Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Looks like you get a suspended user in the UK bud. May want to take them off your list.

1 Like

PM me your shipping info and we’ll go from there


Day 27 since germination and they all look great. A few are even standing up on their own without my help! They are growing their second set of leaves and are on auto pilot from here on out with me giving them about 4-6 ounces of water each once a week. I dropped the light from 36 to 24 inches above the canopy now that they are getting older and more resilient to being burned. That’s it for now :grin::+1:t3:.


Hey everyone, There are plenty more spots for testers. Blueberry Diesel aka (blueberry pie x chem fuego). Spots open for US, Canada, and elsewhere. Answer the three questions and we’ll see if you qualify.

  1. Why do you want these seeds?
  2. When can you start them? (be honest)
  3. Where are you from, US or Canada or elsewhere?

Thanks again for making this one possible, I popped the whole pack and they are now starting to come through. They’re under a t5 on 20/4 schedule, went with a wet tissue germination and now potted in to reused coco.


Absolutely missed your message
To that I apologize, sorry

“Will not happen again”


Day 11 of Flower:

:warning:Fair Warning:warning:
This post may be a bit longer than usual and more pictures than usual.

Over the last few days all plants are definitely showing sex. out of 8 I have 4 males and 4 females.

I have not topped or trained in any way. Other than a couple defoliations I’ve left the plants to do what they want naturally.

Today I took every one out of the tent so I could get a nice close look at them individually as well as clean up lowers and defol. Smells on each are all over the place right now and I’m smelling a wide variety… Pine, Fuel, Vomit, Menthol, and citrusy notes. All are pretty pleasant and fairly loud. I was painting my garage (new grow room) yesterday and when my lady opened the door from the house and I had a holy shit moment when I got punched in the nose with pure dank! :fire:


Right after a pretty hefty defoliation.

Here are some pictures of the plants individually…

After talking with Anonymous and asking permission I’ve decided to turn this into a seed run to F2s since I’ve been a bit of a seed making fool lately. I will be keeping the males in until about week 5 and pulling them to collect their pollen. Exciting times and I can’t wait to get to the finish line.

That’s all for now since this is long already!

Happy Sunday folks!


very nice man, thanks for the update. i love the smell descriptions.


:boxing_glove: :boxing_glove:


All I’m getting smell wise when I open the tent is straight up fuel but when I give the stems a rub the sweet smell comes through.
They don’t mind having their leaves stripped to allow more light to penetrate the canopy. Nice and easy to grow.


Absolutely! That’s what we are testing for right?

Definitely would like to see someone put these in the ground next season I have a feeling an outdoor run would be interesting to see. My 3gs got thick with roots in a hurry. These plants would probably kick ass in big containers or in the dirt.


The girls(until I know differently) are ready for their first actual pots from their solos they will go into #1 nursery pots(.75 gal-ish) for a couple weeks then into their big bags (6ish gallon)



  1. I have never grown anything blueberry based, before.
  2. I have an open slot now.
  3. US.




my notification says you edited the wiki, i really hope you left it the way it was.

PM me your shipping info within the next few hours or you’ll have to wait 1 week (tuesday).


so @Rhai88 shared this awesome picture he just made for the blueberry diesel. very cool.


Glad you like it thanks for sharing with all of us!


i just put it in the end of the first post, :+1:


:fire: Right on dude!


Proof of life… 5/5 I like them germ rates

RO water soak with a touch of tribus moved to paper towel after 12ish hours.

Going into sunshine mix number 4. Straight water until they pop there little heads up.


@anonymous4289 I’m getting on the freeway in a couple of hours. Hopefully I packed all of my gear for a closet run.Should be up and running by Monday, seeds in cups is the plan. Never grew at my other crib, so it’s definitely a test run.