INDICA, Sativa, or Hybrid

Just Curious.
A Poll if you will as to members preferences.

Im a hybrid kinda guy.
Strong Indicas put me down
But can remain groggy for a while.
Some pure sats made me feel like a heart attack was near.
I like a soaring high, but also needs a little body to settle me down.

I imagine some folks use different ones for different times as well and some strains work for some issues
Better than others.

But over all I enjoy the best of both worlds.
I do usually chop when amber first shows up as I just can’t do the stoned to the bone thing anymore and get anything done like could 30 years ago.

What’s your preference?
All opinions welcome
Especially interested in the 50 and above crowds take.


I chop when I get these…Vietnam Thunder Fuck strain.


I’m not 50+ yet, but I share your desire to retain function with a little stress relief. Basically only smoke a few times a week, and a couple hits.

I’ve been using variety. Sativa stuff before 5pm, hybrid before 8pm and indica after 8. I like being able to choose. My selection is limited to what I grew last season but Hella Jelly is my daytime pick, Avenue of the Giants or Snow-G in the evening and Black Domina before bed. Mostly I probably just toke a little to help me sleep, so that’d be the indica IF I COULD ONLY HAVE one. The Hella Jelly is fun during the day but still puts me at risk for premature nap :rofl:

Experimenting with some others this coming outdoor season. Trying to push the sativa more towards pure to see what that’s like


Not in my 50’s yet . I do enjoy indicas, heavy heavy indicas. I also have pretty severe back pain, muscle spasms and anxiety so straight sativas I’ve stayed away from for the last 4-5 years.


My morning/day smoke is Vietnam Thunder Fuck very sativa-ish and night time smoke is Matanuska Thunder Head Indica buzz…


just turned 53 and i smoke whatever the other half chooses. mainly sativa during the day and indica at night. her favorite now is orange kush cake, she says they should have called it goodnight. i wonder at the folks who say things like that about sativas if they get as high on edibles and vape cartridges as they do on smoking weed. they almost never work on me but i never get the heart attack feeling from sativas either. at least haven’t found one yet that did it to me.

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I’m 60 years old and I also like sativa thrue the day and indica at night, but sometimes I do feel my heart racing from sativa, like I’m about to have a heart attack, but I like both for different reasons to cope with stress and back pain, dealing with cancer which doctor says looking very good, it’s all what your body says when doing iether one,it’s mostly what fits your need I’ve never tried edibles but think I might to see how my body reacts


I smoke for pain relief mainly and heavy narcotic Indica strains are what seem to help the most. I do like having hybrids that lean heavy to the Indica side for daytime tincture.


Often I mix 2 or more different kinds of ground up weed. Still smoking some from yesterday it was Durban and Sour 60. Had to add the durban because sour 60 put me to sleep earlier that day.


Blends can be fun. I used to do that a lot. That’s what I’ll do tonight. make a mix. :+1: :v:

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