Tent Size for 1/2 pound harvest

I am super excited to finally be restarting growing again after a 3 year hiatus ! The last several years before shutting down I have been using growtents of various sizes in our extra room. Along with upgrading from HID’s to LED, I am also planning on starting fresh with a new tent.

My goal is to harvest about 1/2 pound per run. I could live with as little as 5oz per run but Id prefer around 8oz. Id rather not harvest more than a lb per run, its just too much work trimmin it all alone !

In the past I have done really well with a 3x3 outfitted with a 600hps. The 4x4 seems a bit intrusive in the room and Im not sure id I need that much space for the amount I want to harvest.

I am planning on starting with 9 seeds, I think I could fit 9 total plants in 3 gallon pots in a 3x3 . However I most likely wont end up with 9 females, so I would most likely be flowering a smaller number of plants. My best harvests with my old 3x3 were with 4 or 5 total plants in 5 gallon pots, squeezed in there tight ! That was without a scog/net, which I WILL be implementing this time around. Ive learned that canopy maintenance is the key to maximizing harvests in smaller spaces.

I understand how big a role the strain I decide to run will play into this, but am just looking at approximate totals. On that topic, I think I have settled on Bodhi’s Clusterfunk for my first run. Ive heard its easy to grow, loud stank, and also still available in case I F it up !

The next challenge will be lighting.

What do you guys think about what size I should run for what Im looking to do ?


I run a 2x4 tent with 300w of LED and average around 300 grams a run.


I’m not going to give advice, but I’ll tell you a bit about what I do.

2x4’ tent, veg for eight weeks (heavily topped and trained). 4x4’ flower tent, every five weeks two plants get harvested, two new ones go in for a total of four plants in the 4x4’.

I harvest ~1/2-3/4 pound per plant.


Yeah a 2 x 4 tent is all thats needed, I load that thing up with 9 plants that are vegged no more than a month and a half.
No special training needed, I do it all the time and pull a lb. ± a lid everytime.
Off a 600 watt horti and pro mix and pro pure blend notes out of 2 gallon bucket
Air cooled of coarse plants touch fixture no problem


I run a 40in x 40in x 60 in tent
At one time I ran up to 9 plants in 3 gallon fabric bags Very low yield , when I dropped to 6 plants I vegged longer ( only 3 weeks ) and yield went to 12 maybe when the stars were aligned to 15 oz at the most I was never able to get grow to grow with enough meds
So I changed things up and went to 4 Octopots ,
In the same space
Over the years worked on my skills a bit and with a 4 week veg I’ve yielded 20 plus zips on 4 plants I do set up a scrog net and I bend and torture the crap out of them but they can take it

Good luck


So it kinda sounds like 1lb is achievable in my 2x4 tent with the right strain and some more experience. Seems like a good goal i think.


That is a high but attainable goal.


Perfect! A goal will keep me learning and reaching it will keep me happy for a long while! :laughing:


Just FYI I usually grow 3 good sized plants in my 2x4. I had a white widow yield 6 oz in this setup. If I had run 3 of them…


3x3, 600 watt HPS or 630 CMH, should be able to do it without really trying very hard. 4 plants, 3-5 gallon pots, done.


Thank you for the reply, which LED do you use in there ? I was looking at the spider farmer 2000. Or 4000 if I go with a 4x4, which I would rather not do. Just starts getting pretty expensive

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Thats amazing man. Incredible efficiency.

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Thank you for chiming in man ! And wow, thats amazing that pull lb + out of a 2x4, dont know if Ive ever even done that in a 4x4. I use pure blend nutes pretty religiously. I really like their products. Not cheap but worth it. For medium I was planning on going with plain old Fox Farms Happy Frog. Like everyone else, Ive ran Ocean forest a bunch of times, but I think I like the Happy Frog better. Especially for starting seeds. The light warrior was my go to, but the little ones need nutes before uplanting out of the solo cups that I start them in. I dont like giving seedlings nutes if I dont have to.


I use a mars tsl2000


Its a couple weeks after they’re up before I jute them

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Interesting, Ive heard mars products are not the way to go. There are quite a few options im considering when it comes to lighting. I guess it will come down to what size I decide to get for flower. You guys really have me thinking about going with the 2x4.


You mention that you veg no more than 6 weeks. I am wondering do you top most of your seed plants ? And also, how often do the plants show sex by that 6 week point ? I ask because although I have seen plants show sex that early, in my experience I have grown several plants that didnt show sex til around 8 weeks. Thank you, I appreciate your expertise

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Mars gets a lot of hate but I really like mine.

I went 2x4 mostly because I live in a small space and anything bigger would be too big


I pulled a half lb off a “600 watt” ViparSpectra and one Frost Boss(HomeGrownNatural Wonders) clone in a 5 gallon bag.

Get to it!



99% are sexed a week after flip, sometimes I top sometimes I don’t.
Generally I leave be.

Production is strictly strain dependent.

Have you done the numbers on 9 plants, even on a 2z avg. 18z’s its a realistic number to hit. Just letting the plants do their own thing.
Throw a couple 3-4 z plants in there your closing in on an elbow and a half.

1- 600 horti hps, out of seed