Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

Still up by @Neoangelo147 Vvv 20x Lime OG f3 regs Vvv


I didn’t ask if you ever sent seeds that weren’t yours, I asked if you’ve ever made a mistake in general. The point being, we’re all members of the Overgrow community here and we should be uplifting of one another. Especially so if helping another member remedy an honest mistake. Not rub their nose in it the way you did. That’s not the OG spirit in my opinion.

If you had an issue with the seeds I would think you could have better and more graciously articulated your frustrations than the way you did. It felt meanspirited because nobody is perfect and mistakes can happen. It seemed like you put that member on blast unnecessarily when you didn’t even want replacements. A courtesy reminder in a PM and in the public thread could have accomplished the same if you were really concerned with honest mistakes like that. Instead you said it’s unacceptable and that the seeds weren’t viable which may or may not be true. You also mentioned aspects of seed morphology as being definitive characteristics of viability that aren’t true. Sure the seeds don’t look great and some are in rough shape, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still show kindness to others. I wouldn’t be happy with that puck but I’m also not happy to see the tone and manner of approach in which you you chose to remind everyone about double checking in instances like that.

@DougDawson mistakenly sent out a less than ideal puck and another member mistakenly sent them your way without double checking, assuming Doug filled it proper. In my opinion the only reason to put a member on blast like that publicly or to insinuate that a certain member is filling pucks with rickety undesirable seeds is if you think it’s intentional. A polite courtesy reminder in PM or here in the public thread could have been just as easy.

I think most flips in the thread get filled with the hand selected best stuff because it represents who is sending it. Your experience in this instance seems to be an exception to the rule, so I thought you could have handled it a bit more graciously is all. Many blessings and much love

Still up from @Neoangelo147

Vvv 20x Lime OG f3 regs Vvv


Just an offer some real life seed talk not ideas or philosophy. I have grown out the white rhino seed in question from @DougDawson. It was a great plant and somewhat heavy indica, but got candy taste. I could’ve switched it at germination, but don’t think so. That being said good shit and nice weed. I wish I grew a bigger plant.

These white rhino seeds weren’t tiger striped and I don’t believe that matters for a good plant. Those white rhino seeds are good as any other on og. @DougDawson seeds are viable and quality. Also @Sbeanonnamellow seeds all pop I’m working on that kali x bog ls and grew out a mini family blues x bog lifesaver which I’m drying. I had to reveg that one. It’s smells elite.

Also freakshow seeds are white.

Tiger striped seeds don’t pop too and often make bum plants. Of course it’s optimal a nice solid seed. Hahaha good morning OG! One love

Still up from @Neoangelo147

Vvv 20x Lime OG f3 regs Vvv

Sounds fire to me but I have too much seeds and will make some for the crew


I will take @Neoangelo147
Lime OG f3 regs and leave vvvv Bodhi Blueberry HP f2 regs vvvv


I’ll take those bbhp and leave

Vv putang x cake fighter vV (Regs)

I’ll also add a partial pack of

Vv terp fi3nd - slammer #2 ( pine tar skunk x white wedding cake) vV (regs) (I think about 8 or so).






Guys I will send your seeds next saturday

Peace out

Still up from @Pleiochasium

Vv putang x cake fighter vV

Vv terp fi3nd - slammer #2 ( pine tar skunk x white wedding cake vV


my trades with @kon came in the last few days , haven’t been home to check the mail box since Friday. all seeds are labeled properly and shipped/ arrived safely and intact. thank you for putting these brothers grims testers up


I will take those @Pleiochasium

And leave 10 regular seeds of Rocky Mountain High from Hazeman seeds.

Vvv Rocky Mountain High 10 reg. vvV


wow, that’s a very nice one !! :+1:

i take it, please :slight_smile:
and leave

Vvvv (Cherry Pie/Dosidos) x Trufflez vvvV


I will take those @santero
Leave Vvvv Doubble Dipped strawberries x Mosca Grapefruit Fly x Old Time Moonshine x C99 vvvV 10 plus regs
Sweet Dipped


Still up by @Trial-N-Error Vvvv Doubble Dipped strawberries x Mosca Grapefruit Fly x Old Time Moonshine x C99 vvvV 10 plus regs


Anyone who recieved a flip of freezeland ibl from me, contact me for a replacement. Every pheno begins to autoflower as a clone. Sorry for any inconvenience. As you were

From @Trial-N-Error

Vvvv Doubble Dipped strawberries x Mosca Grapefruit Fly x Old Time Moonshine x C99 vvvV 10 plus regs


I’ll take the

and leave a VVV 10pk of regular photoperiod Northern Purple OG (Copa) x Skunk #1 bx3 (lvgs) VVV


I’ll take these @Kami and leave vVv 10 Lambsbread vVv


Couple of questions…How many weeks for this lambsbread?
Has anyone here grown these out? Pictures?


still available


Guess the weekdays are just slow huh, no one likes the beginning of the work week… :laughing:

Still up vVv 10 Lambsbread vVv


Ha! That’s so true, except it’s why I’m browsing right now :laughing:

I’ll grab that Lambsbread @ManyManySpliffs thanks for leaving that one

And I will leave a 10 pack photo reg of

Vvvv Waikiki Queen x Temple Flo vvvV


I’ll take the

and leave
VVV a 17 pack of regular seeds
northern purple og (copa)
Skunk #1 bx3 (lvgs) VVVV


I just came back from the post office, had a bunch of envelopes to mail out for you guys and collected two. Thanks to @Cannaology and @Kami your envelopes reached today.

To @Even @emeraldbullfrog @JustSumTomatoes @PineTarBastard @Carty @420noob @djtrip @Strikingviking your envelopes are enroute. I’m surprised they took the one to Ireland and wouldn’t for Thailand, it just cost extra. @Tlander yours was included in the envelope we discussed already, so once he receives it it’ll be on the way to you.

Back to the program at hand, still available VVV a 17 pack of regular seeds
northern purple og (copa) X Skunk #1 bx3 (lvgs) VVVV by @Kami