Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

Are you waiting for seeds from me or am i too stoned and read it wrong? And if so…what are you waiting for exactly?

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Think he was referring to the long wait when buying seeds in the 90’s
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I think so too…lol. sorry guys

Still up
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No, that was a reply to GreenHighlander…but I mighta copied the last beans off your post and hence it quoted instead of copied. I admit to being stoned and under caffeinated at the moment. :slight_smile:

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To be completely honest this thread is complete chaos to me. I have to stay away lol.

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@GreenHighland you’re welcome here just make trades closer to the days you can get to the mailbox. What’s the rush to trade if you can’t send for so long? I think the main problem is things get forgotten and disappear in the mail so it’s more difficult to keep track of, but this thread is all about the fun and kind of like a quick grab bag. For slower trades can just message any member on OG. I’ll wait a month if decided beforehand but this thread I thought was supposed to be quick and fun and just about trusting each other.

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Anything worth having is worth waiting for. I’ll join this thread soon as I ship myself some seeds and it works lol


I dont trade for random things. If i see something i really want and it happens to be up i will grab it. Might not be offered again and like i said i dint trade for the sake of a fast trade. Yea, this thread aint for me if its all about getting as many as you can as fast as you can. Its bad for my Adhd lol


It’s been hell for my screen time addiction :tired_face: :rofl::sweat_smile:


I wonder how many people in here were addicted to pokemon go? Seems sort of the same… gotta get em all lol

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Hahaha @GreenHighland so are you going to take the Vvvvqueens banner s1 auto vVvvv???


No, i am good.
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What are you looking for? Anything in particular? I’m sure someone has it.

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Dude my kids got me playing that shit with them back then. I’d be in Mexico or Cuba on a fuckin VPN trying to catch senor Pikachu :rofl:

Still available from @Kyleromero94

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A month to ship seeds? A month? A good chance your offerings sit here a month till taken so should work out well.

Still up from @Kyleromero94

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When this thread started, I took an offer from a member, but 3 weeks later I hadn’t received the seeds, so I sent a message and he basically told me that I needed to STFU and wait. He would mail them when he was ready and NOT before. Went on and on about his car being broken, etc. Funny, he must have known his car was broken BEFORE he made a trade… :roll_eyes:
I still haven’t gotten those seeds (and I know I won’t), but I think if you don’t have the means to make an offer and follow through in a timely manner, this isn’t the right thread for you.
This has happened to me twice on this thread, but both of those members haven’t been active for a while.

Still up from @Kyleromero94

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That’s pretty weak. I’m notorious for being slow getting stuff out, but I always feel bad about it (and it ALWAYS will eventually make it)… I’ve apologized more on here about being slow giving away free shit than about most things I apologize about :crazy_face:


I used this thread once. I never received the seeds I claimed but I just figured that was postal service. The person I sent seeds to never let me know. Doesn’t really encourage me to continue using this thread vs regular forms of trading/giving/receiving.

Still up from @Kyleromero94

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Pretty sad hearing this.

Still up from @Kyleromero94

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On the flip side of that @matos420 keeps hounding me :rofl: wondering whether I received his yet or not. I kept telling him to wait and see if they show up. Today I finally gave in and said he could resend them. He’s persistent!

It’s nice to have guys like that on here who care if you got them.