Tent Size for 1/2 pound harvest

Straight up legend !

1.5lb out of a 2x4 would be exceptional. Especially with some uptopped. I presume you dont scrog ?

I have always thought you need a bigger root space than a 2 gallon to hit anything close to even an z per plant. Sounds to me like strain selection is one of the major keys in the equation.

I do have a 600 hps horti. However I was pretty sold on going the led route because with my 600 I usually need to have the exhaust cranked, and vented through the light to keep temps decent. This caused the tents to have tons of negative pressure, which I wonder if may have caused small light leaks to develop. I never noticed any, but the question was there. I know this can be combated with active intake instead of passive, but god, one 6 inch fan running full blast is loud enough !

I was under the impression that leds run much cooler (and cheaper) than hid.


Them boyz that do the solo cup thingy could almost pull a z of from that.


Yeah, that’s about what I got off the one I did last year. Here is a fun gif of the whole grow. :grin:


Thats fantastic! It’s amazing seeing them pop up like that.

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That gif is almost as amazing as how healthy those plants stay in those solo cups. Proof that you are a master grower @ReikoX. Thank you for sharing !


You always have the choice of double ended mh/ hps and lep (light emitting plasma )too .
Winters coming consider your heating options when you make your choice . I find it allot easier to cool a room down in new england than heat my 6xx6x8 area up .
But by mid september it gets cold here quick and I figure that consider I have to exchange so much air per min any ways a double ended hig works best for me.


This is a reasonable, not overly optimistic nor overly pessimistic answer.

I agree with it 100%.


IMO set your goal at 1/2lb for 2x4. if you get that, you’re doing really well. A full lb from this small a space, i guess it is very difficult for anyone to achieve


A half from a 2 x 4 aint squat


Now if I could get yall to check out my next question please :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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