Taste testing phenotypes and variations

I expect, as my first harvest approaches, I will want to compare many variables, ages, cuts, cures, seeded vs sinsemilia, and varieties. What techniques do you use to differentiate the highs? To keep the stones separate?

I find subsequent highs during a day can be influenced by the earlier highs. Also by the quantity I have smoked earlier in the week.

It’ll be a lot of consumption for me.

I’ve heard that chewing a peppercorn can damp an overly heavy high. That might be useful for this as well. A pallet clense, so to speak. Other tricks, if you have them, would be welcome.


pass it out to people who will give you the most feedback.

since I’m medicating ailments & symptoms with most of my use it’s pretty easy to say “yay/nay”… & my smell/taste senses are dull as can be. :unamused:

i know what i need at different times; sativas from early AM until afternoon napping it’s indica time and or blending.


edit: … and I can go through about 4 different strains in one test session. :wink:



A few things I have done in the past. The simplest one is to only test a single variety per day. Usually the first high of the day. Make it the same time and setting. For example after your morning coffee…

If you have a get together with friends who smoke, roll several joints of each. At the end of the evening, the variety that has had the most joints smoked is likely your favorite.