Tappy's Fuster Cluck - Veg., Flower, Soil, Hydro, Mixed Strains

Very nice brotha!

NVD and SPXS. You love the leveraged products. :grin:
SPX options are wild and fun.


Just grabbed some CHWY $28 puts, sept 20 exp…nailed the top!! I wanna see it dump like a drunk pushing a wheelbarrow!! :chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::alarm_clock::alarm_clock:


Have never seen this before. Grabbed NVDA puts $116 strike, 2 days before earnings…price went up, but the implied volatility made my puts go into the green…lol. banked it.
Still holding CHWY puts…Singh is dumping his bags…calling chewy garbage like i was calling wayfair garbage. Wayfair is straight trash :chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:. :wastebasket::put_litter_in_its_place:

Lost my ass on spy today though…Never saw that dump coming. Risk management/psychology schooled me.

Stoked for next bull market…waiting to go all in on SPXS when the economy collapses.


Implied Vol. expanded causing your puts price to rise, Opposite to Implied Vol. crush.

I got rocked on the NQ yesterday. Tried catching falling knifes. I suck at trading lol.


Effin, eh! I dont.know what it was…but it saved my ass…lol.

Futures, eh…i dont know much about them…people always say, “futes ripping” in chats and stuff sunday night…so thats always fun…lol.
So can you trade day 24/7? :face_with_monocle:

Futes looking like shit right now? :chart_with_downwards_trend:


It’s similiar options but with more leverage built in. Its open 23/6 or something like that.
Fun if you want to trade on sunday. I have a terrible record in the asia session.

Futures have been getting a beating, more wippy then every, 40-60 points slides in either direction. When the indices start looking bad, I look at crude oil. I want to trade some lean hogs soon for shits n gigs. :joy:

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The canadian rails strikes were worrying farmers, bigtime…WEAT was looking good…still is, really.

Spy kicked my ass friday…knew the range from the day before, but bought some calls too early and paperhanded them at the bottom…almost gave back aaalllllll my gains over the week. Usually my paperhands are a good thing.

Anyway…META puts expiring sept 20 for now. Grabbed after that nice bounce in the market end of day. Is kind of worrying seeing that type of strength…end of month rebalances and options expiry.
Bought pits because the bearish price and rsi divergence on weekly chart…hoping she doesnt punch up and breakout now…lol.
Hope you had a good week! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Still holding CHWY puts.


Been watching this guy saturday and sunday mornings…super smart. Not biased, doesnt pump, but gives awesome info.

Live stream just started if.you wanted to watch

Watered the plants…coming along. A gew seedlings crapped out to put in 5x gods white banana kush x buddhas cane.


Mother in law is in the hospital again. She’s had a few rough weeks recently, but I think God is calling her home this morning. Wife is staying strong.
Dropped wife off at hospital and now having a burn in the backyard.
Mother in law is aboriginal and very spiritual. Saying a few prayers and burning some tobacco for her this morning.


Saw 76 year old man…tough as fuck his whole life, weep with sorrow as his wife laid still. Was incredibly sad. God took another angel home.
Be well, everyone. Tell those you love and hold dear how much you love them often. Life is short.

PDD calls, $90 strike…oct 11 expiry.


my condolence hope all can heal fast and be with loved ones in their time of need


$99 strike, PDD calls dying. Need a good pump.
$27 strike, CHWY puts, oct 4 exp. :alarm_clock: :printer::dollar: roarcat dumped
$485 META puts, sept 20 exp.

Havent grabbed any yet…but premiums are already :chart_with_upwards_trend:…so might not grab…but some itm calls, monday at open, might be a good yolo anyway.
GME calls, 7 dte :thinking::face_with_monocle:

Spy shit the bed again…TSLA was a bad loss yesterday too…no dead cat bounce, no mid-day rally…all :chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::fire::skull_and_crossbones::wastebasket::put_litter_in_its_place:

Ready to put half my cash into SPXS and watch everything burn.


Week 2.


No idea what the rest means :sweat_smile: but we may be able to work something out. :rofl:



4x nana glue x sugar belts showing male already…only 2.5 weeks from seed.
Chopped em down this morning.


Week 3.

Males so far that got the :axe:
X4 chem fuego
X3 nana glue x suger belts
X1 chimera


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Hope your doing well, Your garden is rocking and rolling.:metal:

Hope you’re ready for the fun FOMC today.
A fun hypothesis is if Powell wears a Purple tie, buy the dip. Any other color tie, Sell lol. (dont follow it as advice, it’s a fun observation) :joy:


LOL! im ready to buy puts on RH and W…nobodys buying a $30k couch…and the 1 star reviews on wayfair are super entertaining! Wayfair opening brick and mortar stores in chicago and somewhere in florida…let the looting begin flaming elmo gif


Posted in new topic, but just found mites…serves me right for bringing in outdoor plants.

Will be using diatomaceous earth and leaf stripping only. Watch them disappear.

Lots of plants here, but confident in the process.