Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

In other news…

So, I have said before that stamps are cheaper on ebay than at the post office…how that’s possible I don’t know. But in the interest of science, I ordered a 20 stamp pack which ends up getting here $1 cheaper…will post up if they look legit when they get here.

still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv


maybe the cost of a forever stamp was less in the past. dudes waited and sold for a profit…and you got cheaper stamps.


It’s like making money off of penny stocks but even smaller scale


I would buy thaymt shirt and then have to expain to my 5yr old what a cunt is :rofl:


Probably…man that’s thin though…they still have to mail it too. But for sure there are many old packs on Ebay that the post office no longer has…Example, if you are a Yogi Berra fan and missed that release…they are still around but the price has appreciated.

still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv

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5 years old is almost too late. I beleive the children are our future, teach them about cunts and let them lead the way. Early detection is key

still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv


“It’s… well, you see, in the UK it’s sometimes a term of endearment. But only sometimes. What it means is a woman’s— you know, better thought, don’t say it. Ever. And if you hear a man say that word to a girl then you know not to date him.”

Still up:

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Unless that man is Austrailian. Also if you hear a man call another man that word, its for good reason and an assessment should be made on the moral compass of the cunty bloke on the recieving end.

still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv


There are definitely people selling fake stamps on ebay and such. You gotta be careful, i recall seeing threads on reddit with people unknowingly buying them. Some still got through and some were rejected when they used them.

still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv


Using shortwave 254nm uv light is the only way I know to check authenticity. You can get them cheap on ebay too.


Oh my kid knows what a Karen or a Chad is :rofl: I dont think she will have too hard of a time figuring it out.


I step away for alittle and this thread picks up. Okay nice for a Wed afternoon. I just realized what today is, Sept. 11th. Might only have meaning to us New Yorkers but we’ll never forget… :office: :office:

Still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv


Who’s the funny guy that started the take-a seed; leave a seed on troll-it-up .com? Mostly clowns over there except for a handful, I wouldn’t bless them trading the seeds we have on here.

Still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv


Yes they are. I just got banned there after 16 years :rofl:

Still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv


Gotta catch em all


Hey @splinter7 your offer been up all day and no one wants it. You may have to offer something else or add something to it to make it more attractable. Just a little advice…

Still up from @splinter7 vVv 7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien fem vVv

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no takers, so

vvv7 choc lit zulu x lemon alien or
10 x grassfire diesel x lemon alien or
5 x grateful red x lemon alien vvv

all fem.


We got more action :laughing: Let’s get it!

Still up by @splinter7
vvv 7 Choc lit zulu x Lemon alien
10 Grassfire diesel x Lemon alien
5 Grateful red x Lemon alien vvv

all fem

1 Like

hello, thanks for putting these up I choose the grateful red x lemon alien. thank you and leave

VVVV 10pk reg photo Persian Girl (copa) x Skunk #1 Bx3 (LVGS) VVV
the mom was a sweet lime smell/ tatse with a great uppity buzz with no paranoia or aniexty


I’ll take thoseee and leave

Vvv 8 Apollo 13 vvV