Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Update. 2 female, one male and one still yet to show. :v:


Flippin’ today 11/3. Plants have filled out their 3gs. Got roots poppin out the bottom of their containers. I think it’s time to get the ball rolling! :sunglasses:

Two of the plants have been very weepy this entire veg cycle kind of funny expressions coming out here. It’ll be interesting to see what they do!

Switching over to Athena bloom now and will be feeding at 3ec from here on out. Going to be trying out an 11 on 13 off light cycle.

Hope everyone is having a great week!


They look beautiful bro. Nice and healthy. :+1:


@anonymous4289 Looks like you have some very nice offspring growing on all over the world. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Shits getting real now. They look great


Thank you appreciate the words! I think we are all in for a treat with these… the smells are great and they’re not even in flower. I think this one is gonna be good.


100% agree. I’m thinking once these are done and we get good results that I “may” do a small feminised run with them if that’s OK with @anonymous4289. They will be for my own personal use. :v:


Final plant showed today. 3 females from 4 plants. :+1:
While I had them out of the tent I stripped all the lowers that were not receiving adequate light.


Update: 15 days since starting germination and the seedlings look to be sprouting their first true leaves. Looks like this will be the first day of veg and the beginning of the Veg cycle :triumph:. In about 2-3 weeks I’ll up pot them and assess how the root zone is doing. Seedlings all look healthy. Some floppers, but no runts. I don’t use support because I figure once the stems are strong enough I will have transplanted before then and the tops will adjust as needed. For now they can grow as they please and I will hide the stringy stems later.


Well, the one that was struggling didn’t make it. She just never stood up from the coco. The other 3 are doing nicely, even the one that was being lazy had started to stand up


Got 4 germinating right now, gonna veg for ~2 weeks. 1 gallon pots peat(with lime) perlite maxigro/bloom silica.


I only ran 2 this round. The BLD type one I kept for it’s smell was indeed a female, and my lights don’t come on till about 6, so I’ll upload a new pic once I can get in there.

I repotted it into a 3G pot of soil, an stuck it into my 4X4 tent for flower about 2 weeks ago, so far it has been pretty easy to care for but I will need to train her a little bit.


One strong, two doing ok an one struggling


Things are moving along… few leaves on a couple of the plants showing a little funky. Usually let my ph hang between 5.9 and 6.1 during flower but I’m thinking it’s not my PH. Added some soluble seaweed to the mix to see how the plants react. Thinking it may be -K- def. but I could be wrong. It’s not bad but I’ll keep my eyes open. Otherwise the plants are looking pretty good.


images (7)

Let’s Gooo


Bud sites a plenty. Threw a net in and stripped more lowers. Considering I’ve been abroad for a week and had a family member just dump water into the tray to feed them they look surprisingly decent.


I love to travel and have to get a member of the fam to do this for me time to time. It’s hit or miss. Last time I came back to my cloner having no water in it ( it’s a sprayer and they didn’t align the top and bottom so water slowly came out). I was able to save a clone or two but the member does the best they can.

Go anywhere interesting? My last trip was to Turkey the next one is my wife’s pick, Iceland.

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Just a week in Lanzarote. Went away with a friend for his birthday. Was all inclusive so obviously our livers took a battering. Didn’t get to see many sites to be honest as most nights we got to bed around 4am and slept most of the day time away. Think I’ve got less of a tan than I had before I left :sweat_smile:
Found a few cannabis clubs over there but it’s mostly high cbd stuff they sell so I just abstained from weed for a week. Friend doesn’t smoke anyway.


Thanks for the chance to get these Seeds dirty.
For starters your working with two flavours that make me Stop instantly, and at the same time I’ve never grown a Diesel or a BlueBerry.
I am also filling select spots in the Ground for next Spring, and I can Commit to giving it a good ride next Summer. That ride will be in the Peoples Republic of Ontario…

Thanks again Anon


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