Terp testing group resource Purple Pro? Seattle, WA, USA area

Anyone local to the greater Seattle area interested in some sort of shared purchase / sharing arrangement for a Purple Pro?

I do a bunch of pollen chucking and bud comparison in different growing conditions, and would really love to be able to test my results a bit more scientifically. It’s about $2,000 for one of these, so I can’t just snap one up :wink: but I sure do want it.

If some other local folks wanted to go in together somehow that would be amazing. I’m open to all sorts of creative ideas for that. I just want to be able to test several plants every few months.

Mine’s a permitted medical grow so not paranoid about privacy. Local buddies would be lovely in general. PMs welcome.


Fist I’ve heard of this device. Quite interesting!
I’d hope that with a pricetag like that, they’ve done the proper R&D to release such a product.


I hope so too! It looked well documented, and it’s been around a few years now.

It’s legit, I know a few people with them and they have tested them and are found to be reliable for sure.


Thank you! That’s great to hear :star_struck:

Yeah they really did their homework on this machine. I recommend you read how they developed it. It was a clever and pragmatic process.


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