Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Another vote for TK. I took her to 77-85 days. No forehead sweats, not really a come up. But no ceiling to her either. Definitely in my top 2 for daily, still get shit done, smoke!


Alright, alright, alright! Gawddamnit! Haha. TK is good, I get it haha.

Do you think some of those people who’ve written about it say stuff like that just to say it? Like “forehead sweats” are a desirable trait that people are looking for when it comes to their weed?


I really only get the forehead sweats if, for instance i haven’t smoked anything all day and then start with her. its not always there, but its definitely a trait she carries. I only got anxiety the first time i smoked her picked at ~56-63 days or so. I’ve never had any anxiety or white-knuckle stuff ever since, especially picking around 77 days.


Yeah, that makes me wonder if maybe I chopped that Nikah a little too early or something. She was such an OMG-leaner as far as the plant morphology was concerned and she looked pretty “done,” too, with the crispy leaves all over the place and the withered pistils and stuff. But man, that come-up was about as white-knuckle as you could get, very “edgy,” not pleasant at all haha.

I wonder if I would’ve let her go for a couple more weeks, maybe it would’ve been more enjoyable smoke. I’ll have to remember that whenever I get around to planting more of those seeds. I’m not in any rush to do that, though haha…

Just outta curiosity, do you “loupe” the trichs on that TK (or anything else) before you chop? I follow your thread (duh! haha), but I can’t remember if you’ve ever mentioned, you know,”10% amber,” or whatever. Interested to know (if you know) a ballpark ratio of amber:clear/cloudy when you pull that TK at eleven-ish weeks.


Yeah I always do. Made this :arrow_down: specifically for TK :joy:
She looks done around 9 weeks but she doesn’t seem to get to even 10% amber by 70 days for me. Need 75+ to get any appreciable amount. 77 days is somewhere in the 10-20% range I think.


I consider myself prone to Cannabis induced / exacerbated anxiety and TK hasn’t set any of that off as of yet for me. Think it probably has a lot to do with individual body chemistry, how it makes you feel, and what sort of “triggers” lead to anxiety for you as an individual. If anything TK genetics seem to have anti-anxiety properties for me.

I actually really liked my early harvested TK and may even prefer it to the 77+ day flower too. The earlier stuff feels slightly more euphoric with a stronger focus boost effect for me. Later harvested stuff is more potent and a more full experience though for sure, but both are good in my eyes.

I don’t think so, no. Shorter duration doesn’t really bother me as I can always re-light. Like I said what brings on anxiety in some people is calming to others.

I’ll take pictures of the trichomes around day 60 this run provided I can keep them healthy and happy.


Some days I still wonder if we have the same exact cut or not :sweat_smile: Are you getting ambers before 70 days on her? My only gripe with picking her before 70 days is it really shortens the duration in my experience. She get’s towards Cookie level duration and definitely more prone to anxiety like effects for me sub ~9 weeks… That other fake cut I ran tho was amber af by 63 days and was better earlier than later.

Well that’s good. I also hear that for when I’m at home, but I can’t just relight when i’m at work. Mandated breaks and whatnot :roll_eyes: so the effects from any plant I keep have to last at least ~2hrs for me or it’s not worth it.


Yeah, I remember when you posted that meme for the first time, cracked me up. It still makes me laugh. It’ll never fail to make me laugh haha.


Hollywood Pure Kush (HPK) x SkyCuddler Double Kush - Freeborn Selections

Had some time this weekend to get everything transplanted, still awaiting the results for the three in the bottom right corner in solo cups. I think two are male, and one is female, but I’ll find out next week and get them transplanted or culled depending on what they show. I may actually keep the tallest one if it turns out to be male, it seems the most vigorous out’ve the bunch. The 8 plants in the back are all female, the seven up front are un-sexed. Vegging a little longer and time to flip… I’m not concerned with yield, I just need plants big enough to clone and sample some buds.

I did transplant four males in to one pot and gonna let them duke it out. I may cull one or two if they under perform. Going to veg for a little while longer and flip them.

I also have a group of males outside, same deal, gonna let them duke it out and see which comes out on top. Hopefully they even make it to flower… pretty late in the season here… on the plus side, I’ll get to see which can handle the rainy and cold weather the best outside. The timing may not work out to pollinate the females inside, with the male pollen from outside, we’ll just see what happens.

So far everything seems pretty easy-going. I did throw the two runts outside, hoping mother nature takes care of them… if they rebound, I may clone them.

LA Pure Kush

She’s definitely bushing out! Wanting to spread out instead of shoot up. She’s got a little stretch going, but not too much so far. There’s still time though… just starting to flower.

Chem 91 SkVa

Looking a little better, still rough around the edges… nowhere near as happy as the LA Pure Kush. Still should get some OK flower… need to topdress both of these SIP early next week.

Tahoe OG

Looking really good for a coco run! I’ve been reading up on crop steering with irrigation methods, and trying to emulate some of what’s going on. You really need fancy moisture sensors to detect how much moisture is in your medium, so you can target a dry back point before you water again, but I don’t have the funds nor need for that right now. I do find it fascinating though… right now I just started watering both of the Tahoe in coco twice a day, with about 10% run off. I’m using Jacks 321, I’m slightly increasing EC as I go… so far they’re handling like a champ and looking like some of the healthiest coco plants I’ve grown to date.

Sunflowers opened up! I really like how this variety is multi-headed… I can’t wait for the other heads to open too. Honeybee is doing work!

We had a thunderstorm blow through last night… a rare thing for Portland. I’ve only heard it thunder a handful of times since being here, but we got a few good claps in last night… reminded me of being back in NC and having huge storms blow through in the summer, and the unbearable humidity afterwards… just enough of a reminder to be glad it doesn’t happen here often :slight_smile:


Hollywood Pure Kush (HPK) x SkyCuddler Double Kush - Freeborn Selections

It’s about time to top and clone everything. That’s on the to-do list for tomorrow. Not looking forward to keeping 11+ clones alive, but hopefully I’ll be able to make some selections and whittle that number down a bit. There are some standout females in terms of growth/vigor. The one in the third row back, third plant from the left is kicking ass. There’s another in the very back row, second plant from left, that has a nice structure and stem rub. There’s also two that I’m thinking of culling… they’re finicky and have a weird leaf twist going on… gotta select the best.


Tahoe OG - 1 gallon coco - EC 2.1 - Jacks 321ish - feeding three times a day now.

LA Pure Kush - this plant is a beast! It’s taken over the whole quadrant of the tent. Top dressed with some craft blend and compost today. She’s shot up a good bit, never mind all that stuff about not stretching :sweat_smile:

Chem 91 SkVa - getting buried back there!

Different pheno of sunflower - like the coloration on this one. Bees love it too!

Salvia Divinorum

Strawberry Ethiopian

Pretty happy with how this run is shaping up… probably just jinxed it!

Hope everyone has a good week :grin:


Oh yeah the LAPK stretches haha, it seems
to always pick a main top that goes higher than the others. Ive got another one entering flowering now and its just such a lucious healthy easygrower for me. Definitely needs staking though.

Yeah 11 clones is a lot! Ive been thinking of trying to keep cuts in the fridge for a month or two and then root the ones that I like. A bit riskier, but easier on the maintenance and you dont waste time rooting plants you dont like. Can always reveg too if that fails.


91 probably be fine back there :joy: happened to me the last time I ran her.

Ooh salvia! Yours is looking good out there! I tried putting mine outdoors but she struggled with the RH. Lost my Wasson cut last year. Are you gonna bring her inside come fall/winter or?


You can also take a clone mid flower and let it reveg… that way you slow their growth down, and by the time you harvest and test them out, the clones should be pretty much back in veg mode…


Yup have done that before too. Ive had a plant here and there that struggles to get out of flowering but most will.


That one in the second row all the way to the right looks kinda promising, too, with the lanky growth and wider internodes and stuff. Might be a pain once you flip and she starts stretching, but I like the looks of that one.

Yessssssss… haha.


Test post - looks like the 10MB limit was removed on images? Anyone know the new limit? I don’t like the one image at a time, but, what can you do??

Yeah, i like those as well, there’s actually two plants in one pot because I ran out of soil.

Yeah! I’ve never tried smoking it, nor chewing the leaves… i need to look up the process. I dunno if I’m gonna bring inside, there’s PM on all the trumpet vine and oak leaves near the plant, gonna think on it. Salvia doesn’t seem to have any though…

Yeah, I’m thinking she will pull through and come out alright… just head stash anyways…

Yeah, i hope they all make it, only one is looking sad right now. If i had some fridge space i would do that, but I’m already taking up a drawer with seeds and shit, my girl said no more!

Excited to try the LAPK, she’s an easy grower, no doubt!


What’s the strain in the pic bud? My stoner brain wouldn’t allow me to find it, but man is she gorgeous!! @iamyou_youareme



Server is still downscaling and compressing the images - 151 kb :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I understand why they do it though.


You could always do what I did and just buy a second fridge haha… Maybe put it down in the basement with your grow stuff or out in the garage or something.


The strawberry is looking great, nice color. it doesn’t always grow that dense and is fairly finnicky with a tendency to get pale. That looks like it will stack up nicely.

and the salvia is looking much better than it does in my garden.

Salvia thrives in conditions where most plants would simply rot from the amount of moisture, so it has unusually good resistance to fungal infections.

You could probably pick a couple healthy tips and safely bring it in that way. It clones really easily, cut it with a straight blade not scissors and just stick it in a beer bottle. It will start to root in 4 days or so, and puts out thick matted roots after a week or so.