The Potpourri Dream

Cannabis Potpourri?! Who dares to leave their bountiful, smellalicious harvest just out in the open, filling their home with their favorite fragrance?!

Anybody do this or consider this?

Maybe you just have so much that an oz is nothing to you and you just have this stuff laying around left and right because you like the smell? :star_struck:

I’ve always wanted to do this, maybe one day if I have a crazy surplus/perpetual grow…

If you have or if you could, what strain would you put out, how much and what would you do?

Would you dry and cure it as normal first? Fresh cut? Dry/wet or no trim? Bucked, ground up?

Nice dish for it? Maybe in some nice aerating bag that hangs?

How bout this for a kicker, what about somehow making incense out of it? :laughing:

How about a cologne? Wish I knew how they extracted those terps!

What would you do with it once the terps have gone? Smoke it, edible, concentrate, compost…?


We generally have a jarred ounce on the coffee table with the bong. But that’s a sealed jar.

Does curing count? My spare room / grow room smelled amazing during the curing process.
My other “potpourri” scent was last grow when I was apparently too stoned to hook up my filter and let it run that way for a couple weeks (until I smelled it outside the house…)

Strain - HSC’s OG Kush. There’s a strong lavender note among all that Kush funk that sets it apart IMHO.


Nice, well I guess unintentionally somewhat counts… I’m wondering if there’s anybody who puts a plate of it out in every room and bathroom lol :rofl:

Is HSC, Haze Scout Cookies?

Even with a carbon filter my grow still sometimes stinks up the place which I guess counts

All the best


Nah. I will sell it to someone who will.smoke it before i let it sit out and go stale. By the way HSC is Humboldt Seed Company. Not to be confused with the scam artist Humboldt Seed Organisation.


If you had forests, would you still feel wrong about “wasting” it? What about larf?

Id rather give it away to someone who will use it for its benefits. Im sure there are a lot of broke veterans and elderly people who could benefit from it.


How about after everyone you could find to give it to? :rofl:

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Another impromptu POTpourri time is trimming - we do it in the living room and the whole house smells!

Or there’s the trim that’s waiting for a hash run - that can have a nice aroma in the freezer for a day or two before it all thaws.

Aside from that, my favorite is burning it like incense - but I keep getting smoke in my lungs tryin’ to keep the thing burning! :crazy_face:

edit - ever notice that you can instantly recognize another stoners home by the smell? My tent is so isolated in the house that the filter does nothing for the general pot smell…

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I dont think i will ever have that problem.

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I think it would be cool to figure out a process to turn it into a legit incense form where it would just stay lit, slow burn.

Was just thinking on this a bit and thought on why I don’t have a “potpourri” going on.

  1. Flower is in sealed jars - but opening the jar wafts out goodness.
  2. I use larf & trim to make edibles & hash**
  3. Even trimmings were used for cooking (chimmi churri & pesto)**

But even with all the additional processing, there is still a lot of “spent” material - mostly broken up flower & small leaf stems from bubble-hash processing, (edit -->) as well as large stems from trimming.
but I had some spent vegetable sediment in the water layer of my butter.**

** What IF you were to use straight-ish stems as the base - and chopped all remaing matter into a powder / paste to be applied onto the stem?
Give it a day or two in a sunny window and you might be on to something. :grinning:

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Whoa, making pesto out it, that’s sounds delicious…

Are you saying the stem idea for making an incense stick?

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Exactly - would add some “authenticity” as well as add to the scent - really uses the WHOLE plant.

It might even be legal as it should be THC free by the time it’s made into incense.

“Officer, I’m not high, it’s incense!”

(edit) the sauces are amazing with trim leaves added. I’ve never really liked pesto until I added chopped fan leaves. In Chimi Churri it added a nice flavor, but didn’t transform it as much as the pesto.

A teaspoon of cannabutter on top of that make it a really fun meal.

Are the fan leaves from trim, veg?

Veg and Flower - I like them in a lot of different sauces. They add A LOT of flavor though, so use sparingly!

Fan leaves only - no sugar trim (I need that for hash & butter!)

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Juice them ever?

Everyday we throw some curing buds in a large wooden jar on our coffee table. As long as you ash it and don’t snag from it. It’s basically community. Not with this covid crap going on now though :unamused::roll_eyes:. Thus resulting in fresh herb or herb smoke smell everywhere throughout the house.


Not yet - I want to find try it on this grow!

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I like how you roll lol

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