Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Little update!!!
Getting a little leggy but coming along nicely.


Positive I have two females. Short and squat compared to the rest.

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9/27 Progress


looking good guys, :+1:


@anonymous4289 I just got mine today in the mail Thank you @DougDawson it made it safe and sound my friends…


i didn’t know you could tell so soon? or did you not mean the seedlings?

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I think he means that males are often stretchy, while females are often more squat. This is true in general, but ive got males that just got more BLD in them then the females i got. So dont be too fast to judge. :blush::+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Something I’ve done for years. When popping a group of seeds from same genetics I’ve found the shorter of the group are usually (99%) female. There could be a taller growing female in the bunch but males will almost always be taller then the females much earlier.


I am still impressed by the germ rates…sounds like a huge improvement man


same. high germ rates and quick growth, at least i think so.

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Potential Testers: There are 5 US spots open and 3 Canada/Elsewhere spots open. If you think you qualify, answer the 3 questions in the first post and we’ll go from there. :+1:


They have a nice blue chem /OG smell on the rubb right now, I might end up starting a few more but for now I got 2 going and there both looking good, I thought I started 3 but the third one was an auto I started about a day before.

I’ll post some more pics here in a few days once I get around to repot them into something bigger than a solo cup.


@Forest_Organic Are they BLD or NLD leaning?

Pz :v:t2:

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? i don’t know what that means.

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Same I was gonna ask but I wanted to see if I could figure it out first lol.

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I think my 2 are BLD leaning Lonely, based on previous posts. What do they stand for though?

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Got mine. thank you @anonymous4289 @DougDawson


Classification of cannabis growth structure and effect, BLD (Broad Leaflet Drug) or NLD(Narrow Leaflet Drug). Since some BLDs can have a “high” effect and some NLDs can have a “stone” effect. There is a some problem using the Indica/Sativa classification. Heres a paper about it If you are curious:

Pz :v:t2:


Interesting, i thought that the NLD leaning Chem Fuego would dominante the traits, i cant wait until the seeds get to me and I can start all 10 plants and see what i get :grin:. Hopefully there are some that are leaning towards the Chem Fuego side :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:

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I can say one is very broad leaf and the other is kinda 50/50, if that helps. Hope you get a good one lonely.

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