A part of growing eludes me

Been smoking , growing , enjoying bud about daily , lol , since like 1969 or ‘70 . Got most of it down pretty good . Feel confident in my game , lol . One area eludes me however , and it drives me nuts .

I’ve smoked it all , you name it I’ve smoked it . Or at least one of the parents in todays crazy cross’s. I can tell you and rank power and type of high really well , know good , bad , indifferent , and superior bud in a manner of seconds usually . Yet

I cannot describe tastes n smells of buds . Nothing wrong with my nose , guess I didn’t use it much , lol , I can smell everything. , I just have no clue what I’m smelling ???

Know what I like , what I don’t like , but be damned if can describe bud much better than
It’s Sweet , or spicy , or floral , or dank .

Grow some great bud …. Hey man , what’s it smell and taste like???

Ah, good


So who else shares this issue ???

More importantly, who CAN cypher the smells and tastes of the plant we all here love ???

Can I learn , like a however you spell the wine taster dude Sum Owl Yeah



Man , shouldn’t make threads when really stoned but I want an answer :sunglasses:


I’m somewhat the same way bromigo…not much of a smoke reporter either but I know what the hell is good/great weed though…


Thanks Phil :sunglasses:

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When sampling new bud I take a few dry hits for flavour feel and then no more than 2-3 hits for the full monte.

Any more and it all gets muddled. I can’t smoke 10 strains at once it just doesn’t work for me.


Can you then describe it ???

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I feel that I can. A few dry hits gives a better aesthetic than smoking I find. Lavender roses skunk, whatever, it all comes through.


Oh I hate lavender , rose is ok though , my old Amnesia Haze had rose in her .


Well it all comes through I just chose those at random :joy:


Naming the aromas is easier after you smell them individually, or, if you really pay attention when you smoke, it’ll start out like “Oh that’s familiar”, and then you have to sit with it for a minute, maybe take another hit and really notice not just flavors, but sensations, etc. Eventually that “familiar” thing has a name, and the trick is in not judging the thing you came up with, but just saying it.
Here’s an example from a recent smoke test:

It’s not about “knowing” an aroma or flavor, it’s about being able to communicate the experience you’re having.
That said, you can also buy monoterpene kits and begin to associate aromas with the name of the compound!
I’m a former sommelier (just level 1) and cicerone, as well as a former chef, so because of all that experience, I’m an ace smeller; it really is just about intentional practice.


Do you mean I can buy Turpines samples to help me learn the smells thanks for spelling the word👍


Yes indeed! True terpene kits are kinda pricy, but they’re really easy to find
You could start with the basic 6 monoterpenes, and then add rarer terps to your understanding over time!
Then when you smell a bud, your brain will automatically go: " Oh! Lots of beta caryophylene here, with myrcene and limonene notes."
They have the same thing for wine tasting


Something else to consider if you decide to get a kit:
There are “cannabis terpene” kits that have the terps extracted from weed, and “botanical terpene” kits that have isolated the terpene from other plants.
For smelling purposes a terpene is a terpene, but cannabis terps are WAY more expensive.
You can probably find a kit that has the primary 6 as botanical terpenes, and it’ll save you some money.
Just don’t buy anything that has the word “fragrance”; you want true terpene oils.


Sold out right now, but here’s the big 6 for about 70 bucks. 2ml of each, which is plenty since all you’re doing is smelling them.
I bet if you bought them each individually, the company might offer you the set price if you ask


so my gf always says “its smells citric” doesnt matter if it smells gassy, fruity, sweet or earthy to me, she always says “oh it like a citric peel”… :unamused:

ive seen younger chefs get basic ingredients wrong when they smell them blindfolded (im talking chicken, spices etc). shows how bad our own bias influences our brain or olfatory receptors.

i usually think that i can identify and trace certain smells to a specific parent in a cross and so on but i have also been wrong, so… theres that.

Also, since i stopped smoking (cigarretes and i rarely smoke joints) i have noticed my smell and taste buds to fare much better.


you’re not alone. i can definitely tell the different smells and tastes, but none of them smell or taste like anything close to what they are called. i think the whole ‘terpine’ think is bullshit marketing made up for commercial grows, based on how distillates and concentrates don’t work for me. they say they extract them and put them back, but none of them ever work on me either. it’s something else in the weed that gets me high. some edibles work but i need to take massive amounts of them. like eating a whole full melt bar from co before they banned them for being too strong. could be some of that bullshit i got into in the desert or the experimental drugs they gave us. maybe something i got into myself.


Just like in wine tasting, you say what it smells like to you… The sky is the limit… oranges, cherries, dog poop, gym socks, mud, new tires… basically just explain how it smells to you or what you think you might be getting a hint of. Sometimes someone will chime in with some obtuse observation as what they recognize in the scent of a bud, and it is a scent which nobody has mentioned before, and all of a sudden it clicks for everyone at once: “yeah!!! That’s it!!! vodka and hookers” :joy:


Working with a somelier helped me with that, it carries over to cannabis pretty well.
When you can discern the many flavors coming from fine wines it helps fine tune the senses.

Being a poet also helps greatly. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Maybe it can help …

The foundations

And a nice wheel from greenhouse, with strain’s references to have the North.

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Start grabbing new everyday items people use to describe weed. Then train your palate from there? Like fresh tennis ball can or super glue.