Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

For smoking just pick the leaves and dry them. Crumbly dry doesn’t matter, just burns quicker :joy:

For chewing/quid, you want fresh leaves, like 6 of them, rolled up and shoved into a cheek for like… 20 minutes? An hour? You’ll know :sweat_smile:


Hey man, sorry I never responded to you. Long winter and I didn’t have any energy to interact with others haha… I’d be happy to test anything for you outdoor next season. Again, sorry I disappeared on that!

I don’t have the Obama anymore unfortunately. I wasn’t living at home and didn’t have a place to keep clones. But if you want a bombproof outdoor plant I recommend it. I dug her up end of October and put her in the greenhouse to let the seeds ripen more. No mold/PM/etc. I harvested the seeded buds and she was still alive until mid-January when we had that crazy ice storm. Watered maybe once or twice…

I picked up the Lemon Tree from Archive this year. I like to make a stop if I’m in town for other reasons. Smells like lemon Starburst and looks like she’ll be the first plant ready to harvest in my garden. Definitely keeping her around…

Your indoor/outdoor gardens are looking great!


I highly recommend never smoking salvia, or at least the extracts, unless you want to get a feel for what hell might be like :joy:. You’ll have a whole new gratitude for what life feels like sober lol. Ive seen people smoke it and express a level of panic I’ve never witnessed before. There’s youtube “salvia trip” videos, it isnt pretty lol.


My cousin smoked salvia one time. Went on a walk and said the trees started to curl into a tunnel and everything started turning red. Sounds like literal hell :sweat_smile:


I’ve smoked quite a bit of it over the years. Least a couple ounces of dried leaves. Never messed with the extracts.

Reading some experiences on erowid is good.

It’s not a social plant or experience. You’re gonna see some weird shit. Lot of times, not getting enough, it was like the whole planet was on a 45 degree tilt. More and there were times it was like a hand came from the sky and pulled me up and away to somewhere else. I’ve had other times where only half my vision changed and there was like a leprechaun with a spinning wheel out of a gameshow with percentages on it and depending what he landed on was how much of my vision was seeing where he’s from, or something :man_shrugging:

A whole experience is only 5-15 minutes or so, start to finish. In a room inside in a locked house is a good place to do it, otherwise may want someone there to keep an eye on you. If/when you go somewhere else, you’re not here but can still walk around here.


Sounds like fun. Maybe people should remember to bust out their straitjacket, too… haha.

I’m all for getting fucking RIPPED and staying up for days at a time and kinda “pushing the limits,” but salvia has never sounded appealing to me. If I can’t (or don’t want to) fuck on it, I don’t wanna do that drug haha…


Large amounts, yeah. There’s a report on erowid of a dude that synthesized crystal salvanorin A. The compound in the leaf that makes you trip. Said he smoked the tiniest amount inside and when he came back ~10min later he was in the middle of the street.

Small amounts are just gonna really mess with your perception. Like I said, whole planet on a 45 degree tilt :sweat_smile:

Again, it’s not a social plant. It’s a mind expanding plant that will show and/or take you places you have no control over, whether you like it or not.

I also don’t feel “the spirit of the plant doesn’t want to be smoked”. The quids are a much different experience though. Smoking tends to be “darker” or harsher experiences but they don’t have to be. The quid is a lot lighter experience but it lasts longer… but you’re also not going places with the quid.

It’s definitely not for everyone and definitely not for even occasional use. I think of it as a tool for a vision quest.


But if you don’t know what you’re doing in the middle of the street or how you even fucking got there, how much have you really learned from that particular drug experience? Haha.

Just kidding around. Whatever works for people is fine with me. Salvia’s just always sounded like one of those sorta “backwoods” drugs that people who don’t have access to real drugs do, like in the Appalachians or wherever haha.


That’d be Lavender Jack from Bodhi , selected by nobodysnursery.

Yeah, i didn’t think they would be able to get rid of the compression, but nice to not have to worry about resizing images so much at least. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the re-design, but I’ll give it a chance, maybe it’s just taking my brain awhile to adjust to the changes.

Yeah, it’s on my to-do list… gonna buy a used one or something to keep in the garage. Or maybe downstairs in the grow room so I can keep some brewskis down there too.

Thanks man! I just top dressed with some Garden Tone - basically bone/blood meals and a few other natural fertilizers. She’s stacking up pretty nice, just hope i can get her to the finish line.

Cool, that’s good to know. I’ll probably clone some and bring it in for the winter.

Sweet, i did pick some a dry them the other day, just haven’t had the chance to try them yet. I may try chewing some first for a milder experience to test the waters.

No worries dude! I know how time slips away… I think I’ve become a master at losing time recently.

Cool, good to know. Archive stocks it regularly, they’re having a sale on all their clones right now, but I’m just out of room to bring anything else in atm. Lemon Tree has been another on my list to try…

Thank you!

lol, yeah I’ve watched the trip videos. I think some of those people are definitely smoking the extract, I’m not gonna fuck with all that. I’m pretty experienced with DMT, among other psychedelics, so I’ll definitely ease into the Salvia, not gonna start off with the biggest bong rip ever, or anything like that!

Sounds about like what I’ve read about… I’m intrigued, but Acid sounds like a way better time to me, haha!!

Good to know…

That’d be shake and bake meth, hah!

Nah, there’s all sorts of crazy drugs people will try that I’m not willing to touch. Datura… fuck that! Though, I am trying to grow some Peyote right now … hopefully I’m successful, these guys about 5 years to mature…

Anyways… back to weed, that’s why we’re here right?

Smoking on this Triple Sunshine while writing this post…

Moved the males of HPK x SCDK to their own tent.

Hollywood Pure Kush (HPK) x SkyCuddler Double Kush - Freeborn Selections

These are the unsexed plants. Moved them to the big tent to sex them.

This one is being a big PITA and i may cull it. It flops over every time it’s watered, or even brushing against the branches makes them wilt.

The rest look pretty good, I really like the two to the far right, near the black milk crates. I think one is male and one is female. I’ll know soon enough.

This tent has all the confirmed females in it. I’ve topped and cloned all the plants in this tent.

The two in the front are kinda slow growers, but everything else is looking great. There’s two plants in the pot in the front right corner, 11 plants total in the tent. I just watered these, so they’re looking a little droopy, but they’ll perk up this afternoon. Flipping these to flower today.

LA Pure Kush

wtf… is this plant going to stop growing? I was NOT expecting it to get this large… It’s really lovin’ getting all the light from the side too… I’ve got everything cranked right now and she’s handling it fine. I wish she was a little shorter, worried about those top buds so close to the light, but no choice but to let her do her thing now.

Chem 91 SkVa

Hanging in there… just feel like she’s being overshadowed by the LAPK.

Tahoe OG

Really happy with how these are looking in coco… one of my best runs in coco to date. The last plant i grew in coco was the Bandaid Haze 7… I flushed for three solid weeks, and ended up really liking how the smoke came out. I go back and forth on salts versus organics a lot, but I’m thinking you can produce really good weed in either… just depends on your skill, and comfort levels growing with each method.

Had a funny experience with visiting family this week… they are the more conservative type of folk, and I was trying to portray Portland as not something they’ve been watching on Fox news. Anyways… we were walking to grab a bite in my hood, and it was basically everything that they see on the news happening all at once… we saw a dude smoking fent or crack at the bus stop, dudes selling drugs at the gas station, naked person laying spread eagle in the parking lot, cop cars screaming by… it was just a really ridiculous situation after i had just been talking about the great things in Portland. I’m sure they’re going to go back and tell their friends that it is just like everything they hear about! Anyways… I love the weirdness here, I know it’s not everyone’s thing, but I dig it.

Hope you all enjoy the fruits of your labor this weekend!


Now that plastic straws are banned, I recently saw a guy freebasing with a taki

That’s my Portland weirdness update haha


lol, yeah that’s something else! i can’t imagine the taste… uuuugh!

It’s going to be interesting to see what happens after this Sunday, when measure 110 is rolled back, and it will no longer be legal to possess any drugs in Oregon (besides alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco)…


I haven’t, don’t care, but I think the very act of filming yourself (or filming whatever) doing anything completely changes the experience. It’s like that line from the one episode of Six Feet Under where Brenda says,”It’s an immutable law of physics that the act of filming somebody changes the behavior of that which is being observed!”

Or something like that haha.

All’s I know is that I think it’s completely bizarre that anybody would ever even think to film themselves doing any drug and then post it on the internet. Just BE THERE, in the moment. Enjoy it. Quit worrying about your social media feed and just get fucking high.

It’s like those people who won’t quit holding up their phones at shows. Or people who are walking their dogs, but staring at their phones while they’re doing it. Be there with your dogs. Watch the show. Smoke the salvia. Put the fucking phone in your fucking pocket.

Hahaha… That’s pretty fucking bad-ass. Lemme know how it turns out in five years. I actually am very interested to know how that turns out for you.

See, though? Peyote… Yeah. That makes sense. That’s a “real” drug (to me, anyway haha). I always really enjoyed mescaline back in the day. If I want a 5-15 minute high, I’ll just cook up some cocaine and smoke it haha.

Who woulda thunk, considering how squat she was right before she was flipped? Very cool and interesting for sure.


Or should I post this emoji :weary::weary::weary::weary: instead?

That’s a pretty dark story, but also very funny. Whatever it takes, I guess. Right?


Wow I might as well ditch my cut of LJ lol this one looks way better and higher yielding… jeez


Schrodinger’s Cat, pretty much! The very act of observation changes the outcome.

I’m sketched out enough posting about weed stuff here, you better believe there’s no videos of me tripping balls floating around! Ahhh kids these days… I’m glad i didn’t grow up in the age of filming yourself doing stupid shit.

I’m in 100% agreement with you though, take the drugs and forget about your fuckin’ phone… the drugs are way cooler on their own anyways.

For sure, 5 years is a long time to wait, but I’m not in a rush. Just hope i can keep them alive that long, I’m not the best cactus grower!

Forgot to post up pics of the HPX x SCDK males outside… they’re little etiolated i think, not getting much light late in the season. They look nice and healthy though. I hope they open some sacks… I want to hit the Grand Daddy Purple i have going with the pollen! Irene is the plant behind them.


Hollywood Pure Kush (HPK) x SkyCuddler Double Kush - Freeborn Selections

Plants are looking pretty uniform in this tent, except for the one in the very front. If it gets buried i may move it to the other tent. Starting to see pistils on everything, let’s hope for no herms :pray:

These are more of the oddball plants. I think the back three are male, the tallest is a girl, though weird shaped pre-flower w pistils shooting out, so going to keep an eye on it.

Almost all the clones took, one died and wilted, looked like a rotted stem. The one that failed is a runty plant anyways, so I’m not too worried about it.


Tahoe OG - day 27 flowering - changing my Jacks ratio to more of 4:2:0. Thinking about a bloom booster, but probably gonna hold off on this run. Going to switch to the 0-12-26 Part A from Jacks too, but having trouble finding it locally. I’m sure it’s around somewhere though, shipping from Jacks directly is ridiculous… more for shipping than the product! I hate that!

1 Gallon Grow Bag

.75 Gallon Nursery Pot


LA Pure Kush - day 27 flowering - sucking down 1.75 gallons of water everyday. Crazy growth, she may have grown too big for her own britches! Starting to smell really nice though, just the right kind of sweet funk.

Chem 91 SkVa - day 27 flowering - hanging on back there, at least she’s still looking healthy! Not drinking nearly as much as the LAPK.

Time to burn one and enjoy the day, y’all have a good’n!


Kept forgetting that I wanted to ask you about that one. I saw Greengenes promote it in a YT video sometime this year and was wondering if you were using it.

Ahh Didn’t get that far when playing with the idea of ordering it a month ago…

Plants look good, :laughing:!


Yeah, I just got caught up with his youtube stuff now that he’s growing inside again. That’s where i got the idea, he seems to have his room pretty dialed in. We’re using the same lights too, so that’s why I started following along. The idea of using less of anything is appealing to me… but maybe it’s just a sales tactic… A lot of the other fert manufactures have a zero nitrogen product, so maybe they’re just trying to keep up. Using Jacks before I’ve tended to notice extra dark green leaves by the end of the run, could just be me, but it is not appealing to me… i dunno why, i like my plants to fade at the end. I think it mimics the natural senescence they experience in the wild. Just personal preference.

Find a source locally if you can… on their website it’s $27 for 1KG, but $27.50 shipping… I can find a 25lb bag of 5-12-26 locally for almost that price…

haha thanks man!