Testers: Blueberry Diesel

i think either way you’ll find something special. i’m curious to see how the cherry west bx in the blueberry pie cross expresses itself.

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@Forest_Organic from 2 plants it sound nice to see some variety.

Im sure I will! Do you got some pics of the parents? Im just curious :blush:

Pz :v:t2:

4 US spots and 2 uk/elsewhere still open.

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Was raining heavily here in the uk yesterday so I had some spare time to pick some supplies up early. Managed to get 4 into coco. Let’s see how quickly they get above ground. :v:


Raining in UK? What a shocker :rofl::heart:

Looking good my man!

Pz :v:t2:


Three of three are doing great.


Little update!! Things are coming along nicely. Probably up pot them the end of this week. Definitely two females. Might cull the rest. @anonymous4289 do you want me to flower out all of them or care if i ditch the males this soon. I can’t flower the males but I can put them into flower and see if there is a tall female. Up to you bro.


Wonderful small kiddie winkles! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Pz :v:t2:

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do whatever you want with them man. i think it’s way too soon to tell the males and females apart though


If they were all different genetics I’d agree. I’ve found that when germinated at the same time with same genetics 99.8% of the time the females are the shorter of the bunch.
I will mark the ones I think are female and sex them all. See if my theory is still correct. :sunglasses:


I would agree for a filial cross, but ive had other experience with poly hybrids. They can be vastly different within the same genepool sometimes.

Pz :v:t2:


4 out of 4 above the medium.

The autoflower in the middle is a creme caramel from sweetseeds. I figured while I veg the BBD out I’d stick her in with them.


Had a bit of bad luck… Plants took a bit of a hit. PH drifted to a 6.7 in my res without me knowing it. Work and life have been hectic and I got complacent with my res and wasnt checking daily when watering. Though it’s never once drifted on me like it did and it’s usually very stable. Needless to say the plants are a bit rough right now and are stunted. Gave them a thorough flush with very light nutes at 5.8 yesterday and going to not water until my cups lighten up since theyre on the unhappy side. I do apologize @anonymous4289.


Happens to the best of us. This is a stress test anyways so this will test them for sure.


It happens man it’s early in their life, they will bounce back.


A lot to like in this thread.
All outta likes for today.
Be back with some likes. :star_struck:

Oh, nice work all you testers… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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would you like to be a tester? PM me if you’re interested.


Very kind, but I was actually contemplating copying your tester thread template…if that is ok with ya that is???

I really like how you went about things and I believe it would make a good model.

I have a bunch of stuff to sift through and after reading the whole thread in one sitting, I thought…Dam that is pretty slick, @anonymous4289 has a dam good thing going here…I wonder if that would work for me.

Now don’t get me wrong I am interested in how your “BD” turns out, cause it does sound killer…so I will be lurking in the shadows… :alien:

Thanks again for the offer. :slightly_smiling_face:
Good luck



cool man. the only problem i have with setup is that i can no longer update and edit my first page after editing like 50 times i think. so there are more names and status’ i can’t add on / edit. i PM’d @LemonadeJoe but never got a response, so i just have to edit on a seperate notepad , although i really hope i’ll get a response from him soon. i really like the setup, as the normal way is a bit too messy for me.

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I think he needs to make a page a wiki???
Can you find someone to help with that…I know you don’t work here…but ya’ll is connected…LOL

I think that is what he needs.
Doug helped me when I first got here, and showed me the ropes so to speak.
What you needed to do was make it permanently editable…aka wiki.
This site is set up pretty cool like that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh, and thanks in advance @DougDawson :sunglasses:

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