receiving dust from him, and asked if he could replace everyone’s seeds he took so that his new account was not tainted.

A few weeks later, I received not my seeds, but half of the original ones he failed to send. The method of shipping was with a plastic baggy inside of a washer, with 2 different strains, separated by a staple in the bag. Removing it combined the two different genetics, and I mentioned that I put it in my mixed pile of seeds – the pile I’m not certain about and just toss in the woods every year.

In between the reception of this half re-fullfillment, I just started ignoring him because he was a little aggressive in various threads, this thread and others. I didn’t want to deal with him anymore.

He did send out an attempt to fix one of his failed trades, but it wasn’t good enough, and I chalked it up to just inexperience and moved on. It wasn’t such a big deal to me.

What was a big deal was how he was treating me and others, particularly @Pawsfodocaws in his growing thread. Very hostile remarks, in addition to questioning if my disability was ever brought up before this situation, which means he just likes to run his mouth and not search the forums – it was brought up in my “Introduce Yourself” post, and many others. I didn’t appreciate being made fun of, and I almost quit this place, because high stress triggers my condition to get worse. That is why I am ignoring him.

I do believe he was trying to make things right, but I also believe he was being too aggressive and causing harm to other people, not just including me.

I’m sorry to whoever was involved. I was hoping the initial education I supplied him on how to ship correctly would have saved all of this trouble, but it did not.

I really am sorry to everyone that had to deal with all of this drama. I’m also sorry if I came off as mean to him. I just wanted to fix things, but it escalated from the mob mentality quite quickly.

Let’s move on. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt if he can control his words in the future when he’s un-suspended. It’s his words of attack in many threads that caused me to put him on “ignore” and almost leave this site myself.

I want to stay positive. Please forgive me if anything I did worsened this situation for him or anyone else.

Let’s have fun and grow some green and move past this for now. It’s really sad seeing posts about this every day, but I feel it is my responsibility to ask for an end to it, as I was one of the first to receive damaged seeds from him.

Moving on…please?

Still up:


Ill take those @Kami and leave a pk of
Vvv (Pure OG x TK) x (TK x HPK-I95) 10+ Regs vvvV


I’ll grab those @OG619 and leave

Vvv White Cherry Slurry x Orange Headrush Vvv


If Resimax and Paws are ok with it. I guess I can put the broom down. I will be ignoring him but you all do as you see fit. Those of you defending Kon go really read those posts. I was trying to caution him. I wasn’t alone. Please read my post history too. I try to spread positive energy around here; I prefer peace to war, I really do. But not calling out bad behavior invites it back. I like to see the trade post move so I 'll bite my tongue some more and hope it holds on. You folks backing him I invite you to trade with him and post his success.

Vvv White cherry slurry x Orange headrush. Vvvfrom @PeaceCoast


Ahh the drama!

Vvv White cherry slurry x Orange headrush. Vvvfrom @PeaceCoast


Nooo from the looks of it the drama is finally over. Glad everyone can move on and do what we came to do, which is, “Overgrow the world with the greatest weed!”

Still up White Cherry Slurry x Orange Headrush by @PeaceCoast

Does anyone here agree with Google on this?


As a point of reference, i have had 75 strains sent to me in probably over 50 envelopes. only 2 times did a package not make it, once the guy promptly sent another one (that dude is super cool). the other guy, well…it is what it is.

Still up White Cherry Slurry x Orange Headrush by @PeaceCoast


This is from kon. For Documentation, I got a trade from him a while back, I just soaked both these tonight in honor of him being suspended AND hopefully coming back to a NEW beginning!


Still up from @PeaceCoast


@Doober I got the Orange Julius today in the mail. Perfect pack job! :+1:
Still up @PeaceCoast and his White cherry Slurty x orange headrush.


I’m growing some godfather og X sweet and sour Cindy I could proberly send you some of the seeds I make just before Xmas if you would like them @ManyManySpliffs