Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

Youll be getting the fattest blackest bitches i got. No offense. Vvv Tropical Cherry ((Trop Cherry x Pinks n Purps) x (Tahoe Kush x HPK-195)) [x12] Regs vvV


None taken! I’ll gladly take those, remember if she ain’t 280 she ain’t a lady :wink:

Still up from me
Vvv Tropical Cherry ((Trop Cherry x Pinks n Purps) x (Tahoe Kush x HPK-195)) [x12] vvV


The picture you posted doesn’t seem to be showing all of those seeds without embryos, is that what you’re saying?

To me it looked like there were about 3 decent looking seeds, one smaller decent looking seed, about 3 questionable immature seeds, and two that are damaged. If they are all cracked without embryo’s my apologies. It seemed to me that it would appear it’s likely to get 3-5 seeds out of those from how the picture of the seeds appeared to me. In the offer you took, it says 5 of each. I think you can get 5 but if you don’t that’s fine. I’ll take your word about them all missing their embryos but the picture would suggest otherwise. I’ve been mistaken before so this could be another instance. A buddy found one of his favorite keepers in a pack of Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze that were most definitely immature. Super Lemon Haze like other types can often make seeds that aren’t big dark and tiger striped. The mottling and tiger striping is actually a trait associated with cultivated types where as seeds without mottling and tiger stripes are often associated with landrace and wild types. Not all seeds are supposed to have mottling and vivid tiger striping. Many blessings and much love

Still up from @Gato

Vvv Tropical Cherry ((Trop Cherry x Pinks n Purps) x (Tahoe Kush x HPK-195)) [x12] vvV


Each to their own, i wont send questionable seeds, i jyst go by my own standards
Vvv Tropical Cherry ((Trop Cherry x Pinks n Purps) x (Tahoe Kush x HPK-195)) [x12] vvV


I think I may have these already but I am a sucker for some Pink n Purps so I am grabbing them @Gato

I will leave a flip of some extra seeda I got from the anniversary mini auctions from TresBundles

Vvv LogCake #11 s1 vvV

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Ill take the logcake and leave VV 10 x grassfire diesel x lemon alien fem VV.

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@Orbitalnutria420 you’ve never done something you didn’t intend to on accident? Never made an honest mistake? I doubt those seeds were sent to you like that intentionally. If they were sent on accident then you’re basically saying it’s unacceptable to make mistakes. That’s ridiculous. Many blessings and much love

Still up from @splinter7

VV 10 x grassfire diesel x lemon alien fem VV

I’ll take those @splinter7 and leave vvv 30 banana purple punch auto X strawberry banana fem auto seeds I made vvv


i will take those @Billybob

and leave

VVvv xj-13 vvVV

10 pack photo regs

jack herer x g13


I’ll take those XJ-13 @mainerJ

And I will leave a 10 pack reg of

Vvvv Chemdog x Temple Flo vvvV


No man, not kinda, totally unacceptable. This is totally on me, not @Osogreen261 's fault at all so please point any fingers in my direction. I have no idea how those got past me like that but it’s not cool at all. Please send me your info @Orbitalnutria420 and I will send you a replacement pack of those White Rhino. I have no idea how they slipped passed me but that’s just not cool at all. Sorry for the trouble @Osogreen261 and @Orbitalnutria420 .

Vvvv Chemdog x Temple Flo vvvV


I already offered him replacement of sorts
I care that I didn’t even pop them out to check so
Im also at fault I made the offer :disappointed:
Still up
Chemdog x temple flo
From @emeraldbullfrog


I appreciate that @Osogreen261 but those seeds passed through my hands. I would not expect anyone to peel the sticker off to inspect them until they were going to pop them. I am a bit embarrassed to be honest. I have slung thousands of packs of seeds at this point and never seen that shit before. It’s just not cool. I have never sent a pack of such shitty looking seeds in my life and have no idea how that happened. Hell, with my seeds I have always hand sorted, picked out all crap and done a squeeze test on the to boot. It most assuredly was not intentional.

Still up
Chemdog x temple flo
From @emeraldbullfrog


No, never, i don’t send seeds that aren’t mine. But i would make sure they’re viable from a visual standpoint. Idk why you’re making a huge deal of this, its not a problem any longer and me and the sender are straight, but if you want to receive dead seeds then you should disagree with my statement and keep pressing a non-issue.
Still up
Chemdog x temple flo
From @emeraldbullfrog

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@DougDawson giving lessons on manhood again. Thanks


So to be clear, i was just trying to help everyone in the trade/ pay it forward thread, I feel very attacked and theres a few of you who know who you are. I had no ill will towards anyone and @DougDawson you dont owe me anything. Neither does @Osogreen261. Being that I was attacked, and it was from people not even involved it just showed me who i will not deal with in the future. But thank you Doug, i appreciate you wholeheartedly but i dont need replacements and to anyone else just dont forget to be the best you can be and we’re all here for each other. This is not a competition, this is a war and we’re on the winning side. Be good to your friends
Chemdog x temple flo
From @emeraldbullfrog


It’s all good man. If I touch it, I want it to be right. The 2 worked this out without any drama so they both deserve kudos. I just feel like a shit because those seeds came from me so I screwed this up. The 2 gentlemen handled it great between themselves, can’t ask for better than that.

Still up
Chemdog x temple flo
From @emeraldbullfrog


Oh man, I am sorry folks came after you. That’s not cool at all. I didn’t see you as wanting anything, you just pointed out shitty seeds and said it wasn’t cool. I totally agree with you, it was not cool. Anyone receiving a pack like that should post it. They should never have made it through my hands. If you won’t let me replace them then cool, it’s up to you. But know I bare you no ill will nor do I think you did one thing wrong. You’re a good person in my books. :v:

Still up
Chemdog x temple flo
From @emeraldbullfrog


I love OG!!!


I’ll take these @emeraldbullfrog


Vvv 20x Lime OG f3 regs Vvv