Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Ah I love growing tobacco. I still need to get some going for this year. Think I’m gonna run like 8-10 Harrow Velvets if I can. I still have a ton of Maria Sabina F2’s and Hopi Trippy Citrus x Maria Sabina F2’s but not really a fan of those.


A full solo cup every second day. It’s exhausting…lol.

Coming soon!

You have any tips for a newbie?


If you’ve never grown them at all, just need to sprinkle the seeds on top of some damp soil. Thin them out once they hit seedling stage. You can run them at one plant per 5 gallon bucket and they’ll fade pretty fast even with a good amended soil. Obviously needs a lot of nitrogen. You do want the leaves to fade to yellow completely before picking them. Don’t wanna pick green if you can help it but a slow dry can help alleviate that. They’ll “flower” for 90 days or so. Can chop the flower nodes off as they come in and that’ll usually keep things going pretty well. Or make more seeds. If you’re going for leaf specifically, some strains can put out side shoots at the lowers and you’ll wanna take those off too. Keep it as just one big main stem with no side branches. Just the leaves.


My spixy snails laid a clutch(?) of eggs!


-Ufs18 hit with femmed pollen from cap Junky x chem91
-Cap Junky x chem91 hit with Cap Junky x chem91 fem pollen
-Shoreline sour d bx3 open pollination
-Freakers Kandahar run
-ridiculous tarts auto on week 13 or 14

Not in pic, BBD and CBBxSGxBBD

Tarts auto


It was a mix I believe so I have no idea🤣


This Friday is day 46 (6w 4d) since the shoreline sourd bx3 was open pollinated.


Good morning brotha! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope youre doing well and enjoying that dank selection of smoke!

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Shoreline sourd bx3 seeds are ready…will chop this weekend.


Some pollinated branches don’t look fabulous…but the main buds show what the plant can do




Always, mang…always…lol. I still have about 10 strains from 2 harvests ago to try…then the 20ish or so from last harvest to test.
Main closet will start getting axed next week and into April.

The ufs18 are coming down early April as well.
Pictured ufs18 and sourdbx3 and a tarts auto that won’t die


Wow haha Thats awesome brotha!
Plants are looking great, Happy Harvest and shucking! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Aquarium with stock 18w floro

Aquarium with stock 18w floro + 4x 12v, 1.5w 6000k daytime running lights.
Yes, my table is slanted hard as eff…lol.

Might not look like a big difference in the pics…but makes a huge difference in person.
I tried doing a dirted tank 5-7 years ago and it was a true fustercluck. So made these things I’m calling “walstad drops”. Small containers with soil and capped with sand. The Amazon swords are in 750ml jars. Doing ~30% weekly water changes and fertilizing with drumroll maxibloom! Lol. Is there anything it can’t do?


And wtf is this!? Tarts auto freebie from cali connection on week 14ish of flower and still another 3-4 weeks to go. Grown in a 2 liter and buds just as big.


Do you know the genetics of the Tart auto?

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Had a few bacopa carolinia stems left and a miserable looking little wisteria or African fern thing, so trying to propagate some plants. $40 for an Amazon sword and bacopa bundle seems excessive.


I don’t. It was just sent as a freebie from cali connection. Glad I didn’t hack it down a couple weeks ago.


Will be starting chop on these this week. Will post when I start hacking em, as my updates were few and far between.
Let’s get started.
@HolyAngel tri-force

Blackberry breath x macslurry

Uploading: 20240324_060152.jpg…
@Crafty_Flame bubba x mendo breath

@Crafty_Flame bubba x Mendobreath

@Crafty_Flame bubba x Mendobreath

Blackberry breath x macslurry

@HolyAngel tri-force

@Crafty_Flame famous Aimless
Was stunted before flower

@Crafty_Flame famous Aimless
Was also stunted, but started flowering it out later, so looks like it’ll fill in.

@Crafty_Flame gmo x Mendobreath

@Foreigner black triangle x og kush

@GCBudz Cap Junky x chem91

Gods space needle x (blackberry breath x macslurry)

@Crafty_Flame famous Aimless

@GCBudz Cap Junky x chem91

@Crafty_Flame gmo x Mendobreath

@HolyAngel tri-force

@Crafty_Flame gmo x Mendobreath


Had a whack of other pictures uploaded in that post but majority are missing…not doing it again…still hating this not being able to scroll through the post shit. It is what it is.
Should have 36 plant above…definitely missing some pics.


I’m going to grow them soon :exploding_head:


Ooh :heart_eyes:
Definitely some TK and Kryptonite shining through those! Lil leafy but should be dank AF. I like how the second one and the bt x ogk look really similar :wink: which I mean, they should :yum: