Testers: Blueberry Diesel

yeah there is definitely some variety in structure and shape. Smells so far are somewhat similar with stem rubs. Did have one give off a rank vomit smell while going through them last night. Going to send a cut to @DefNSmokn because putrid smells are right up his alley lol. But the main thing for me… the roots! Really growing fast with these plants actually quite a bit faster than I’m used to. I almost guarantee these plants would be excellent outdoors in the ground or in big containers like 15g plus.

Today they are looking a bit unhappy. I went with a heavy defoliation and may have overdone it just a bit (thats what we’re testing for though right?). Some took it better than others. I did turn down the lights a bit and I am getting ready to water right now so hopefully they bounce back after a few days like they did when I last transplanted.

Here they are today some solo shots to give an idea of what they’re doing.


Been under 12/12 for about 5 days now.

Starting to see preflowers forming within the nodes.


Yeah they look like they had a long night haha. I’m sure they will be fine. Good to know about defoliation though.

So we got a vomit pheno lol.


yeah they were definitely on the rough side lol so maybe a little less of a hit all at once with transplant and defoliation. Yes the first time smelling it on anything I’ve grown out. I laughed when I would hear people claim a vomit terp but its there! The rest have more of a piney/menthol smell to me going on. I’ll have to get my lady’s input on smells she has the better nose than I do it seems like.


Were you seeing any pistils before flip? What about smells?


I had to flip after 3 weeks of veg as the grow tent they are in is only a 2x2 so no pistils.
I’ve never really been any good at explaining smells until they have buds but I don’t smell any variation between the 4 plant’s. They all just smell “green” to me at the minute.
I will say they are a lot quicker to grow and easier to look after than straight Blueberry is. I’ll be able to comment more and give more information in a week or two as they start to bud (unless I end up with 4 males :sweat_smile:)


Yeah I knew you were a bit behind myself and @MyLittleGrundle but you are the first to flip. It’s funny you say that about the smells because I was having a conversation with @other_barry the other day about what his tent of everything blueberry was smelling like and he gave the same description you did “green” :laughing:. I do agree with them being quicker they seem to be really fast plants. Looking forward to seeing them down the road for you! I think I’ll give them another week to settle in before I flip.


@anonymous4289 Have you grown out any of these seeds yourself? or were they sent straight out to all of us?

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straight to all of you. i did just start some chem fuego F2s though


Do you have an photo’s of mom and dad? What kind of smells were they putting off?



no photos. blueberry pie female stunk heavily of blueberry and windex. (breaking up some bud for seeds stunk up my whole house, even on the other side of the house.) the chem fuego male was gassy and very strong skunky, also on a female chem fuego it was strong gas and skunk when broken up for a joint.


Right on! They both sound like winners to me and loud is what I’ve been looking for! Last couple runs I did have been great smoke but not that punch you in the face kind of smell I’m looking for. I bet those F2 chem fuego’s will turn out awesome! I’d be interested to see how those go!


Best auto watering system I’ve ever had… lol All jokes aside this run has been especially fun. Mrs. Rhai88 has always enjoyed the hobby which is awesome but she has honestly been taking an extra liking lately. Shes been taking my direction ever since I got a bit hurt at work a couple weeks back. I don’t want to say she’s taken over buts she’s somewhat taken over. lol Anway here’s some of tonight’s action. Threw in Tribus to help with recovery since I sent them to the edge with a Defol and transplant.


How you like the tribus? Recently picked up a bottle, trying to compare it to southern ag.

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It’s damn expensive but it’s the only thing I’d be willing the pay the money for. It’s a game changer and frequency wise I only use it when I start my seeds/clones and at transplant. it calls for weekly use but I don’t use it that much. Seems to really make the roots thrive.

I left the 3 BBD in my slow tent too long and they stretched out. I have now moved them to a tent with better lighting in hopes they fill out.


Update on the BBD, of the 9 that germed 5 made it, 4 nice ones and one runt of the family Ill post pictures this afternoon


Quick update.
Out of 4 plants I’ve got one guaranteed female and one that’s thrown a sac so a male.


2 remaining so :crossed_fingers:they end up female also


Quick update! This is my veg tent. Lotz going on. It’s pretty full I promise their in there. Front let to middle.


The Runt didnt make it.